Fraudulent Art Evaluation Lawyer
When thinking about artwork, this single term can cover a massively large array of pieces and mediums. Paintings, sculptures, and modern statues and creations are all considered works of art that can have significant value and make a wise investment. Purchasing a piece from an up-and-coming artist who is on the path to fame can be an innovative and lucrative investment. However, many people also invest in well-known pieces from established artists because the value of these desirable pieces rarely declines. However, unless you have a great deal of knowledge about art and its value, you will typically rely on a professional art evaluation to determine the value and authenticity of a piece.
The provenance of a piece of art, from a painting to a sculpture, is a written record or history of the piece, who has owned it, and where it has been since its creation. This documentation is the means of verifying the authenticity of the work of art and confirming its value as an original. Sadly, with today’s technology, many art forgeries are on the market, adding to the value and importance of a professional art evaluation. However, there are also people who are taking advantage of investors by providing a fraudulent art evaluation.
If you feel that you have been taken advantage of by a fraudulent art evaluation, please know that the DTLA Law Group’s skilled team is here to help. Our staff can be reached 24/7 to assist you by answering your general and time-sensitive questions during that first call. In addition, our dedicated office staff will help you book your free consultation with a skilled and experienced fraudulent art evaluation lawyer to discuss the facts of your case. Once they have all the vital information, they will explain the legal merit of your case and if you have grounds for a fraudulent art evaluation lawsuit. With this crucial information, you will be prepared to make potentially life-altering choices about a lawsuit and seek compensation for the losses and expenses you incurred because of the fraudulent art evaluation and possible poor investment it prompted you to make. But please reach out to the expert staff at DTLA Law Group today, as there is a time limit for you to file a claim and seek compensation for your losses and expenses due to this fraud.

$1.93 Million
$54 Million
$22 Million
It sounds hard to believe that a professional would provide fake or fraudulent information to a client. After all, they are paying for information that should have no impact on how much the art evaluation costs or the outcome for the person providing the information. However, when these fake or fraudulent art evaluations occur, the reason is often that the person evaluating the art will take action to purchase the art at a severely discounted rate or advise another client to purchase it at a fraction of its actual value. Conversely, some fake art evaluators work with dealers who are skilled at selling fake artwork. The dealer offers the piece at a discounted price and then has the fake evaluator provide false documents to support the authenticity of a reproduction as an authentic one-of-a-kind piece of art.
In these cases, multiple examples of art fraud can cost an investor thousands or even millions of dollars if they invest in a fake piece priced slightly below a reasonable rate for an authenticated painting, sculpture, or other item. If you feel that you have been duped by a fraudulent art evaluation, please get in touch with DTLA Law Group at your earliest opportunity. Our staff can be reached 24/7 to answer your general questions and help you understand how to seek compensation for your losses and expenses created by an art dealer or appraiser fraud.
How Hard Is It To Spot Fake Art?When you are seeking an art evaluation, it can be overwhelming to learn about the processes and technology used to authenticate a piece. There are computers that evaluate brush strokes on paintings, the chemical compound of paint, clay, or other materials used in making the artwork, and the age of a canvas or other piece. However, it is critical to understand that there are also people using this costly and detail-oriented technology to mimic genuine works of art and fool the evaluation tools and professionals in the business.
As a buyer of art that is purchased as an investment, you should know that the reputation and history of the art evaluation professional are vital. You are trusting this person’s skill and integrity and backing that trust with your hard-earned money. Be sure you are selecting a genuine art professional, knowing that many of the fraudulent pieces on the market will pass the tests of a great many evaluators. Only the costly tools and extensive skill of a museum curator would discover a replicated piece that has been created by modern computers and technology.
If you are thinking about buying a piece of art, never use the art evaluator recommended by the seller, as they could be working together on an art fraud scheme. Seek an independent art evaluation or two to ensure you are getting your money’s worth when purchasing any art as an investment.
When Can I Sue For A Fraudulent Art Evaluation?It is vital you understand that there are no guarantees when making an investment in art or any other items. The value or perceived value of anything can change based on many factors. The entire market for a specific type of artwork could decline and result in investors losing money. If that is what you face, there is no reason for you to sue the person who offered an art evaluation when you settled on an offer amount for an item you purchased. This situation is simply a decline in the market and not a fraudulent art evaluation.
However, if you discover that the person who provided you with an art evaluation provided fake provenance, did not properly evaluate the item, or lied about the authenticity to encourage you to buy or sell the piece at an unfair or unrealistic price, then you need to contact DTLA Law Group today. Our staff of expert fraudulent art evaluation lawyers will discuss the facts of your claim and help you understand how to hold that art evaluator accountable for the losses and expenses you incurred due to their fraud.
How Much Is The Average Fraudulent Art Evaluation Lawsuit Worth?After losing money on an investment in fake art or selling a piece at a low amount because it was not properly authenticated, you are sure to want to understand how much of that loss you can recover. However, contacting DTLA Law Group and asking about the average value of a fraudulent art evaluation is not going to provide any helpful information. Like all lawsuits, the amount of money you could seek in compensation for your losses is based on the actual amount you lost, not the kind of case or lawsuit.
When you contact DTLA Law Group, our staff is ready to provide general information and facts about art fraud lawsuits immediately. However, to best provide meaningful monetary details, we ask that you schedule a free consultation with a seasoned fraudulent art evaluation lawyer to discuss the case and determine a realistic amount you might recover by pursuing legal action. During this meeting, you will discuss the possible expenses and losses you incurred that can be included in your lawsuit compensation and how you will need to document the losses and costs. Should you decide to move forward with a lawsuit, the DTLA Law Group’s fraudulent art evaluation lawyers will assist you in every step of the process to ensure you receive the most robust compensation possible for the losses you incurred.
The Statute of Limitations defines the time the legal system provides to victims of art fraud and fraudulent art evaluations to seek justice via a lawsuit. In these cases, you are given three years to file your fraudulent art evaluation lawsuit with the court. The time limit begins on the date that you discover the fraud and ends promptly three years from that day. It is crucial to note that there are very minimal exceptions that provide additional time to file a claim once the Statute of Limitations has expired. P{please reach out to DTLA Law Group today to discuss your claim and how long it could take to prepare and file your art fraud lawsuit to ensure you do not miss this opportunity to secure any compensation you are owed.
No Out-Of-Pocket Legal CostsAfter discovering that you have been the victim of art fraud, you could be concerned about your finances and the future stability of your investments and portfolio. To ensure you do not need to worry about investing in legal services to recover your losses, DTLA Law Group is ready to handle any fraudulent art evaluation lawsuit without asking for any upfront payments. Our firm only gets paid after the case is resolved, and you have the compensation that typically includes funds to cover your legal expenses. In addition, if DTLA Law Group fails to win your case and secure the compensation you requested, you owe us nothing for our time and monetary investment in preparing, filing, and litigating your art fraud lawsuit. Please reach out to our dedicated team today to learn more about getting the compensation owed to you for a fraudulent art evaluation.
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