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Insurance Denial and Dispute Lawsuit Against Allstate

Insurance Denial and Dispute Lawsuit Against AllstateAllstate is the largest publicly held insurance provider in the United States. In the state of California Allstate insurance ranks as one of the worst insurance carriers for consumers. Allstate has an extremely poor track record of wrongfully denying justified insurance claims ranging from home insurance denials of coverage, to flood insurance, auto insurance and life insurance. Below is some helpful information regarding the filing or a insurance bad faith claim against Allstate for denial of coverage in the state of California. According the American Association for Justice annual report on The Ten Worst Insurance Companies in America, Over the past three decade Allstate Insurance has, “systematically placed profits over its own policyholders.” Some the egregious an unfair tactics which Allstate treats its policy holders include.
  • Failing to affirm or deny claims within a reasonable time. Leading policy holder out to dry for months or even years before a payout on their policy has been paid out.
  • Outright denial of claims without proper investigation
  • Delaying payment
  • Refusing to renew insurance policies
  • Use of intimidation tactics to delay or refuse payment
  • False allegations of responsibility
  • Use of ambiguous language in the policy to deceive policyholders.
How Can I Receive Punitive Damages for a Denial of Insurance Coverage Claim The purpose of punitive damages acts as a deterrence, so that manufacturing companies, Insurance companies, or Individuals will refrain from perusing the same action in the future. Punitive damages are not given to pay for the suffering of the injured plaintiff or recoup his losses. They are only given in Torts claim and are not given in contract claims.  As a result United States law has allowed for plaintiff in Insurance bad faith cases to seek a claim under a Torts action.  This means that a plaintiff can seek punitive damages against an insurance company that has acted in bad faith in excess of the actual damages sustained. Downtown LA Law is a National Insurance Denial and Bad Faith Law Firm dedicated to protecting the rights of Individuals Across the Country. To Speak to one of Our Attorneys Call (855) 339-8879

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