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(855) 339-8879

West Covina Abogados de Lesiones Personales

What You Should Do After An IncidentYou can file a demanda por lesiones personales if you are injured in an accident that was caused by another individual or entity. In civil claims, you can receive compensation to cover the expenses that racked up after you were hurt; the party may have to pay out of pocket or use their insurance policy to pay your fees. However, the insurance company may not believe you or think your claim is worth anything; it is not uncommon for insurance agent to throw claims out that have ample evidence. The issue is that most victims do not have the experience required to negotiate a fair deal. For this reason, you should reach out to one of our West Covina personal injury attorneys at the Downtown LA Law Group. We will take care of your claim for you and ensure that you are fairly compensated for your losses.

Personal Injury Areas

There are a number of ways you take legal action against a party for damages you suffered. You may not know which type of lawsuit is best or what applies to your situation. Our West Covina personal injury lawyers practice in a slew of different areas and we know the best methods to success with your claim. Some of the types of accidents that often result in personal injury cases include: You may not know which type of lawsuit to file at first, but our West Covina personal injury lawyers can help. We know the laws surrounding each type of claim and what can legally be done about any breaches by the responsible party. Each area of personal injury can result in unique damages to your body. Many of the accidents can cause broken bones, fractures, concussions, nerve damage, traumatic brain injuries, crushing injuries, infection, scarring, burns, neck and spinal cord injuries, and internal organ damage. However, a few of the more specific incidents can result in unique injuries. You may be allergic to medication or bed bug bites, which can cause you to go into shock or suffer a severe reaction. You may also be misdiagnosed or wrongfully operated on while at a hospital, resulting in a medical malpractice claim. As long as you were physically hurt, you can file a reclamación por daños personales. You must first establish that you were owed a duty of care by the responsible party, that the care of duty was breached, that the breach of duty led to an accident of some kind, and that the incident resulted in physical injuries. West Covina Personal Injury AttorneysIf there were no physical injuries, you would only be able to pursue damages not related to medical compensation or pain and suffering. Let our personal injury attorneys in West Covina handle your claim for you so we can secure you every penny you deserve.

What You Should Do After An Incident

Even though each case is different, you can still follow this procedure to ensure that you have as much worthwhile evidence as possible and that you are safe from additional harm. It may be difficult to gather evidence if you are severely injured; you may have been rushed to the hospital for treatment and kept for a few days. Our attorneys will collect your evidence if necessary and walk you through the legal process. Firstly, you should get medical treatment, even if it is just getting seen by the paramedics or going to the doctor after the incident. If you do not go the doctor or get help, the insurance agent can claim that you were not hurt at all and that you were lying about the damages or even the accident. It is wise to go to preserve the foundation of your claim and because some injuries do not immediately show up; they may take a few days to appear or may manifest or get aggravated later. You should request the medical notes, X-rays, medical receipts, and anything else that shows that you received treatment. Next, you should have photo and video evidence of your damages and injuries. This can include pictures of the scene of the incident, the damage to the environment, surveillance footage from the company, and more. If there were any witnesses or individuals who suffered the same situation, you can ask them for statements and testimonies about the occurrence. They can back up your claim and provide additional perspectives or background to bolster your proof. There may have been police who showed up to the scene of the incident to conduct an investigation, which means you can ask them for a copy of the police report to add to your evidence package. If the incident happened at a business, you should file an incident report to make sure there is a record of the occurrence. Some businesses may not hold on to these very long or ignore them, so you should be sure to document on your end as well. If possible, get the contact information of the responsible party, as well as the insurance details. This will help you when you file your claim; you won’t have to try and locate the correct individual or entity. You should reach out to a skilled personal injury lawyer in West Covina for more assistance with your claim. We will ensure that you’re fairly treated throughout the case. There are many oversights that can happen, and we will do everything we can to keep the legal process smooth and efficient.

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Indemnización por daños corporales

Victims of personal injury claims should receive ample compensation for the various damages and expenses they totaled after the incident. There could be many costs affiliated with the incident, some of which are beyond your means. It is not fair for you to have to pay off these debts if you were hurt as a result of the negligence of another party. We will negotiate the maximum settlement from the insurance agency for you, which can include damages such as :
  • Medical bills from the past and future for hospitalization, medication, physical therapy, surgery, and more
  • Lost income from the past and future if you were not able to return to work for some time after the injuries
  • Disability pay if you were out of work for an extended period
  • Daños materiales si sus objetos personales se rompieron o perdieron en el siniestro
  • Restructuring costs
  • Pain and suffering damages for PTSD, anxiety emotional anguish, fear, and psychological trauma
You may also be able to secure punitive damages for your case, which are handed out in times of gross negligence or when the party deliberately harmed you. These damages are meant to punish the defendant and prevent him from acting n the same way in the future. However, these damages are seldom handed out and are very difficult to win; only a skilled West Covina personal injury lawyer will be able to win them for you. Additionally, you could pursue wrongful death damages if a family member or loved one died in the incident. These damages could include funeral fees, pre-death medical bills and pain and suffering, loss of inheritance and savings, loss of consortium, and more. You should not settle for a low amount of money from the insurance agency. We will strive to secure you every penny you deserve for your injuries and damages.

Time Limit to Sue for a Personal Injury Lawsuit

You must adhere to the statute of limitations for your lawsuit. This is the time in which you can legally file a claim; if you do not follow the statute, your claim will be ignored and you will miss the opportunity to take legal action and receive compensation. Personal injury lawsuits must be filed within 2 years of the date of the injury, but there are some differences depending on the circumstances of your case.
  • Claims against government entities: 6 months from the date of the injury
  • Medical malpractice: 1 year from the discovery of the injury or 3 years from the date of the injury itself; unless there was a foreign object left in the body, in which case the statute is unlimited
  • Underage plaintiffs: Statute begins at 18 years old
  • Mentally or physically compromised plaintiffs: Statute begins or resumes upon returning to functioning health
  • Defendant leaves the state: Statute is suspended until he returns

Llame a (855) 339-8879 para concertar una consulta gratuita y sin compromiso para averiguar si tiene un caso.

To ensure that your claim is filed on time, call our West Covina personal injury lawyers en (855) 339-8879.

Cómo ayudamos

En Downtown LA Law Group has had years of experience winning personal injury lawsuits for our clients. We know the most successful methods to securing you ample compensation and we will not stop fighting for your rights throughout the case. If we have to go to court to prove that you deserve ample restitution, we are willing to do so. Our lawyers are aggressive and will relentlessly negotiate with the insurance agency. Call us at (855) 339-8879 for a free legal consultation. All consultations are totally confidential and none of your private details will be shared outside of our office. We will discuss your case and tell you what we think it’s worth. If you have questions, feel free to ask us.

Llame a (855) 339-8879 para programar una consulta legal gratuita.

If you hire us to represent you, we will give you our zero fee guarantee. This promises that you won’t pay any money for legal services. We won’t get paid unless and until we win, and if we lose, we don’t get any money at all. You will not have to touch your savings and your financial standing will be uncompromised. Let our West Covina attorneys for personal injury cases litigate your claim para ti.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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