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Responsabilidad de la seguridad del hotel Mandalay Bay por el tiroteo de Las Vegas

Mandalay Bay Hotel Security Liability for Vegas ShootingOur office is currently investigating the injuries sustained by concertgoers in Las Vegas. As reports continue to emerge with regards to the catastrophic loss of life and injuries sustained by concertgoers questions still remain about the gunman’s motives and plan. Many are also questioning how the gunman was able to pull off such a plot without bringing any attention to his conduct. If you or your families have been impacted by the recent events in Las Vegas you may have a claim for damages. Contact our office today for a free confidential consultation about your rights.

Concert Liability for Injuries

While it is not yet clear, it appears that the venue where the incident took place may have some degree of liability as well. Based on the facts it appears that the concert venue was created an environment that was unsafe for concert goers. This was evidenced by the difficulty many people had in escaping the event at the time of the shootings. Many were unable to leave the fenced off area and it appears that insufficient exists were in place at the time of the shootings. It can be argued that had the venue created more exit areas for the concert goers to escape the loss of life and casualties would have been limited. Many were unable to escape at the time of the incident. This was because of the fence perimeter was improperly placed and did not have sufficient exits posts, which would allow them to leave the scene. When the shooting erupted the fence which was placed around the perimeter of the concert was not safe. According to experts, it lacked sufficient exit points, which would have prevented a bottleneck. It is likely to argue that had sufficient exit points been installed, fewer people would have been injured. It is not clear yet why the concert lacked sufficient exit points.
Agresión sexual en hoteles

Responsabilidad del hotel

Based on preliminary reports it appears that the security failed to notice the suspicious activity of the shooter. From what was indicated in the initial reports it appears that the hotel should have had notice of the gunmen’s motives. From what was reported it appears that the gunman had been in the hotel for a period of three days. In these three days reports show that the gunman had actually installed cameras and other surveillance equipment into his room. The question is whether the hotel security or staff should have been alarmed by this type of conduct. Did the staff act appropriately with reference to the conduct of the shooter and would this not have happened had the acted diligently.
Agresión sexual en residencias de ancianos
While it is impossible to say this with certainty, it is clear that the hotel would share some degree of liability for these types of injuries. If the hotel should have noticed or if a reasonably prudent person in that same situation would have noticed an omission or issue with the conduct, you can assert liability. Another factor which is being considered is whether the windows at the hotel were sufficiently strong enough to handle the attack. As has been evidenced by the news reports the gunman was able to break the windows in his suite. This allowed him to target people on the ground level from a tactically advantageous position. It is clear that any hotel which constructs such a high building would consider the likelihood of window strength. This is to protect not only against such attacks but also to protect against people who occupy the room from throwing furniture or other items of the room causing injury to passing pedestrians or vehicles. It is likely to consider that this type of issue should be considered and remedied. This could have involved installing high strength glass or coating the existing windows with specialized protection. However, it is not clear as to what happened yet and our office will be investigating all possible scenarios.
Abusos sexuales: ¿aumentan o se notan más?
If you were injured during the attack or if you lost a loved one contact our office for a confidential consultation.

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