Avandia Defective Drug Lawsuit Attorney

What is Avandia
Avandia is a diabetes drug that fall into a group of medications known as thiazolidinediones or glitazones. Other types of these medications are Rezulin (recalled by the FDA in 2000) and Actos (also linked to serious heart conditions). Individuals suffering from type II diabetes often cannot produce enough insulin, or their body will not successfully employ the insulin it does create. Avandia works by making users more sensitive to insulin, allowing them to more effectively manage and sustain safe glucose levels.Avandia Side Effects
GlaxoSmithKline had repeatedly indicated that their clinical trials of Avandia demonstrated only mild side effects such as upper respiratory tract infection, headache, back soreness and fatigue. Through independent research and patient use, we have discovered that Avandia produces far more harmful side effects. Serious side effects of Avandia include:- Myocardial Infarction – Heart Attack
- Stroke caused by Avandia
- Heart Failure
- Irregular heartbeat
- Edema
- Unnatural urine
- Abdominal aches
- Loss of bone density and breakage
- Vision loss and macular edema
Avandia Lawsuit Claims
For years, Avandia’s manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline has maliciously withheld potentially damaging evidence of the harmful consequences of the drug. As a result, users of the drug have suffered from serious heart related injuries, and even death. To date, over 50,000 Avandia lawsuits have been filed in both state and federal courts. in 2007, federal Avandia lawsuits were joined in Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) No. 1871, where many cases have settled out of court. GlaxoSmithKline has already paid $60 million to settle 700 cases in May of 2010, and paid another $460 million for about another 10,000 lawsuits soon after . In 2011, Avandia’s manufacturers settled an additional 5,500 wrongful death claims against the company at an estimated $250 million. Below is a timeline of past Avandia news, lawsuits, settlements and claims:May 1999 | United States Food and Drug Administration approve Avandia, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline for patients with type 2 diabetes |
Fall 1999 | In a cover up later discovered by the New York Times, SmithKline Beecham conducts a study that Avandia puts users at risk for heart attacks and is more dangerous than the similar drug Actos |
December 2000 | SmithKline Becham and Glaxo Wellcome merge to form GlaxoSmithKline |
April 2001 | GlaxoSmithKline publishes a flawed and misleading study that indicates that Avandia poses no heart risks. |
December 2005 | Studies indicate degeneration of macular edema for patients using Avandia |
May 2007 | GlaxoSmithKline and FDA warn medical professionals of the potential dangers associated with Avandia. The New England Journal of Medicine reports that Avandia raises the risk of a heart attack by 43%. |
July 2007 | 2 FDA advisory panels advocate that Avandia remain on the market |
September 2007 | Journal of the American Medical Association confirms earlier findings that Avandia increases risk of heart attack by over forty percent |
October 2007 | Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) is created in Pennsylvania merging thousands of federal Avandia lawsuits |
November 2007 | FDA requires black box warning for Avandia. Vote to keep the drug on the market |
February 2010 | U.S. Senate Finance Committee released a report accusing GlaxoKlineSmith of suppressing harmful findings, threatening physicians and critics of Avandia while simultaneously promoting the drug. |
March 2012 | GlaxoSmithKline’s Avandia patent expires |
July 2012 | GlaxoSmithKline pleads guilty to federal charges and agrees to a $3 billion settlement |

Avandia Defective Drug Attorneys
If you or a loved one has suffered injuries as a result of taking Avandia, you should know your rights. The personal injury attorneys at Downtown L.A. Law Group are passionate about fighting big pharmaceutical drug companies that needlessly harm innocent and unknowing victims. Please schedule a free consultation of your rights including receiving compensation for pain and suffering, past and future medical costs, lost wages and loss of earning capacity. Over $1 BILLION Recovered
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