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Ground Annatto Salmonella Prompts Recall By FDA

Ground Annatto Salmonella Prompts Recall By FDAAccording to the Food and Drug Administration Miravalle Foods, Inc. as recalled their Ground Annatto because of a possible risk of contracting Salmonella. The FDA states that the El Monte California food manufacturing company is, “conducting a voluntarily recall on its 0.75 ounce packages of Miravalle brand Achiote Molido Ground Annato spice because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems.” Consumers who have purchased the .75 ounce package with lot numbers 0015 and 0018 should refrain from using such products.

Steps to Take if You Suspected You or a Loved one Has Contracted Salmonella Poisoning

1. Seek medical attention and ask to be tested specifically for salmonella 2. Do not throw away or return the product. The preservation of evidence will be important in any future lawsuit for recovery. 3. Documents everything that has happened – including any emotional pain you have suffered, lost employment opportunities etcetera. 4. Contact a food poisoning – personal injury attorney. Do not speak with any at fault party or their insurance carrier until you have spoken with an attorney. Any word you use can and will be used against you.

Compensation Available for Victims of Salmonella Poisoning

Victims of Salmonella contamination – food poisoning are entitled to compensation for all harms suffered. The types of damages compensable in such lawsuit include..
  • Recovery for all medical and hospitalization costs including future rehabilitation care
  • Loss of income or salary due to food poisoning
  • Non-economic harm – including pain and suffering and emotional trauma
  • Punitive Damage – where the at fault party displayed a reckless disregard for the life and health of consumers.
Attorney Consultation Available: If you have any further questions regarding the filing of a food poisoning or contamination lawsuit for the contraction of salmonella due to the use of Achiote Molido Ground Annato Spice contact our law offices toll free (855)385-2529. All confidential legal consultations are free of charge. Further Information: FDA Recall – Ground Annatto Salmonella Risk Statute of Limitations for Food Poisoning Value of Food Poisoning Lawsuits

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