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Stevens Johnson Syndrome Attorney | Drug Reaction Lawsuits

Stevens Johnson Syndrome otherwise known as TEN on Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis is a dangerous skin condition often associated with adverse allergic reactions from the taking of pharmaceutical drugs including NSAID’s like Ibuprofen and Advil, and sulfonamides. Adverse drug reactions cause millions of injuries and over 150,000 deaths each year in the United States. If you or a loved one have suffered from Stevens Johnson Syndrome from the taking of over the counter or prescription drug medication contact our Defective Drug Side Effect Attorneys for a free no cost consultation regarding your claim. Our esteemed legal practitioners will provide a full analysis of your claim and determined the best legal course of action so that you can be fully and justly compensated for your loss.

Drugs Which Pose a Danger of Stevens Johnson Syndrome to Users:

Law Firm representing victims of Stevens Johnson Syndrome
A host of dangerous drugs can result in severe allergic reactions including Stevens Johnson Syndrome
According to a report on Medication use and the risk SJS issued by the New England Journal of Medicine “The use of antibacterial sulfonamides, anticonvulsant agents, oxicam NSAIDs, allopurinol, chlormezanone, and corticosteroids is associated with large increases in the risk of Stevens–Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis.”  Some of the most common over the counter and prescription drugs which pose a danger of Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis are as follows:
  • Antibiotics
  • Anticonvulsants including Dilantin and Phenobarbitol
  • SSRI medication including Paxil, Celexa, and Cipram
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications NSAID – including Motrin, Advil, Ibuprofen, Children’s Advil, and Motrin infant drops
  • Advil allergy sinus tablets
  • Topomax and Levequin
  •  COX-2 inhibitors Bextra Valdecoxib,Vioxx Rofecoxib, Celebrex Celecoxib,
  • Accutane and other acne medications
  • Ketek Telithromycin

Explaining Stevens Johnson syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN)

Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis are the result of immune system hypersensitivity reaction resulting from over the counter and prescription medication use. There can be numerous sign of dangerous life threatening allergic reaction to drugs. If you have been taking any drugs and are experiencing any of the symptoms below seek medical attention as soon as possible.

  • Rash, blisters, or red splotches on skin
  • Blistering of the mouth, eyes, ears, nose, and genital region
  • Persistent fever including flu like symptoms including sore throat and a cough
  • Swelling of eyelids
  • Swelling of the tongue
  • Redness of the eyes also referred to as Conjunctivitis
  • Breaking out in hives and shedding of the skin
  • Joint Aches

Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis is more severe form of SJS which may develop in individuals with severe allergic reactions to Pharmaceutical drugs. Approximately 15% to 25% of cases of SHS develop into Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis or (TEN). Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis is diagnosed in patients who’s have developed lesions over more than 30% of their bodies.In the most severe cases SJS and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis will lead to the death of the victim.

Wrongful Death claim – Filing a Lawsuit for the Death of a Loved One:

Loved ones of victims of Defective dangerous drugs may be entitled to monetary compensation from all at fault parties including drug manufacturers and distributors. Different jurisdictions across the country contain differing laws pertaining to who can file a wrongful death action for the death of another person. In these actions, the family members do not sue for the pain and suffering imposed on the deceased, but rather for the harm inflicted upon them as a result of the death, including:

  • Loss of financial support, income or household services
  • Lower quality of life which can include the loss of emotional support and intimate relations
  • Medical and burial expenses

Filing a Defective Drug Claim Against Manufacturers of Dangerous Drugs:

Over the Counter and Prescription drug manufacturers have a duty to provide safe and hazard free products before mass distribution to the general public.  Defective drug claims are extremely complicated requiring legal experience, medical experts and in some instance detailed analysis of millions of pages of data. Generally there are three distinct causes of action in an Defective drug allergic reaction case. (1) Design defect (2) Manufacturing defect and (3) Labeling defect otherwise referred to as failure to warn defect.

  • Design Defect: Under a design defect cause of action a plaintiff’s attorney will have to show the existences of a similar pharmaceutical design which was comparable in manufacturing price but measurably less dangerous than the design put into production.
  • Manufacturing Defect:  Under a manufacturing defect cause of action an attorney representing the victims of the dangerous drug will have to show the court a failure in the manufacturing process of the drug so that the distributed product was markedly different and as a result more dangerous the intended design. In many instances pharmaceutical drug manufacturers will devise cost cutting measures which increase the potential risk of harmful effects to the user.
  • Labeling Defect: A cause of action for labeling defects take place when a drug company fails to place proper warning signs advising users of the known dangers associated with the use of their drugs. In many instances drug companies fail to place warning sings reflective of the danger associated with the use of their drug so as not to decrease the sale of their products.

Compensation for Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) Victims of Stevens Johnson Syndrome are entitled to monetary compensation for the injuries they suffered. A monetary estimated of a settlement or verdict in a SJS lawsuit against drug manufacturers will depend on several factors including

  • Medical Costs including hospitalization and emergency room costs
  • All future medical costs including rehabilitating expenses, and disability care
  • Pain and Suffering including severe emotional trauma and Post Traumatic Stress caused by the allergic reaction
  • Loss of income and future loss of wages
  • Punitive Damage against pharmaceutical drug companies – where possible

Our law firm is able to take on cases across the state of California including Los Angeles, San Diego, and the San Francisco Bay. To contact our Law Firm regarding a claim for Stevens Johnson Syndrome or Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis call (855) 339-8879

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