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Lead Ingestion Case in an Apartment Building Attorney

Lead Ingestion Case in an Apartment Building Attorney lawyer personal injury lawsuit hazard risk trauma

Can I Sue My Landlord If My Kids Ingested Lead at My Apartment Building?

Yes, you can sue your landlord if your children have ingested lead at your apartment building. Children are often drawn to eat paint chips in a building, because small children put everything into their mouths. Children put their fingers, toes and small objects into their mouths as a normal occurrence. This is the way for a child to test and learn about their environment. Some paint in older buildings was supposed to have been taken off of the walls and window sills long ago by law, but many landlords have ignored these regulations. As a result, many children will get into and eat small paint chips.

These paint chips may seem harmless on the surface, but they are actually potentially lethal to a small child. The lead in the paint chips and paint will get into the child’s small body, and the toxins in the lead will slowly poison the child. The lead in a person’s body is measured in how much lead is found in the blood lead concentrations. Although there is no naturally “safe” level of lead as no lead is better than any lead in the blood, if the blood concentration is below 5 μg/dL (or 50 ppb, which is just a fancy way of saying “parts per billion”), there is considered to be a causal risk factor that the child will suffer negative health consequences for eating lead paint chips. If your child has ingested paint chips that contain lead, you need to call the DTLA Law Group office right now. We can discuss initiating a lawsuit against your landlord for your damages and personal injuries to your child.

Birth Defects, Intellectual Damage and Neurobehavioral Deficits from Lead Poisoning

You can think of lead as a dangerous substance to ingest. Ingesting means to eat, and eating lead is never good for the body. When a child eats paint chips that contain lead, there can be a host of problems and issues that will come as a result of ingesting lead. The lead substances will travel throughout the child’s body and greatly hinder the normal operation of his or her bodily organs.

Some of the detrimental health effects of lead poisoning in children include:

  • Lowered IQ scores
  • Lower ability for academic achievement
  • Attention-deficit related issues in learning
  • Antisocial behaviors
  • Delayed puberty
  • Decreased kidney function
  • Hearing loss
  • Asthma
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Kidney function issues
  • Hypersensitivity to a skin prick test
  • Lowered growth in postnasal area

When your child has ingested lead, there is no time to lose. You need to call us at the DTLA Law Group office, to get with our legal team today.

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Lead Can Leach from a Windowsill in the Dust to Injure a Child

The ingestion of lead in children from the age of six months to three years old, can come from other sources besides eating paint chips. Children are growing fast during these early developmental years, and lead in their systems can do more than just stunt their growth systems.

A child can also be exposed to dangerous levels of lead by the dust on the floor, on a window sill, on an interior wall sill, in the yard, in the soil or anywhere that there is lead contamination where children play. If this is the case, a child can eat lead contaminated food and not even know it at the time. But that same child will test positively for lead poisoning, which will still be the negligent behavior of the landlord who did not clean up any lead exposures on the property.

Common Symptoms of Lead Poisoning in Children

Many children who experience lead poisoning never have any symptoms at all. This means that they are asymptomatic, and can keep eating the paint chips in an apartment building before an adult knows about the damage. Children with lead poisoning can have the following symptoms (or not):

  1. Vomiting
  2. Stupor
  3. Convulsions
  4. Central nervous system damage
  5. Headaches
  6. Stomach aches
  7. Loss of appetite
  8. Constipation
  9. Agitation
  10. Clumsiness
  11. Decreased activity
  12. Sleepiness
  13. Loss of hearing
  14. Delayed puberty
  15. Increased anemia
  16. Colic
  17. Anorexia
  18. Coma
  19. Attention issues and not listening or “minding” the parent
  20. Problem behaviors and no focus on tasks
  21. Loss of voluntary muscle control
  22. Death

If your child has any of these symptoms, he or she may have ingested lead chips or been exposed to lead dust in your apartment building.

When your child is sick, we know that it is a difficult and stressful time for you. You need to do whatever it takes to get your child well again after ingesting lead from paint chips or lead dust. But you can start the process to relief by giving us a call right now at the DTLA Law Group office. You are going to want to call a lawyer with experience in recovery compensation from a child getting lead poisoning from eating paint chips laced with lead. Call today, as it is up to you to call an attorney at the DTLA Law Group office, with expertise in personal injuries from lead poisoning.

Free Second Opinion

We are ready to connect you with the lawyers who can help with your claim. We can talk to you now; you just need to make a call to us. We are here for you, and will take everything into consideration regarding your case of lead ingestion in an apartment building. You need to be with the experienced attorney in Los Angeles will know what to do when your child has lead poisoning from eating paint chips in an apartment building.

Lead Ingestion Case in an Apartment Building Attorney lawyer personal injury lawsuit hazard risk trauma sue

Can I Sue for Lead Ingestion of Contaminants at an Apartment Building?

Yes, we can sue if your child has lead ingestion poisoning in an apartment building. Any time you are living in a home built before the year 1978, there is a high chance of lead-based paint having been used on the inside and outside paint of the residence. This paint is in high lead quantities and because of the age of the structures, the paint is more likely to have started peeling right about now.

We know that this is a difficult time for you, and our case attorneys in Los Angeles can sue to get you the recovery compensation that you will require in this case. Remember that we are here for you, and that you will be happy with the result when you get the recovery settlement in full.

Zero Fee Guarantee

We are confident that we are going to be able to help you. We offer a zero-fee guarantee every day. We can talk to you about your claim when you put in a call to our DTLA Law Group office.

Call for a Free Consultation

You can call us for a free consultation right now. We are ready to help you when our child has ingested lead in an apartment building.

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