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Average Value of Loss of Egg or Embryo Lawsuit Lawyers

Average Value of Loss of Egg or Embryo Lawsuit Lawyers sue liability compensation incident

According to the CDC, about 10% or over 6 million of all women of reproductive age (15 to 44) suffer infertility. In couples, one-third of cases are caused by issues in the male, while one-third of cases are caused by issues in the female; the remaining one-third of cases are caused by unknown issues or issues with both the male and the female. In general, infertility can be defined as the inability to get pregnant or stay pregnant.

Many couples – and single parties looking to have children on their own – resort to fertility treatment to reach their goal of becoming biological parents. For many people, fertility treatment is their only option. Because of this, it is even more devastating for prospective parents when something goes wrong and they ultimately cannot have a child.

Did you lose your only chance at having a biological child because of the negligence of a fertility clinic? If so, you may have the right to file a lawsuit; you could be entitled to compensation. If you are considering the possibility of pursuing a loss of embryo lawsuit against your fertility clinic, you may have questions about case value.

Here at our law firm, our lawyers are committed to fighting your rights to the maximum recovery available. Our team has decades of experience and is ready to handle your claim effectively from the start, until we are able to secure the payout that you are owed. If you are ready to speak with our fertility malpractice attorneys, contact us today.

Average Value of Loss of Egg or Embryo Lawsuit Lawyers attorney lawsuit compensation incident
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The Treatments Offered by Fertility Clinics

Some common fertility treatments that may help those dealing with infertility include the following:

  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injections (ICSI)

These are the main treatments; however, there are other procedures that form a part of those treatments. These other procedures can include egg retrievals, surgical sperm retrieval, and embryo genetic testing, for example.

These different treatments allow those who have been or simply are unable to conceive “naturally” the chance at becoming biological parents. Traditional couples who cannot conceive due to medical conditions or their medical history as well as couples of the LGBTQIA+ community who yearn for biological children and creating a family of their own can all resort to these treatment options to create their families.

Unfortunately, fertility treatments do not always work. However, the process can fail – and lead to additional complications – due to the negligence of fertility doctors and fertility clinics.0

Possible Mistakes Committed by Fertility Clinics

Although it is unfortunate, fertility clinics can make mistakes. These mistakes can prevent patients from ever becoming biological parents or can prevent them from having healthy children. Some of these mistakes can include the following:

  • Damaging eggs and/or embryos
  • Destroying eggs and/or embryos
  • Destroying samples
  • Failing to offer genetic testing on embryos
  • Failing to perform genetic testing on embryos as requested by patients
  • Failing to inform patients of the results of genetic testing
  • Fertilizing the egg with the wrong sample
  • Fertilizing the wrong egg
  • Implanting the wrong embryo
  • Losing the embryos or mixing them up with other embryos
  • Not labeling samples and/or embryos correctly
  • Not storing samples, eggs, embryos, etc. at the correct temperatures
  • Using recalled products

These mistakes can lead to losing samples, losing embryos, losing frozen eggs, miscarriage, misdiagnoses, and birth defects, for example.

Many might argue that mistakes happen to anyone, and patients can simply retry; however, some patients just have one chance at this – usually because they have limited eggs or sperm available for treatment. This means that the mistakes of fertility doctors and specialists could prevent patients from ever becoming biological parents.

Recent Examples of Recalls Affecting Products Used for Fertility Treatments

Unfortunately, the negligence of the manufacturers of products used for fertility treatment can ultimately lead to the loss of embryos and prospective parents losing their only chance at having biological treatment. Below, we will discuss these two recent recalls:

  • FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific, Inc. and their Oil for Embryo Culture – the company issued a recall for their Oil for Embryo Culture on January 16, 2023 after fertility clinics complained of the poor performance of the oil. Specifically, the culture oil was affecting the development of embryos leading to the embryos having to be aborted if already implanted or destroyed before implantation.
  • CooperSurgical and their Global Culture Medium – the company issued a recall in late December 2023. According to the recall, there were increased complaints for three product lots. More specifically, the culture media was causing impaired embryo development and the eventual loss of the embryos.
Can I Sue a Fertility Clinic If My Embryos were Damaged because of Their Negligence?

Yes – you could have the right to sue. Whether they made a mistake that damaged your embryo, resulted in the loss of your embryo or other samples, or resulting in birthing a child with severe birth defects, you could have the right to sue. The right to sue is based on the duty of care owed to patients. Fertility clinics (including doctors and nurses) owe their patients the highest duty of care, so they have to do everything to ensure that their actions or lack of actions does not cause any harm. When fertility clinics are negligent and make any mistakes that damage samples, embryos, or cause birth defects, for example, then the fertility clinic could be liable and could be sued.

The Compensation Available for Recovery

If you pursue a fertility clinic negligence claim, you could be entitled to receive compensation. Although every claim is different, you may be eligible to recover compensation for pain and suffering, punitive damages, and more. Our team is fully committed to fighting for the rights of our clients and getting them justice – and, of course, getting them the maximum recovery available for their claims.

What is the Average Value of a Botched Fertility Treatment Lawsuit?

As already discussed, you could have the right to sue if a mistake at your fertility treatment caused the loss of your embryo, lost samples, or any other issues, you could potentially sue and recover compensation. However, you may have questions about the possible value of your claim.

You might have found yourself asking some of the following questions:

  • What determines the value of fertility clinic negligence claims?
  • What is the average value of a loss of egg or loss of embryo lawsuit?
  • What is the average value of a case filed due to fertility clinic mistake or botched fertility treatment?

These are very important questions. It is normal for affected fertility patients who are exploring their legal options to want to know more about what they could potentially be eligible to receive. The average value of fertility clinic lawsuit is based on many different factors – although the most important details include whether the egg was fertilized or not and whether the egg was already implanted. If the egg was not fertilized, average case values can range between $1 million and $2 million. If the egg was fertilized, average case values can range between $2 million and $5 million. If the egg was implanted, average case values can be worth $10 million or more. For a more specific evaluation about the possible value of your claim, contact us today. Our team is more than ready to provide you with the guidance that you need to pursue your claim and reach the payout that you are owed.

Average Value of Loss of Egg or Embryo Lawsuit Lawyers compensation lawyer attorney sue
Recommended Steps to Take

What should I do if my fertility clinic was negligent and made a mistake during my treatment? First and foremost, claimants should be able to prove that there was a doctor-patient relationship, that the doctor/clinic was negligent, and that the negligence resulted in specific damages and harm. Claimants should also gather all relevant evidence, which may include the records of fertility treatment and any communications with the fertility clinic/doctors. Of course, claimants should find a lawyer experienced in fertility malpractice.

Contact the Downtown L.A. Law Group Today

Whether you are looking for information on the average case value of fertility malpractice lawsuits or you are ready to pursue your claim against a negligent fertility clinic, our IVF treatment malpractice lawyers are ready to guide you every step of the way. The experts here at the Downtown L.A. Law Group have decades of experience helping injured victims and their families get justice for the damages that they suffered. If you are ready to explore the legal options available to you, contact us today and benefit from our free legal services. These free legal services include both free consultations and free second opinions – our experts will be available to answer all your questions and address all your concerns ensuring that you have access to all the information that you need to begin or continue your claim. These are available as part of our Zero-Fee Guarantee, which ensures that our clients will not be required to pay any upfront legal costs for any of our legal services. In addition, our team works on a strict contingency structure, so you will not have to pay anything unless your claim is successful.

If you are ready to learn more about the possible value of your IVF clinic negligence lawsuit, contact the experts here at our law firm today. Our team will help you recover the maximum compensation available for your claim!

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