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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Attorney | CRPS

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Attorney | CRPS Complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS, is a chronic and often permanent pain condition that primarily affects an individual’s arms and legs.  CRPS, sometimes referred to as reflex sympathetic dystrophy, is caused by dysfunction in the central or peripheral nervous systems as well as inappropriate inflammatory responses.  CRPS has several different types of causes, such as major or minor trauma to the arm or leg, such as those that occur in motor vehicle accidents, or slip and falls, or through surgery, stroke or even a heart attack.

Attorney - Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Lawsuits
Every year Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or CRPS afflicts thousands of victims

Learn more about your options for compensation by calling (855) 339-8879.

CRPS is especially dangerous because so little is known about this disease.  The exact cause of CRPS is unknown throughout the medical community, and there are no tests that properly indicate its presence.  There is no cure for CRPS, and failure to diagnose it can cause it to spread to other parts of the body.  It can be caused by very serious injuries, such as broken bones or fractures, but has also been caused by very minor injuries, such as a sprained ankle, or even a paper cut.  What is known is that complex regional pain syndrome is most common between the ages of 20-35, and occurs more often in men than woman. If you have been diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome as a result of an injury or surgery, please call the Downtown L.A. Law Group at (855) 339-8879 for a free consultation.

Symptoms of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Unfortunately, there is no way to test  for CRPS.  Instead, doctors diagnose CRPS after its symptoms persist over a prolonged period of time.  Exacerbating matters, however, is that the failure to diagnose CRPS may cause it to spread to other areas of the body, and treatment is most effective when instituted early.  The symptoms and pains of CRPS are aggravated by stress and other emotional factors. Therefore, it is crucial that people who have suffered any sort of trauma look out for symptoms associated with CRPS.  These symptoms include:

  • A burning or shooting pain, especially in the arm, leg or foot region
  • Fluctuations in skin temperature, i.e. changing from hot to cold often
  • Alteration in skin color, or texture
  • Loss of mobility
  • A disproportionate amount of pain or healing when compared to the type or severity of the injury
  • Changes in hair or nail growth patterns

Since there is no cure for CRPS, pain management has become the primary method of treatment.  This includes pain management drugs, physical therapy, nerve blocks, surgery and topical creams.

Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements

$1.5 MIllion

CRPS Lawsuit


Shoulder Injury

$1.5 Million

Auto Accident

$5.5 Million

Motorcycle Accident


Back Injury

$1 Million

Forklift Accident


Truck Accident

$3 Million

Truck Accident

Developing CRPS following a Spine Surgery

Auto accidents are traumatic events, that can result in serious personal injuries. Slip, trip and fall accident injuries can result in painful back injuries and losses as well. Back and cervical spine injuries are always serious injuries. Most people take for granted their function of their cervical spine, until they experience a back injury first hand after an accident.

Back Surgery and Cervical Spine Surgery

Back injuries are serious injuries that may require additional treatments or surgeries to help stabilize the back. If you have been told that you need surgery to stabilize your spinal column, or have already had a surgery and something went wrong, you need to give our law office a call.

Failed Spinal Surgery

Spinal instability can be seen in the form of a trauma to the spine. These types of injuries can be serious, and can cause a range of instability issues in the neck and back. These instability issues can be in the form of:

  • Pain and deformity of the spine in the future
  • Asymptomatic cervical instability
  • Development of arthritis
  • Compression of the spinal cord

Disc Replacement Fusion – Laminotomy

Disc replacement fusion complications that can be associated with a cervical spine surgery. These complications include:

  • Nerve damage to the spinal cord
  • Implant migration (hardware moved or fractured)
  • Wound infections
  • Pneumonia and lung infections developing after surgery
  • Disc infection
  • Fever
  • CSF fistula
  • Hypertensive crisis
  • Spinal deformity
  • Permanent spinal disability
  • Adult scoliosis
  • Collapsed lung after surgery
  • Reduced lung function after surgery
  • Problems with blood clotting normally after surgery
  • Deep venous thrombosis (DVT)

Spinal Fusion Surgeries Are Not Going to Be 100% Successful – Reasons Surgeries of the Spine Fail

Any time that you need a spinal fusion surgery, it is not going to be assumed to be 100% successful. The note success rate of a spinal fusion surgery is around 60-95% successful. If the spinal fusion surgery is not successful, it is called a failed spine surgery or FSS. The success of the surgery will depend on many factors, including:

  • Skill of the surgeon to correct the problem
  • Region of the person’s pain
  • Past surgeries of the spine
  • Severity of the injury suffered
  • Any postoperative wound infection or complication
  • Failure or defective metallic fixation
  • Diabetic or overweight patient
  • Bone failing to heal and adhere to the fusion
  • Other risk factors

Surgical Spine Surgeries Fail on a Regular Basis

Spinal surgeries can fail because of a number of factors, including:

  • Peridural fibrosis (PF)
  • PF causing fibroblast accumulation and excessive protein deposits in extra cellular matrices
  • Pro-inflammatory cytokines aggravating fibrosis
  • Uncontrolled surgical bleeding during and after the spinal fusion procedure
  • Associated impairment of bladder of bowel functions
  • Motor weaknesses
  • Severe sciatica
  • Progressive neural deficits
  • Recurring problems with the spinal region, even after surgical procedure is performed
  • Risks of necessity for reoperation
  • Cerebrospinal fluid leakage

If this has happened to you, just give our law office a call today. We will talk to you about your next steps, to getting the recovery compensation that you need, to pay for your medical bills and expenses related to the accident.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Attorney CRPS lawsuit lawyer sue compensation injury accident incident
Complex Regional Pain System Lawsuits CRPS is a common product of injuries that are the result of another party’s negligence or fault.  Examples include car or motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice and dog bites.  In these situations, the at-fault party is responsible for your damages.  However, because so little is known about CRPS, and because there is no real accurate method of testing for this disorder, insurance companies and juries are often hesitant to associate this painful disease with the injury.  This is complicated by the fact that CRPS can occur from even the slightest injury and can not only be incredibly painful, but the pain can be quite disproportionate to the type of injury suffered.  Making matters worse is the fact that there is no cure for CRPS and the effects can be permanent. Our personal injury attorneys understand the complications associated with CRPS, and therefore utilize some of the best medical experts to prove that even the most minor injury can cause complex regional pain syndrome.  Most jurisdictions  follow the “eggshell plaintiff” rule that basically states that an at fault party is responsible for all damage to a plaintiff, no matter how small or benevolent their negligence was.

Learn more about your legal options: call (855) 339-8879 to speak with a representative now.

Contact a Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Attorney If you or a loved one has suffered from CRPS as a result of another person’s negligence or actions, you have legal rights, and may be compensated.  Our attorneys will work on recovering the maximum amount of compensation such as:
  • Past medical bills
  • Future medical bills
  • Lost income or earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
Contact our office for a free case evaluation of your  CRPS claim by one of our lawyers at (855)385-2529. Further Information: CRPS – Workers Compensation Claims

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