Forearm Fracture after an Accident Lawsuit Lawyer
Whether you were hit by another driver or fell down from slipping on the floor, there’s a good chance that you’ll end up with a fractured bone. Many cases of broken bones involve fractures to the forearm, which are associated with the following circumstances:
- Slip and Fall / Trip and Fall Accidents: When you fall down, it’s natural to stretch our your hand in an effort to steady yourself or brace the impact of a fall. Or, you may fall down on your elbow or forearm depending on the angle at which you fall down. Any of these actions can cause you to fracture your forearm.
- Motor Vehicle Accidents: Can accidents typically cause direct trauma to the body, including the arms and hands. This is another common cause of forearm fractures.
- Direct impact: This is where the forearm experiences a direct blow, like if something large and heavy is dropped on top of it.
There are two bones in the forearm: the radius and the ulna. The radius is more likely to fracture because it bears most of the weight in the event of an accident. Fractures in the forearm may occur near the wrist joint, the elbow joint, or in the middle of one or both bones.
These injuries can make it difficult to perform daily tasks like going to work, driving, cooking, and taking care of your kids. They also result in high medical costs, lost time from work, and other monetary losses. A lawyer with experience in broken bone and fracture injury cases will help you file a claim for damages and fight for the highest possible settlement.

$1.93 Million
$54 Million
$22 Million
Your forearm may be fractured in a car accident if there is a forceful impact through the hands or arm. This can happen from gripping the steering wheel or bracing your arm against the dashboard, which is a common reaction when you see a car coming towards you.
Car accidents tend to produce serious breaks and fractures, so please see a doctor immediately, especially if you find that your arm does not move as it should or is limited in its range of motion. If you wait even a few days to seek treatment, the bone may not heal properly, meaning you can end up with permanent misalignment of the arm, a life-threatening infection, or another dangerous condition.
Your doctor may realign the bone and set your arm in a sling or splint. At home, you can use pain meds and ice packs to help with swelling and other symptoms. While medical care is your first priority, you should also speak with a forearm fracture after a car accident lawyer. Perhaps your accident was caused by a reckless driver, failure to maintain the roads, or another issue. In these instances, it’s crucial to begin the legal process and file a car accident claim as soon as possible.
Slip and Fall Resulting in a Broken ForearmThe vast majority of forearm fractures happen after someone falls down, as they are likely to extend their arm and experience a direct impact as they hit the ground. This can happen from a blow to the hand, forearm, or elbow that is forceful enough to fracture one of both of the bones in your forearm.
Please note that slip and fall accidents can result in multiple injuries, including head trauma, dislocated joints, and ruptured spleen. Failure to diagnose and treat these conditions early on can result in permanents disability and other serious impairments. Make sure to see a doctor right away, particularly if you have these symptoms, which are indicative of a fractured forearm:
- Immediate, severe pain in your arm
- Swelling of the forearm
- The injured forearm may seem shorter or shaped differently (in a bent shape, for example) compared to the other arm
- Tenderness and/or bruising at the site of the fracture
- Trouble rotating your arm
- Bone sticking out through the skin (indicates severe fracture, which is a medical emergency)
- Weakness or numbness in the wrist or fingers
If an unsafe condition on someone’s property is the reason you were injured, you may have grounds to file a broken forearm after a slip and fall lawsuit. For a free consultation with a California slip and fall attorney, reach out to us at your earliest convenience.
Filing a Workplace Injury ClaimBroken bones are a common work-related injury, especially if manual labor is the main part of your job. However, even someone working in an office environment can fall down and suffer a fracture to the forearm. This is often due a slip and fall where the person stretches out their hand as an involuntary reflex as they fall down.
No matter how you broke your forearm, most workers are entitled to workers’ compensation under California law. This is a system that provides monetary benefits such as lost wages and cost of medical treatments for people who are injured at work. Even if you don’t have a fixed job site, you can file for WC as long as the injury occurred while you were acting in the employer’s interest.
To file a claim, you’ll need to tell your employer about the injury / accident so that the insurance company can be notified. Your employer will give you instructions, like which hospital to go to for treatment and what paperwork you’ll need to fill out. If there are questions or concerns you have about a forearm fracture workplace accident claim, don’t hesitate to give us a call.
Deadline to File a Personal Injury LawsuitWith very few exceptions, the statute of limitations for an accident injury claim is 2 years. In essence, you have 2 years to file a lawsuit after a car accident, slip and fall, or any other event where you were injured by another party’s negligence.
One important exception has to do with government liability claims, i.e., lawsuits against public entities. This can include a wide variety of agencies and organizations, like public schools, police and fire departments, a DMV office location, and public parks. If you suffered a broken forearm due to an accident any of these places, you have 6 months to file a compensation claim with the appropriate government agency. You can also file a liability claim against the county, state, etc., for accidents caused by a government worker (car crashes, for example). However, there is no denying that 6 months is a rather tight deadline, so it’s best to seek help from a lawyer with experience in suing government entities.
Applying for WC benefits is a different process than filing a lawsuit, as you are entitled to these payments even if no one can be blamed for causing your accident. To initiate a claim, notify your employer within 30 days of the accident, though you should really talk to a supervisor immediately. This way, you can confirm which doctor you should go to and ensure that you receive proper treatment for your injuries.
Aside from reporting a workplace injury within 30 days, you’ll need to file a claim with your employer’s insurance company within 1 year of the accident. Though you may have 12 months, you should submit your claim and the required evidence as soon as possible. As long as there are no disputes between you and the insurance company, it’s more than likely that you will receive payments within 2 to 3 weeks.
Unfortunately, there are cases where the injured worker is denied payment, even though they have a clear case of being harmed within the scope of employment. Or, they may be approved for workers’ compensation, but not for the full range of benefits they deserve. If you are facing problems or have questions about a WC claim, seek help from a forearm fracture after a workplace injury lawyer.
Contact Our Law FirmOur law firm has been fighting for the rights of accident victims and their loved ones for several decades. We know that the laws and the process of filing a claim are complicated for the average victim, and legal advice is essential to a successful recovery.
To ensure that you get the help you need, we will accept your case on contingency and ask that the negligent individual, company, etc. pay us for the cost of representing you. That means our payment is included in your settlement, so the only way we get paid is by winning your case. This is the Zero Fee Guarantee, which we extend to all our clients from day one.
For a detailed discussion on your rights and legal options, please contact the offices of DTLA Law Group.
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