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Chick Fil A Resbalón y Caída y Tropiezo y Caída Abogado

Chick Fil A Slip and Fall and Trip and Fall Lawyer lawsuit personal injury attorney lawyer sue compensation liability

Chick-Fil-A is easily among the busiest fast-food restaurants. No matter the time of day, if the restaurant is open, it is likely to be packed both inside and out in the drive thru. Fast-food restaurants are common scenes for personal injury accidents, some of the most common being slip and fall accidents and trip and fall accidents. Were you or a member of your family injured at a slip and fall accident or trip and fall accident at a Chick-Fil-A location? If the incident resulted in injuries, then you might have grounds to file a lawsuit.

Are you interested in learning more about your right to file a lawsuit? If so, you should seek legal assistance with the experts at our law firm as soon as possible. Here at Downtown L.A. Law Group, our personal injury lawyers have decades of experience handling all sorts of injury claims – including slip and falls and trip and falls at fast-food restaurants. We are not afraid to sue Chick-Fil-A for the harm that you suffered. For more information about your right to sue and recover compensation, contact our experts immediately.

Causes of Slip and Falls

Slip and falls can happen at any time – as long as there is a slip hazard present somewhere on the floor. Slip hazards can quickly cause unsuspecting parties to slip and fall and suffer harm. Although every accident is different, some of the most common causes of slip and falls include the following:

  • Suelos mojados
  • Superficies resbaladizas
  • Líquidos derramados
  • Fugas
  • Misplaced or missing mats
  • Recently mopped or waxed floors
  • Dirty floors

Causes of Trip and Falls

Trip and fall accidents can also happen any time that a trip hazard is present on the premises. Some of the most common trip hazards that cause trip and fall accidents include the following:

  • Alfombrillas mal colocadas
  • Suelos irregulares
  • Broken tile or concrete
  • Torn carpeting
  • Exposed wiring on the floor
  • Blocked walkways
Nuestros últimos acuerdos

$1,96 millones

Accidente de peatón

$1.4 MIllón

Mordedura de perro


Lesión de hombro


Lesiones por resbalones y caídas


Responsabilidad civil


Lesión de espalda


Lesión de espalda


Traumatismo craneal

Potential Injuries that Victims Could Suffer

Unfortunately, the hazards that cause slip and falls and trip and falls are common throughout busy fast-food restaurants like Chick-Fil-A. These incidents could lead to a number of injuries, some of which could include the following:

  • Traumatismos craneoencefálicos y cerebrales
  • Lesiones cervicales
  • Lesiones de espalda
  • Lesiones medulares
  • Lesiones de rodilla
  • Lesiones de cadera
  • Fractures (including fractured ankles and wrists)
  • Esguinces y distensiones
  • Laceraciones
  • Nerve damage and ligament damage
  • Rasguños y contusiones

Regardless of the specific injuries that you or a member of your family suffered in a slip and fall accident or trip and fall accident at a Chick-Fil-A, you might have grounds to take legal action against Chick-Fil-A. In some cases, the injuries resulting from these incidents can be fatal – in such a case, surviving family members could have grounds to sue.

Su derecho a demandar

Do you have the right to sue Chick Fil A if you were injured in a slip and fall or a trip and fall? Yes – you could sue. Your right to sue Chick-Fil-A is based on the concept of premise liability. Based on premise liability, all property owners owe their guests a duty of care – a duty to keep their premises safe and clear of any hazards that could lead to accidents that could harm their guests. When property owners breach their duty of care and fail to identify and address any hazards present on their premises, then they are putting their guests at risk of harm. When guests are injured, then the property owner could be liable.

What does this all mean? If your slip and fall accident or trip and fall accident was caused by the negligent actions of the property owner (this includes Chick-fil-a owners, their manages, and their employees), then the property owner will be liable, and you could have the right to file a lawsuit. For more information about your right to sue, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm immediately.

Podría ser indemnizado

With the help of an experienced Chick Fil A slip and fall lawyer or Chick Fil A trip and fall lawyer, you could pursue your injury claim and fight for your right to a fair compensation. Could you really be eligible to recover compensation? Depending on the details surrounding your slip and fall or trip and fall case, you could definitely be awarded compensation. You could be compensated for the following:

  • Gastos médicos
  • Salarios perdidos
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Daños materiales
  • Pérdida de consorcio
  • Gastos de sepelio y entierro
  • Daños punitivos
  • Honorarios de abogados

If you are interested in learning more about the different categories of compensation available for your specific case, you should seek legal assistance with our experts as soon as possible. Our lawyers can help you better understand the compensation that you could possibly receive. You can trust that our lawyers will always aim to get you the highest recovery possible.

Chick Fil A Slip and Fall and Trip and Fall Lawyer lawsuit personal injury attorney lawyer compensation liability sue

A Note about Chick-Fil-A’s Insurance Policy

The company carries a $200,000,000 dollar insurance policy. This $200 million-dollar policy could cover you in case on a personal injury accident, whether it’s a slip and fall or a trip and fall on their premises. This doesn’t guarantee that you will get a $200 million settlement; however, this policy is great news for high-value cases because many cases are, unfortunately, capped by low insurance limits, so claimants are often forced to settle for whatever the policy limit is even if the amount is not fair at all. For more information about this policy limit and what it means for your lawsuit against Chick-Fil-A, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our law firm today.

Important Steps to Follow

If you or a member of your family suffered harm in a slip and fall or trip and fall on the premises of a Chick-Fil-A, it is important that you follow the recommended steps listed below:

  • Take photos of the scene of the accident (including the hazard that caused the accident)
  • Take photos of all injuries caused by the accident
  • Call for help – do not try to get up if you are injured
  • Busque atención médica lo antes posible
  • File an accident report with the manager and the property owner (always request a copy or your report)
  • Hablar con los testigos y recopilar su información de contacto
  • Reunir todos los historiales médicos
  • Reunir todos los registros de ingresos perdidos
  • Seek legal assistance with an experienced Chick-Fil-A accident attorney

Presente su reclamación a tiempo

One of the most important things to consider when thinking about filing a lawsuit is the deadline that applies. All claims are subject to a statute of limitations – or a deadline to sue. Claimants must file their claims within the applicable deadline to preserve their right to sue; if they fail to take any action within the deadline, then they will lose their right to sue entirely.

How long do you have to file your injury claim against Chick-Fil-A? In the state of California, slip and fall accidents and trip and fall accidents are subject to a two-year statute of limitations, meaning that claimants only have two years to sue. For more information about the time that you have to file your claim, do not hesitate to contact our experts as soon as possible.

Póngase en contacto con Downtown L.A. Law Group hoy mismo

Here at our law firm, our slip and fall lawyers and trip and fall lawyers are ready to help you take on Chick-Fil-A and help you get the compensation that you are owed. If you are ready to start your injury claim, do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.

We want to make things as easy as possible for you and your family; therefore, we offer free legal services. Our free legal services include free consultations and free second opinions, meaning that whether you are interested in beginning or continuing your claim, you will not have to worry about expensive fees to speak with our lawyers. During these free legal services, our lawyers will be available to answer all your questions and address all your concerns, providing you with all the information that you need to sue Chick Fil A.

We offer a Zero-Fee guarantee, so you will never have to worry about upfront legal costs. We also work on contingency; therefore, our clients will not be required to pay anything until after winning their claims. If you don’t win, you simply won’t pay.

If you are ready to discuss your claim with our attorneys, contact our experts today.

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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