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Airbus 350 Accident Airplane Crash Attorney

Airbus 350 Accident Airplane Crash Attorney lawyer sue compensation lawsuit incident

Known as one of the world’s most spacious aircrafts, the Airbus 350 has provided passengers a luxurious flying experience since 2015. With its wide cabin space and high-end amenities, flying on an Airbus 350 is something many people dream about. However, these dreams can turn into nightmares when mechanical or human error leads to a plane crash. From cabin fires to engine failure, the Airbus 350 has seen its share of serious accidents, along with victims who have filed suit against the manufacturer. Have you or a loved one been injured in an Airbus 350 crash? If so, the lawyers of DTLA are ready to fight for your compensation. Call us and speak to an airplane crash attorney today.

Airbus 350 Safety Concerns

In spite of its reputation for luxury, Airbus is known for taking cost-saving shortcuts that compromise the safety of their passengers. Recently, Airbus backed out of a contract with Qatar Airways, who complained about cracking and peeling paint on the newest Airbus 350 models. According to Qatar, the peeling paint exposed insulation that protects the plane from lightning strikes. Airbus dismissed Qatar’s complaints and withdrew their contract, in spite of Qatar pleading with them to address these “serious and legitimate safety concerns.”

Qatar’s complaints are understandable, as the 350s supplied by Airbus are meant for international flights. Weather patterns can change from one region to another, making anti-lightning protection a crucial safety feature. Though Airbus admits the paint issues need to be addressed, they insist it’s not a safety issue. The two companies are locked in a $6 billion legal dispute, but this is about much more than loss of income for either organization. Plane accidents happen for a variety of reasons that stem from the manufacturer, and even minor flaws like chipping paint can cause an aircraft to malfunction.

Critics have accused Airbus of putting their image and profits over people’s lives. While Qatar Airways has suspended the operation of their Airbus planes, that doesn’t mean other airlines will follow suit. It’s concerning to think of the injuries and fatalities that may occur as a result of Airbus’s decision.

While this design flaw was caught by Qatar Airways, many defects are ignored of go unnoticed until a serious accident occurs. These flaws would have been caught if the company chose to fix them, even at a loss to themselves. Sometimes, improper maintenance is to blame when airlines prioritize increasing the number of flights over the lives of their passengers.

If you are the victim of, or lost a loved one in an Airbus 350 crash, call us today for a free consultation. We look forward to representing you and winning the settlement you need to move forward with your life.

Injuries from Airplane Crashes

Fatality is the first type of injury most people associate with airplanes. However, the vast majority of airplane crashes result in non-fatal injuries, which are still very serious. These injuries include, but are not limited to:

  • Broken bones
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Punctured or ruptured organs
  • Burns
  • Severed limbs
  • Neck and spinal cord damage
  • Coma
  • Paralysis
  • Traumatic brain injury

Some of these are life-long conditions that result in permanent disability. Others, like scars and disfigurement, are permanent reminders, making it hard for victims to put the incident behind them. We also have to think about the families of these victims, who will have to take care of them and lose out of the income they could have earned. A compensation award from the responsible parties can help with things like medical costs and lost wages, and prevent families from slipping into poverty. Contact the Airbus 350 accident lawyers of DTLA and let us recover the compensation you deserve.

Airbus 350 Accident Airplane Crash Attorney lawyer compensation lawsuit incident sue
Is Airbus Liable for My Accident?

Airbus is legally responsible for the safety of their passengers, and they are liable if their negligence results in a plane crash. Airlines using Airbus 350 planes can also be liable for passenger injuries, which is why Qatar Airways has currently grounded their Airbus 350s. Should there be a crash or other accident that can be directly linked to the paint, Airbus should be mandated to compensate their victims.

Airbus crashes can happen for many other reasons, such as mechanical flaws, defective parts, and electrical fires. In order to sue Airbus in a personal injury lawsuit, you must prove that an issue with the aircraft was the direct cause of your accident. You must also prove that Airbus knew about the problem, or that they should have known about it (through proper maintenance, pilot training, etc.).

The Airbus 350 can seat 300 to 350 passengers at a time, and with so many lives at stake, any type of negligence by Airbus is unacceptable. If Airbus has breached their duty of care and safety to you or your loved ones, our lawyers can help you sue Airbus for your loss.

Compensation from an Airbus 350 Crash Lawsuit

While there’s no universal amount for an Airbus 350 crash settlement, there are clear rules on what types of compensation you can sue for. In your case, we will work to recover the following:

  • Medical expenses for hospitalization, surgeries, physical and mental therapy, etc., for current and future treatments.
  • Lost wages from job loss or leave starting from the date of your injuries and into the future.
  • Pain and suffering for PTSD, depression, anxiety and other forms of long-term emotional trauma.
  • Wrongful death expenses for the death of a family member or loved one.

We’ll talk more about wrongful death claims in the next section. For now, let’s go over another form of compensation known as punitive damages. This is an extra amount of compensation on top of your regular award. It’s normally reserved for cases of gross negligence, meaning the defendant’s actions led to excessive levels of harm. Punitive damages are difficult to win without the skill of a knowledgeable attorney. To learn about all the types of compensation that are available to you, contact our Los Angeles law firm today.

Wrongful Death Claims

Wrongful death claims are filed by the victim’s family or loved ones, who will need to prove that the victim’s death was a direct result of someone’s actions or inaction (negligence). The claimant may be the victim’s wife, or perhaps their children. It could even be the parents, or the victim’s brother or sister.

As the surviving loved one of an Airbus 350 crash, there are various types of compensation you can receive from the responsible parties. These include:

  • Funeral expenses
  • Loss of inheritance and/or expected savings
  • Medical bills prior to the victim’s death
  • Pain and suffering

There are other forms of compensation we can request depending on your circumstances. One of these is “loss of consortium,” which is the loss of love, companionship, support, and comfort. The exact definition varies on the relationship between the loved one and the deceased individual. In the case of a spouse, for example, loss of consortium may include losing the ability to have children with the deceased person.

We’ve also helped divorced parents who have lost children in plane crash accidents. California only allows the filing of one wrongful death lawsuit by the parents, regardless of their marital status, of if they were never married at all. So only one parent can file the actual suit, but the other parent has a legal right to join the lawsuit. These cases typically involve one parent reaching out to the other parent and offering to let them be a co-plaintiff in the case. If the other parent is not notified, that parent can sue the filing parent for the damages they lost out on.

Of course, many divorced spouses are not on the best terms and reaching out to them may be difficult. This is where our attorneys can help. We will be happy to serve as your representative and speak directly with your former spouse. We will make sure they understand their rights as a co-plaintiff and that all communications are documented regarding their acceptance or refusal of the offer.

Our law firm has also worked with brothers and sisters of airplane crash victims. In California, a sibling may file a wrongful death lawsuit only if the deceased person has no surviving children or grandchildren. Additionally, the parents of the victim must be deceased. Siblings can also file an Airbus 350 crash lawsuit for wrongful death if they are the executor of the victim’s estate. However, any funds from the settlement go directly to the estate, and the executor must distribute the funds according to the will or state law if there is no will.

As you can, this is a complex area of law and requires guidance from an experienced wrongful death attorney specializing in airplane crash incidents. If you have lost a family member or loved one in a plane crash accident, please contact the attorneys of DTLA Law Group.

Statute of Limitations

Following a plane crash, you’re focused on recovering from your injuries, negotiating time off from your job and many other stressful tasks. We know it’s a chaotic time, but please make sure to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney right away. There is a statute of limitations for how long you can sue for compensation after you were injured in a plane crash. That time limit is two years from the date of the accident, and there are very few exceptions to this rule.

For example, if you were underage at the time of the crash, you may ask for an extension past the 2-year date. Or, maybe you were physically or mentally unable to file a claim due to the severity of your injuries. Exceptions have also been made for victims who had to leave the state or country of the accident for an extended period of time.

In short, seeking legal representation right away is your best chance of receiving compensation for your injuries, or for the injuries of a loved one. Even if you qualify for an extension past the 2-year period, your request will be denied if it is not filed properly. The DTLA Law Group will ensure that your claim is filed properly so that you can focus on your recovery.

The Attorneys of DTLA

Most victims know that qualified legal representation is the best way to win their case. Yet, many of them hesitate to call an attorney because of the costs. That’s understandable when medical bills are piling up and you’re not able to work due to your injuries.

Allow us to put your mind at ease with our Zero fee guarantee. Our lawyers work on a contingency fee basis and only receive payment if they win your case. That means you won’t pay a dime for our services, starting with your free initial consultation. There is no cost to you during the litigation either, nor will you pay anything at all if we lose your case. Even if you decide a lawsuit isn’t right for you, we are happy to have educated you on your rights and legal options.

Please don’t wait. Speak to a plane crash accident lawyer today.

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