Hughes 369 Accident Helicopter Crash Attorney
Hughes Helicopters rose to prominence in the 1950s as a manufacturer of military and civilian helicopters. These include the Hughes 369, a lightweight utility helicopter ideal for business and personal needs, as well as military missions. When Hughes was acquired by McDonnell Douglas in 1984, the model was renamed the MD 500, though many people still refer to them as the 369. Lightweight and easy to fly, these vehicles are popular among aviation enthusiasts, but that sadly makes them prone to crashes and other accidents. If you are the victim of a Hughes 369 helicopter crash, the law allows you to seek monetary damages for your injuries. The attorneys of DTLA Law Group will fight for your rights and make sure you receive compensation from the responsible parties.
Hughes 369 Crash HistoryHughes began manufacturing their 369 helicopters in the 1960s, and there have been no shortage of crashes and other accidents since then. The tail rotor malfunctioning is one of the most common causes for Hughes 369 crashes. Engine failure is another cause that’s been noted over the years, especially during snowy or icy conditions.
Even in bad weathers, modern helicopters should be equipped with features that make them safe as possible under conditions like snow and ice. The Hughes 369, for example, comes equipped with two features called Engine Failure Warning and Engine Automatic Re-ignition, which must both be on during inclement weather. Not having both systems on and working properly has led to 369 crashes in Alaska, Oregon, and the U.K., among many other locations. The reason for this failure may be carelessness by the pilot, mechanical failure, or improper maintenance by the registered owner.
Regardless of who is at fault, it’s your legal right to sue for compensation if you were injured in a Hughes 369 helicopter crash. Sometimes the people inside walk away safe, but there have been far too many cases of serious injuries such as severed limbs, paralysis, traumatic brain injury, and even death. These injuries, by the way, happen no matter how high or low you are from the ground. In fact, the majority of accidents take place right after takeoff, yet still result in life-altering injuries for passengers and bystanders.
Without adequate funds, it’s very difficult to recover from these injuries, both physically and mentally. Speak with one of our helicopter injury lawsuit attorneys to receive the full compensation you deserve.
Types of Helicopter Crash InjuriesNews outlets usually focus on helicopter crash fatalities, since those are the worst type of injuries. But there are many other injuries you can sustain from a Hughes 369 crash. These injuries include, but are not limited to:
- Ruptures or punctures to your internal organs
- Broken or fractured bones
- Traumatic brain injury
- Coma
- Permanent scarring and disfigurement
- Third degree burns
- Spinal cord damage
- Loss of function or paralysis in your limbs
- Severed body parts or amputation
- Death
Depending on the number of passengers, the rate of deaths and injuries can be overwhelming and not something these companies should get away with. But it’s not just passengers that can be hurt. Bystanders are frequently injured in helicopter crashes if the pilot is forced to land on a street, park, or some other public area. Last, but not least, are cases of environmental damage when explosions from the helicopter lead to wildfires.
With the possibility of so much harm to individuals, structures, and even the environment, it’s critical that we bring the responsible parties to justice. Please call the Hughes 369 accident lawyers of DTLA and start your claim for compensation.
Liability is the responsibility that a person or company has towards your safety and well-being. In the case of a helicopter manufacturer, they are responsible for making sure the aircraft is in good condition and safe under all the applicable conditions. Doing so requires regular safety evaluations and routine maintenance to check for things like defective parts, puncture resistant engines, and sound electrical connections.
In the case of Hughes helicopters, the responsible party would be McDonnell Douglas, since they acquired Hughes in 1984. Along with the manufacturing of new 369s, McDonnell Douglas must ensure the safety of old, refurnished aircrafts. Unfortunately, there have been a good number of 369 crashes throughout the years, for reasons ranging from engine failure to fuel tank explosions.
However, there may be others who are liable for your injuries, aside from the manufacturer. Most 369s nowadays are owned by private aviation companies servicing businesses and private individuals. They have a duty of care to their passengers and failing to take certain measures is a form of negligence. If an aviation company or one of their pilots is directly responsible for your injuries, then we can go after them as well. Call the DTLA Law Group today and start your helicopter crash injury claim today.
Compensation You Can Receive From Your LawsuitPeople are generally aware of monetary settlements for things like medical bills, but there are several types of compensation you can receive as a Hughes 369 crash victim. If we represent you, we will fight for:
- Medical expenses for counseling, physical therapy, surgery, etc., for current and future treatments.
- Lost wages right after your accident and wages you stand to lose in the future as a result of your injury.
- Pain and suffering for debilitating emotional trauma like PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
- Wrongful death expenses (funeral costs, medical bills, and estimated loss of income, inheritance, etc.) if your family member was killed in a Hughes 369 accident.
We may also request punitive damages, which is an additional award on top of your settlement. This is a special form of compensation awarded in cases where the defendant’s actions were especially harmful. To see if your case qualifies for punitive damages, speak with an attorney experienced in handling helicopter accident cases.
We’ve talkedabout those who are injured, but what if your family or loved one is killed in a Hughes 369 helicopter crash? Your loved one’s death may have left you with expensive legal bills, funeral expenses, and loss of income for many years to come. You may also be struggling with grief and other mental health issues that require on-going therapy. According to the law, you are a victim as well and are eligible to take legal action against the responsible parties.
As the survivor, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against McDonnell Douglas. Your compensation claim can include a variety of expenses, including:
- Funeral costs
- Medical bills incurred by your loved one as a result of the accident
- Pain and suffering to help you deal with PTSD and other forms of emotional trauma
- Loss of expected income or inheritance
Depending on your relation to the victim, you may also qualify for loss of consortium. To put it simply, loss of consortium refers to the comfort, support, and companionship you no longer have as a result of your loved one’s death. In some cases, a spouse may also sue for losing out on the ability to have children with the deceased person. But this is only the most basic description of loss of consortium, which varies from case to case. The attorneys of DTLA can explain this to you in more detail so that you can receive the highest award possible.
You should also seek legal advice if you are the brother or sister of a helicopter crash victim. In order to sue McDonnell Douglas for wrongful death compensation, your deceased sibling must not have any surviving children. Additionally, both your sibling’s parents must have passed away. The only exception to these rules is if you’re the executor of the victim’s estate. In this case, you are suing on behalf of the estate so any funds that are awarded belong to the estate. As the executor, you will be charged with disbursing the funds according to the will or the court’s decision in the absence of a will.
Wrongful death suits are difficult to file, and any mistake can cause your claim to be dismissed or reduce the amount you could have received. The wrongful death lawsuit lawyers of DTLA will make sure that your lawsuit is filed properly, in a timely manner.
Statute of Limitations
Even if you have clear, irrefutable proof of your injuries, there is a limited amount of time in which you can file a personal injury claim. In California, a helicopter crash lawsuit must be filed within 2 years from the date you were injured. There are some exceptions to this rule, including:
- You were a child at the time of the accident.
- You were physically or mentally unable to file a lawsuit
- You were temporarily out of the state or country where the injury occurred.
These are not common exceptions, and most victims lack the circumstance to bypass the 2-year rule. On the one hand, this may seem like a generous amount of time. But if you really think about it, two years goes by much faster than you think. If you’re struggling with long-term injuries, medical bills, and mental counseling, those years could slip by even faster.
The best course of action is to speak with an experienced Hughes 369 crash lawyer right away. Coming to us while things are still fresh in your mind will help us to give you the best legal advice possible. You will also have time to think about what we said and make an informed decision regarding a lawsuit for your injuries.
The Attorneys of DTLA Law Group
While the law is on your side, making the responsible parties pay is easier said than done. That’s especially true in the case of big businesses, which are known for brushing off claims or tricking victims into low settlements. Please take advantage of all your legal rights and options by speaking with one of our Los Angeles helicopter crash attorneys.
You have nothing to lose by coming in for a consultation, which is completely free. During that time, we will discuss the facts in your case, the extent of your injuries, and the types of compensation we can request. Even if you decide not to proceed with a lawsuit, we are happy to provide you the legal advice you need in order to make an informed decision. But please don’t let fear of expensive legal bills discourage you from filing a claim. Our Zero fee guarantee operates on a contingency fee basis, so you pay nothing until your case is resolved. At that point, it’s the liable parties who pay our fee, not you. And if we don’t win your case, you still pay nothing and we eat the costs.
In short, there is no obligation to you, no matter what you choose. Call us today and get started on a helicopter crash accident claim today.
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