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Ambulance Accident Attorneys | California Fire Truck and Engine Collision Lawyers

Ambulance Accident Attorneys | California Fire Truck and Engine Collision Lawyers

Were you or a member of your family injured in an accident with an ambulance or fire truck in California? If so, you might have grounds to pursue an injury claim. If you are interested in learning more about your right to pursue an injury claim, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm immediately.

The injury attorneys at Downtown L.A. Law Group are ready to evaluate your claim and provide you with the guidance that you need to pursue your claim and reach a positive claim outcome. Would you like to discuss your claim with the experts at our firm? If so, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with our California ambulance and fire truck accident attorneys as soon as possible. Our attorneys are ready to fight for your right to sue and recover monetary compensation.

Podría ser indemnizado

Ambulances and Fire Trucks rush to scenes of emergencies to rescue victims of car accidents, fires, and medical emergencies.  Unfortunately many fire trucks and ambulance are involved on major collisions in rout resulting in severe injuries to bystanders, pedestrians, drivers and passengers of other vehicles.  If you have been hurt by a Fire Truck Accident or Ambulance accident you may have a claim for compensation of your injuries.  If the negligent party is held liable for an ambulance accident then you are entitled to recovery for all your damages including

  • All medical costs including cost of prescription drugs and rehabilitation expenses
  • All future medical and disability expenses
  • Lost wages and income including compensation for loss or reduction if future salary
  • Pain and Suffering resulting from the accident
  • Punitive Damages – en la medida de lo posible

Póngase en contacto con abogados de accidentes today for a free no cost evaluation of your case. If you are interested in learning more about the potential value of your claim and the type/amount of compensation that you could receive, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with our experts immediately.

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes


Accidente de tráfico


Lesión de hombro

$1,5 Millones

Accidente de tráfico

$5,5 Millones

Accidente de moto


Lesión de espalda

$1 Millón

Accidente de carretilla elevadora


Accidente de camión

$3 Millones

Accidente de camión
Fire Truck and Ambulance Liability

Emergency response vehicles are allowed to operate differently than regular passenger cars.  They are provided the right to drive through red lights, stop signs, and busy intersections.   As a result of the high speeds and the size of Ambulance and fire engines accidents with such vehicle often lead to catastrophic injuries.  Such injuries can include daño cerebral permanente, spinal cord injuries, amputations, severed limbs, internal bleeding, organ failure, loss of eyesight, severe neck and whiplash injuries, and permanent scarring and disfigurement. However liability against fire truck and ambulance operators can be established if the driver was operating the vehicle negligently or recklessly, if improper maintenance was a cause of the accident, if safety regulations  were not properly followed by the crew, or if a defect in the vehicle or any other instrument in the vehicle was a cause of the accident.

If you are interested in learning more about establishing liability for a fire truck and ambulance incidents, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance immediately. Do I have the right to sue? Can I sue for the harm resulting from a fire truck or ambulance accident? If you are looking for answers to these questions, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm immediately. Our injury attorneys are ready to help you pursue your claim.

Ambulance Accident Attorneys California Fire Truck and Engine Collision Lawyers sue lawsuit lawyer attorney
¿Qué debe hacer?

After being involved in an incident with an ambulance or fire truck, there are a number of things that you should do to prepare to take legal action. Consider some of recommendations listed below:

  • Busque atención médica lo antes posible
  • Haz fotos de tus lesiones
  • Take photos of the scene of the incident (including property damage)
  • Presentar un informe de incidente
  • Hablar con los testigos y recopilar su información de contacto
  • Reúna cualquier grabación de vídeo del incidente
  • Recopilar todos los historiales médicos
  • Recoger registros de daños materiales
  • Collect records of lost earnings
  • Seek legal assistance with an experienced ambulance and fire truck accident attorney immediately

Ambulance Accident Lawyers for a free review of your claim Emergency response vehicle accident requires rigorous evaluation in order to determine which party is at fault for the injuries or death suffered. If you or a loved one has been injured or suffered death as a result of an ambulance accident then contact our offices now for a free case evaluation.

- Accidente de grúa
- Accidente de un camión hormigonera y un camión hormigonera
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- Accidente de camión de FedEX

- Los Angeles abogado de accidente de camión
- Santa Clarita accidente de camión
- Abogados de accidentes de camión en Palmdale
- Santa Monica abogado de accidente de camión

Our aggressive and relentless pursuit of our client’s interest will help you get the best results. We understand the emotional devastation of losing someone in an accident. It is difficult to accept that the persons who were charged with saving the life of your loved ones were responsible for causing added injuries or death and we can help you with you recovery. Our legal team can help you recover.

If you are in need of legal assistance, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm as soon as possible. The accident attorneys at Downtown L.A. Law Group are ready to evaluate your claim and provide you with the guidance that you need to reach a successful claim outcome. At Downtown L.A. Law Group, our injury attorneys have many years of experience and are ready to help you win. If you are ready to discuss your claim with the experts at our firm, contact us today.

At our firm, we offer free consultations and free second opinions. During these free legal services, our ambulance and fire truck accident attorneys are ready to evaluate your claim and provide you with the guidance that you need to pursue your claim. Our attorneys will essentially answer all your questions and address all your concerns. If you are ready to benefit from our free legal services, contact the experts at our firm today.

Our firm offers a Zero-Fee guarantee, meaning that our clients will not be required to pay upfront legal fees. Additionally, our firm is based on contingency; therefore, our clients will not be required to pay anything until after reaching a positive claim outcome. That is, if you do not win, you will not be required to pay anything.

¿Está listo para discutir su reclamación con los expertos de nuestro bufete? Si es así, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros inmediatamente.

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes
Más información

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ultimate guide uber lyft accidents

Guía definitiva sobre accidentes de camión

- Accidente de camión
- Preguntas sobre accidentes de camión: FAQ
- Causas comunes de los accidentes de camión
- Abogado de accidentes de camiones en movimiento
- Fedex Abogado de Accidente de Camión
- Quién tiene la culpa de un accidente de camión
- Accidente de un barrendero
- Accidente de camión blindado

- Accidente de un camión hormigonera y un camión hormigonera
- Accidente con el enganche del remolque
- Lesiones causadas por accidentes con puertas levadizas
- Accidente de carretilla elevadora
- Herido en accidente de camión
- Accidente de camión maderero
- Accidente de camión de la basura
- Accidente de camión de servicio de alimentos
- Fui pasajero en un accidente de camión
- Leyes de California sobre accidentes de camión
- Accidente de grúa
- Involucrado en un accidente de camión: ¿Qué debo hacer?
- Accidente de camión postal
- Accidente de camión sobrecargado
- Santa Monica Abogado de Accidente de Camión
- Accidente de transporte de animales en camión

Interesting & Helpful Legal Infographics

Opinión de un cliente de DTLA

"Le doy a este bufete de abogados 5 estrellas. ¡Son los mejores! Responden a todas mis preguntas y devolver todos mis 855.936.0097s. Así que si usted necesita un buen abogado de accidentes por favor llámelos. Son muy amables y muy serviciales. Yo recomendaría este bufete de abogados a cualquiera que quiera que sus asuntos legales manejados con prontitud y profesionalmente. - Pregúntele a Farid, él es el mejor abogado de accidentes en Los Ángeles".
- Carolina López
5/ 5

Five Star Rating

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