Fire Caused by Improper Appliance Installation
Homeownership comes with many responsibilities, including the maintenance of appliances, such as washers, dryers, ovens, refrigerators, and dishwashers. When things go wrong with an appliance, you assume that it’s simply a matter of calling a repair service, but you may be dealing with a more complicated issue. In some cases, the appliance may have been installed incorrectly to begin with.
Improper installation of appliances can be costly in many ways, including electrical fires that cause burn injury, complications from smoke inhalation, and extensive damage to your property. These fires typically start when electrical currents are redirected back into your home, which causes the plugs to overheat. House fires are dangerous for many reasons, including the risk of severe injuries and death.
Not installing an appliance properly can also cause it to fall over, which is very dangerous for small children, pets, and the elderly. For example, a washing machine can fall over it when it is not properly leveled on the floor during the installation process.
Were you or a member of your family harmed by an appliance that was not installed correctly? If so, you may have grounds to file a compensation claim against the manufacturer, distributor, or installation company. To learn more about the legal actions that are available to you, contact the offices of DTLA Law Group.

$1.93 Million
$54 Million
$22 Million
It’s essential to keep an eye out for signs that an appliance was not installed correctly in your home. By addressing the problem right away, you can prevent damage to your home and your loved ones from being injured in a fire or trapped under a falling appliance.
Indicators of unsafe appliance installation include:
- Frayed or charred switches / wires
- Melting of wire insulation near connection points
- Loose wires in the connection box
- Appliance causes frequent circuit breaker trips
- Flickering, buzzing, or dimming lights
- Dull screws
- Smoke, discoloration, or scorching around outlets
- Burning smells and other odd odors
As someone who was injured by an appliance fire, you can pursue a personal injury claim against the party that failed to install the appliance in a safe and professional manner. The liable entity may be the manufacturer, as they often take care of installation if the customer buys from them directly. Alternatively, an appliance seller or a private installation / repair company may be at fault if there was a fire resulting from improper appliance installation.
Many appliance fires are caused by the technician being careless, or not having the needed experience to do their job. This is why newer technicians should be supervised during the installation, or a seasoned technician must review the work that was done to ensure that everything is up to code. Furthermore, there are certain types of projects that should only be handled by techs with many years of experience. This is the best way to minimize the potential for electric shocks, fires, and gas leaks.
Negligence by appliance installation companies have the potential to cause serious harm and suffering to many people. This is the basis of a personal injury lawsuit, which you can learn about during a free consultation. Contact us today and talk to an appliance fires caused by improper installation lawsuit attorney.
How Much are These Cases Worth?Because of the considerable damage that’s associated with electrical fires, these cases usually result in settlements between $150,000 and $2,500,000. However, there have been lawsuits where the recovered amount was over $5,000,000 due to the number of people that were injured / killed and the loss of property for the occupants.
How much you will end up from an improper appliance installation lawsuit depends on many variables, including the damages you are eligible to receive. Possible forms of compensation from a personal injury or wrongful death claim include:
- Cost of medical services
- Lost wages
- Loss of expected savings
- Pain and suffering
- Property loss / damage
- Emotional distress
- Loss of consortium
- Funeral expenses
- Funeral costs
- Cost of hiring an attorney
- Punitive damages
These lawsuits can take anywhere from 6 months to over 2 years to resolve, though it’s impossible to predict all the issues we will run into as we work towards a settlement. Due to the extensive damage that results from a house fire, it’s likely that getting the other side to offer a fair amount of compensation will probably take over 1 year. If a settlement cannot be negotiated, there is the option of taking your case to trial. It’s important to note that only around 5% of all accident claims at our law firm are tried in court. In the event we have to obtain a jury verdict, it can take over 3 years before an appliance fire caused by improper installation lawsuit is settled.
Those who are injured by someone else’s negligence have a time period of 2 years if they wish to file a lawsuit. So, this is how long you have to file a faulty appliance installation claim, starting from the date of the fire. Please note that extensions are extremely difficult to obtain; most people who are beyond the window of 2 years lose the right to seek damages from the installation company, manufacturer, etc.
If you lost a spouse or family member to an improper appliance installation fire, a wrongful death lawsuit must be filed no later than 2 years from the date of death. No matter what type of claim you are filing, a personal injury lawyer at our office is here to assist you every step of the way.
Help from an Appliance Fire Injury AttorneyA fire in your home is a terrifying experience, and many of these incidents are related to faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, and other issues during the installation process. As a victim, it’s imperative that you learn about your rights and legal options from an improper appliance installation lawsuit lawyer.
Our law firm is ready to represent you at no upfront cost, under a system known as the Zero Fee Guarantee. You pay $0 while we fight to recover your settlement. Once the party at fault issues your compensation check, a portion of it is set aside for legal fees. If we are unsuccessful in bringing you compensation, you owe us $0 and we eat the costs associated with your case.
Since there is nothing to lose, please this opportunity to contact us and schedule a free case review.
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