Dog Bite Safety: How To Prevent Dog Bites Against Your Children
Dog Bite Safety: How to protect yourself and your kids from Dog Bites:

Below is important safety information regarding dog bite prevention.
Protect your kids:Children are most at risk of bog bites: According toe the Center for Disease Control (CDC) children between the age of 5 to 9 are more likely than older person to receive medical attention due to dog bites.
Safety Tips for Children: here are a few recommendations from the CDC in decreasing the probability of a dog bite attack against a child.
- Do not approach unfamiliar dogs or other animals
- Do not play with a dog you do not know
- Do not give food or snack to a dog you do not know
- Do not Run or Scream when in the presence of a canine: A Dogs attack instincts may spark up leading to an attack
- If a Dog Approaches Avoid Eye Contacts
- Don’t touch a dog unless he has sniffed you
- If an unfamiliar dog approaches remain silent and do not move; if the dog does not feel in danger he is less likely to attack.
- Roll into a ball of knocked down by a dog: Protect your vital organs and your head and neck by covering them as much as possible with your hands, arms and legs.
- Never play with a dog without parental and or grownup supervision
Always be cautious and observant of the environment in and around your neighborhood and the areas which your kids frequent.
As a parent we always strive to provide the safest possible environment for our kids. One should always be aware and diligent of possible dog dangers in the neighborhood and close to a child school. Many canine breeds are particularly dangerous. If any such breed lives in your neighborhood advise your kids of all the safety measure explained above. Below is a list of dog’s breeds statistically proven to possess dangerous tendencies….
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- Pit bull
- Rottweilers
- German Shepherds
- Huskies
- Alaskan Malamutes
- Doberman Pinschers
- Chow Chows
- Great Danes
- St. Bernards
- Akitas
The Ultimate Guide to Do bite Injuries
– What to do after a dog bite? – Los Angeles Dog Bite Laws – Psychological damages after a dog bite – Pain and suffering compensation – Common Bodily and Emotional Dog Bite Injuries – PTSD Dog Bite Lawsuit – Numbness After a Dog Bite – Beverly Hills Dog Bite Lawyer – Value of a Dog Bite Injury Claim – Riverside county dog bite laws – Puncture Wounds from Dog Bites – Statute of Limitations Dog Bite Injury – Infections from Dog BitesYour own dog place your child at risk
Based on recent data most dog bite against children are dogs which are known to the child and his family. The often include dogs belonging to parents, close friends, family, and co-worker. You can help prevent dog bite against our kids by advising these dog owners of the potential dangers posed by their specific dog breed of dog.
How Can We help. We understand that a serious injury or a death of a family member is tragedy for all loved ones. We offer our skilled Los Angles Dog Bite Injury Lawyers and Dig Bite Wrongful Death Attorneys to represent you in your case. We possess the knowledge and determination to maximize the compensation for your injuries you deserve.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a Dog Attack the contact our Animal Attack hotline (855) 339-8879; a personal injury lawyer will provide you with a free consultation regarding dog bite injuries.
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