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Forearm Fracture Causing Permanent Nerve Damage and CRPS

Forearm Fracture Causing Permanent Nerve Damage and CRPS sue liability incident compensation

Fractures to the forearm are common injuries that happen to millions of people for all sorts of reasons. Approximately six million people fracture a bone in their body every yes, usually in the arms or legs. Sadly, many of these cases involve negligent or reckless conduct by someone else. Thankfully, the vast majority of accident victims are able to experience full recovery, as long as they seek medical attention right away. However, some people develop permanent nerve damage from a fractured forearm, which can cause paralysis, chronic pain, and other disorders. Others are diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome, where the pain from an accident persists after the injury has healed.

As someone that ended up with a forearm fracture, you may have been injured in one of these accidents:

  • Slip and fall or trip and fall – stretching out your hand or arm is a natural reaction when you fall down, and this can inflict significant trauma to the arm that causes a fracture in one or more bones. Alternatively, you can end up with a forearm fracture if the arm is crushed from the victim falling down on it.
  • Car crashes – blunt force trauma from a car accident often result in fractures and other injuries to the arms
  • Direct impact on the arm – this category of accidents typically involves something falling or striking the arm with enough force to fracture the bone. Many of these accidents are due to hazards at work sites or from incidents of assault and battery.

A forearm fracture can happen to one of both of the bones in the lower arm (radius and ulna). While the pain and limited use of your arm is frustrating to live with, you at least have the hope that the injury will heal completely. But what if it doesn’t, and you find yourself with a permanent health condition like complex regional pain syndrome?

The impact of a forearm fracture can have lasting consequences for accident victims and their loved ones. If another individual or entity is to blame for what happened to you, we can help you get justice in the form of monetary compensation. Contact our office to explore your rights and legal options during a free case evaluation.

Forearm Fracture Causing Permanent Nerve Damage and CRPS compensation incident sue liability
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Forearm Fracture Resulting in Permanent Nerve Damage

When a bone in your forearm is fractured, it’s possible for the surrounding nerves to get bruised, stretched, or crushed. The result is some degree of damage to your nerves, and this can happen whether you have a closed or open fracture. To put is simply, an open fracture involves the bone penetrating the skin layer and being exposed. In a closed fracture, the bone stays inside the skin, so by default, this is a less serious injury compared to an open fracture.

Fortunately, most people experience full recovery of the nerve as the bone fuses back together on its own. But others end up permanent complications that won’t be noticed right away. That’s why you should always keep an eye on what your body is going through and talk to your doctor right away if you experience any of the following:

  • Pain, numbness, burning, tingling that won’t go away
  • Limited range of motion or weakness in the limb
  • Persistent headaches that are different from how your headaches normally feel
  • Motor coordination issues

There are numerous treatments for those with CRPS, but there’s no denying that nerve injuries are complex, difficult injuries. Even with continuing treatment, you may not experience enough relief to return to life as normal. This is why some people with chronic pain are forced to find a new line of work and give up many of the activities they enjoyed before they suffered a forearm fracture in an accident.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Caused by a Forearm Fracture

Complex regional pain syndrome, also referred to as CRPS, is a condition where the patient experiences chronic pain and other unusual symptoms, typically in one arm or leg. CRPS may affect the entire limb or just the portion in and around the injury site. Most cases of CRPS are due to an accident resulting in a fracture of sprain, like a forearm fracture after a slip and fall.

Complex regional pain syndrome actually falls into one of two categories:

  1. Type 1 CRPS, where the fracture is not accompanied by nerve damage
  2. Type II CRPS, which involves some form of injury to the nerves

No matter which type of CRPS you have, chronic and intense pain is the most notable symptom. Furthermore, the pain is worse than it should be considering the degree of injury and the fact that the fracture has completely healed. However, there are other symptoms that are associated with complex regional pain syndrome, such as:

  • Joint stiffness
  • Swelling of the limb
  • Changes to your skin color, usually in the form of pale, red, or purple blotches
  • Sudden change in skin temperature (warmer or colder than normal)
  • Skin texture changes, like shiny patches of skin or thinning of the skin
  • Significant changes in your nail and/or hair growth
Suing for a Forearm Fracture after an Accident

The right to sue another party is based on the concept of negligence, i.e., that someone else neglected to follow reasonable standards of safety, and as a result, you sustained injuries and/or damage to your property. For example, we must all abide by traffic laws and ensure that we are not driving under the influence. Thus, if a drunk driver caused a car accident where you were injured, you have the right to seek monetary damages from their insurance company.

Other cases of broken bones and fractures are caused by misconduct, where an individual causes harm to someone by deliberately acting in a dangerous manner. The majority of these cases involve security guards that use excessive force when it’s unlawful or unnecessary to do so. Please note assault and battery lawsuits are extreme complex cases, and it’s in your best interest work with an experienced physical assault lawsuit attorney.

Regardless of how you were injured, know that our legal team is with you from start to finish. We are available to answer your questions 24/7, so don’t hesitate to call if you need information on suing for a forearm fracture resulting in permanent nerve damage and CRPS.

Statute of Limitations for a Personal Injury Lawsuit

With very few exceptions, the deadline to sue another party for negligence or misconduct is 2 years, following the date of injury. One possible exception is if you are claiming damages from a government entity, like a public school district or the police department. It’s possible that your own circumstances will change how long you have for a lawsuit, which we can discuss with you during a free case review. To ensure that an accident claim is filed on time, contact our law firm immediately.

Forearm Fracture Causing Permanent Nerve Damage and CRPS lawyer attorney compensation
How Much Time Do I have to File for Workers’ Compensation?

Did you fracture your forearm at your workplace, or while you were engaged in a task related to your job? In that case, you are likely to be eligible for a workers’ compensation, which is a benefit to help injured workers with medical costs and lost income while they are unable to work. Unlike a personal injury lawsuit, you only have 1 year from the accident date to file a WC claim. You must also notify your employer that you were injured within the first 30 days. Failure to do will invalidate your right to workers’ compensation, so please report the accident to your employer right away.

Contact DTLA Law Group

Here at DTLA, our sole mission is to bring compensation to those who are injured by another party’s actions, or in some cases, a failure to act. With decades of experience and a proven track record of recovery, we are more than ready to fight for you and the compensation you deserve.

One thing we are fully aware of is how these incidents take a toll on your finances. With that in mind, we ensure that you are protected by the Zero Fee Guarantee from day one. We agree to take your case on contingency, so the only form of payment owed to us is a portion of your settlement. So, if we don’t recover your payment from the defendant, you owe us $0 in legal fees.

We hope this guarantee has given you the reassurance to contact us and schedule a free case evaluation if you were diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome or permanent nerve damage from a forearm fracture.

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