Sink Hole Accident Injury Attorney
Most people move through the cities in California without ever thinking about what is under the city street, sidewalk, highway, or soil under their feet, bicycle, or vehicle tires. We give little or no thought to the utilities, infrastructure, and features that could be just inches or feet below the earth’s surface. However, if you ever encounter a sink hole in Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, or the Bay Area, you will never forget the potential hazards that are underground. The earth and pavement under you can collapse in just a fraction of a second. Some sink holes are even large enough to swallow a car, truck, or city bus, while others only leave a small disturbance in the surface of the road or soil. But in almost all cases, these incidents result in a range of injuries to innocent bystanders.
With no warning and possibly no way to avoid a hole opening in the sidewalk or roadway, victims can sustain injuries as they fall into a sink hole or their vehicle is sucked down into the hole. At these moments, all that matters is getting the victims of sink hole accident injuries to safety and ensuring they receive immediate medical care and help. However, after these harrowing experiences, many victims are worried that they will be saddled with massive medical expenses and debt because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. If you or a loved one are facing these challenges, please know that DTLA Law Group is here to provide the expert legal guidance and help you need to navigate this life-altering incident.
Our office staff can be reached 24/7 to help you understand your rights as a potential personal injury victim, the services our firm offers, and what can be done to help you find peace of mind and stop worrying about the financial ramifications of your sink hole accident injuries. In addition, they will assist you in booking a free consultation with a seasoned sink hole accident injury attorney to discuss the facts of your case in more detail. Once your attorney has all the vital information, they will explain the legal merit of your claim and whether you have grounds for a sink hole accident injury lawsuit.
With this helpful and valuable information, you will be well prepared to make choices that can easily alter your future and eliminate the financial hardships caused by medical bills, loss of income, and other obstacles. Please also know that you will never be obligated to file a lawsuit or hire DTLA Law Group. Our purpose is only to ensure that all personal injury victims have the opportunity and resources to secure any compensation that is owed to them after suffering sink hole accident injuries. Please reach out to our staff today to learn more about this possibility and the time limit for filing a claim.

$1.93 Million
$54 Million
$22 Million
The severity of injuries sustained in a sink hole accident will vary significantly based on the age and health of the victim, the size of the sink hole, and if they were protected inside a vehicle or fell into the hole while walking or riding a bicycle. Sadly, some victims even think they escaped without injuries only to discover the harm later after the shock of the incident dissipates. So, it is wise to always get a complete medical evaluation after any fall or incident involving a sink hole to ensure you suffered none of these common injuries:
- Soft tissue or nerve damage
- Damage to the connective tissue of joints or joint dislocations
- Harm to the neck, back, or spinal cord
- Fractured or broken bones
- Lacerations or puncture wounds that can be complicated with damage to internal organs or internal bleeding
- Injuries to the eyes, ears, nose, or mouth
- Head injuries that can range from a concussion or skull fracture to a brain bleed or other traumatic brain injury
After getting the medical care needed for your injuries, please get in touch with DTLA Law Group at your earliest opportunity. Our dedicated staff will help you understand your options to move forward in securing any compensation owed to you to cover your medical expenses and other losses related to the sink hole accident.
Who Is To Blame For A Sink Hole?Most people assume that a sink hole is a naturally occurring disaster that is not related to human error. And while that might be true in some cases, typically a sink hole occurring in the city is the result of some manmade issue. But because the problem was concealed in the ground, it might be difficult to see what is to blame, such as:
- Leaking water, sewer, or gas pipes
- The removal of groundwater
- Diversion of natural ground water or other surface water
- Excavation and improper compaction of the backfill material
- Flooding due to added surface water from leaks or manmade occurrences such as draining a swimming pool
Just as challenging as determining the cause of the sink hole can be learning who is responsible for the mistake or incident that caused the sink hole. The list of possible responsible parties includes:
- A private property owner near the sink hole
- A contractor working in the area
- A utility provider who was working in the area
- The city, state, or federal government if they owned the property or the issue occurred under a public roadway
Sorting through all the possible causes of a sink hole can be daunting and more than you want to tackle after suffering injuries. Fortunately, you only need to grab the phone and contact DTLA Law Group. Our staff is ready to help you by handling every aspect of your sink hole accident injury case so that you can focus on your recovery.
Was Negligence A Factor In Your Sink Hole Accident Injury Incident?All property owners, business owners, and the staff working for them have an obligation to protect the safety of guests on a property or the general public who could be using the space. Duty of care defines the level of action an owner or staff member must take when a safety issue if located or has been reported to them. It states the staff must act at least to the same level as the average prudent person would in handling a similar safety concern.
If the staff fails to provide appropriate and prompt action for a safety hazard, they can be deemed negligent in their duty of care. Furthermore, if that negligence is later determined to have caused or contributed to a personal injury, the owner can be liable for the losses and expenses of the victim due to their injuries. For example, if a property owner knows they had a leaking water line on their property and failed to have it repaired, resulting in the sink hole where you were injured, they could be responsible for your expenses. If you feel that negligence could have been a factor in your sink hole accident injuries, please reach out to DTLA Law Group today to discuss the case and your ability to file a sink hole accident injury lawsuit.
How Much Is The Average Sink Hole Accident Injury Lawsuit Worth?It is vital to know that the compensation for each lawsuit is independently determined based on the actual losses and expenses incurred by the victim. You will work closely with your DTLA Law Group legal team to compile all allowable costs caused by your sink hole injuries. The items typically used in this process include but are not strictly limited to:
- All current and projected medical expenses related to the care and rehabilitation of your sink hole accident injuries
- The replacement cost of any personal property that was damaged or destroyed in the sink hole accident
- Your lost income if your sink hole injuries prevented you from working at your regular job until you were fully recovered or if you missed work to attend medical appointments related to those injuries
- All legal fees and expenses related to preparing, filing, and litigating your sink hole accident injury lawsuit
The Statute of Limitations to file a personal injury lawsuit is typically two years from the date of the injuries. However, if the party responsible for the sink hole injury incident is the city, state, or federal government or government agency, that time limit is decreased to only six months. It is also critical for victims to understand that the time limit is strictly enforced, and they will lose the ability to seek compensation via a lawsuit once the Statute of Limitations has expired. Please contact DTLA Law Group today to discuss the time needed to file a claim if you to pursue legal action.
No Added Stress Due To Upfront Legal FeesWhen you hire DTLA Law Group to handle your sink hole accident injury lawsuit, we never ask forupfront payments. Instead, our firm only gets paid after your case is completed and you have the compensation needed to cover your legal expenses. In addition, if the DTLA Law Group sink hole accident injury attorneys fail to win your case and deliver that much-needed compensation, you owe our firm nothing for our time and work on the case.
Please make time today to contact DTLA Law Group to learn more about how the legal system can protect you from costly medical bills and other expenses when you suffer injuries due to someone else’s negligence.
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