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Motorcycle Accident Carpal Tunnel Injury | Personal Injury Lawyer

motorcycle accident carpal tunnel syndrome liability compensation medical lawsuit surgery personal injury lawsuit. A motorcycle accident is a serious issue. It can lead to intense injuries on the road, some of which may be fully fixed. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one such accident that could have been steadily progressing over a period of years and the motorcycle incident was the catalyst that pushed your body over the edge. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a serious occurrence, and if you found out that you began to suffer it in the wake of a motorcycle crash, you should reach out to our law firm. The Downtown LA Law Group has handled dozens of claims involving motorcycle accidents and carpal tunnel syndrome arising from such incidents. We know the best methods for success and will stop at nothing to win the compensation you deserve.

Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles are two-wheeled vehicles that are inherently more dangerous than their four-wheeled vehicle counterparts. They are smaller and are thus harder to see when on the road; some drivers may not be aware that a motorcycle is in a lane until it is too late. Many motorcycle accidents happen because of another vehicle crashing into them, and thus, the motorcycle rider is seriously hurt. Some of the causes of motorcycle accidents include:
  • Exceso de velocidad
  • No ceder el paso
  • Falta de intermitentes
  • Tailgating
  • Saltarse semáforos en rojo
  • Saltarse las señales de stop
  • Conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol
  • Driving while impaired by medication or drugs
  • Malas condiciones meteorológicas
  • Lane-splitting
Motorcycle accidents are very dangerous due to the fact that the vehicles are not protected like cars are. Automobiles have the riders in enclosed spaces with seatbelts, cushions, and airbags. An impact generally allows the rider to stay contained and the car absorbs a lot of it (circumstances permitting). A motorcycle, on the other hand, does not have any safety features at all. the rider will be thrown from the vehicle and left to the mercy of his protective gear, most of which only consists of a helmet and heavily padded clothing. There is nothing to stop the motorcyclist from getting seriously injured, impaled, or thrown into another vehicle. One of the primary injuries that arises from motorcycle accidents is damage to the hand and arm. Motorcycle riders are often thrown from the bikes and try to break their fall by putting their hands out, They may slam their elbows into the ground or into a vehicle, or they may twist their arm when tumbling. The small bit of damage can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome and other nerve damage.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Characteristics

Carpal tunnel syndrome usually results from repetitive actions and poor posture with your hands. It is characterized by a numbness in the hand, pain in the wrist, tingling, stiffness, and weakness. As time goes on and carpal tunnel syndrome is not treated, the condition worsens. The affliction is actually caused due to a compression of the median nerve. The tunnel through which the nerve travels will be narrower or tighter, and the nerve is constantly being touched or aggravated. The other nerves that can be affected are the radial nerve and the ulnar nerve, but the damages to them can cause other conditions (like cubital tunnel syndrome or tennis elbow). All of the nerves control the hand’s movements, though. A motorcycle accident can cause carpal tunnel syndrome, but the condition can become more pronounced if there are no changes in your life. For example, if you are a typist, you may need to dial back how much you type each day and take more frequent rest breaks. you may also need to start going to physical therapy to get your strength back. In the worst of cases, you will need surgery to decompress the nerve in the tunnel.

Liability in a Motorcycle Accident

Determining liability after a motorcycle accident can be difficult if you do not know what to look for. A motorcycle accident lawsuit will be a personal injury claim, and thus, you must prove that the responsible party was negligent. Negligence can be established by these four points:
  • You were owed a duty of care by the other party to be safe and not be injured
  • The duty of care was breached in some manner by wrong actions or choices
  • El incumplimiento del deber provocó un accidente de algún tipo
  • El accidente provocó lesiones físicas
If even one of these points is shown to be false, your claim will fall apart. To fully prepare for a claim and ensure that your lawsuit is a success, you should follow these steps: First, go to the doctor for medical treatment and to get the carpal tunnel syndrome appropriately diagnosed. You may need to return to the doctor every so often to guarantee the diagnosis. It is also very important that you get treated as quickly as possible. If you delay the treatment, you risk the injury worsening, but you also risk the insurance agent doubting the validity of the claim. A gap may indicate that you were hurt in another incident and you simply want to blame your injuries on the other. While at the hospital, get copies of your medical receipt, treatment notes, doctor’s statements, photos of your damages, and ore. You should also take pictures of the scene of the accident, the involved parties, and more. Many motorcycle riders have cameras mounted on their helmets to ensure that there is some kind of evidence in the event of an accident. This video evidence can be used to show what happened. You should speak to any eyewitnesses or other drivers who saw the incident occur. You can ask them for their statements and testimonies to add to your claim. If the police showed up to your accident, you should ask them to send you a copy of the police report once it has been filed. You may need to contact the station directly to request this form. You should write down all the contact information of the other driver, including his name, phone number, license plate number, insurance details, and more. Once you have gotten as much proof as possible, you should reach out to a motorcycle accident lawyer in Los Angeles. It is in your best interest to contact a lawyer who has experience in carpal tunnel syndrome resulting from such accidents. You may not have any legal experience at all, and if you try to deal with the claim by yourself, you may find it nearly impossible. The insurance agent can throw away your lawsuit or ignore your calls. We will do everything in our power to keep your claim at the top of the pile and we will fight and negotiate until we are satisfied with the result.

Value of a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Resulting in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The value of your claim will be largely determined by the insurance agent handling it. He will look at the severity of your injuries, the level of responsibility you had in the accident, your age, your career, and more, and he will come up with an offer. It is our job to negotiate a fair deal from the agent. We will strive to win you the following forms of restitution:
  • Medical bills for surgery, hospitalization, medication, physical rehabilitation, future treatments, and more
  • Property damage to repair your motorcycle or replace lost personal items
  • Lost income if you were unable to return to work or if you cannot return to your career in the future
  • Pain and suffering damages to cover emotional stress, PTSD, anxiety, fear, and more
We will not give up on your case until the fullest settlement is achieved. Call our lawyers today.

Deadline to Sue for a Motorcycle Accident

The statute of limitations in California for motorcycle accident claims is 2 years from the date of the injury. If you do not sue within that time frame, you won’t be able to collect any compensation. it is important that you gather your evidence swiftly; the longer you wait, the more likely it is that your evidence will degrade or be lost, or that witnesses will forget key details. There are a few scenarios in which the statute of limitations can be lengthened beyond the 2-year limit. This may happen if you were underage at the time of the incident, if you were left incapacitated afterward, or if the defendant has left the state. Your attorney can determine if any of these exceptions are applicable and how to ensure that your case does not expire.

Elegir nuestro bufete

En Downtown LA Law Group is known as one of the most successful and revered law groups in Los Angeles. We have a history of victories and our clients know us for our tenacity and commitment. We have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for victims of motorcycle accidents and those who have suffered carpal tunnel syndrome. Our aggressive lawyers are willing to go to court to fight for your rights and compensation if we must. For a free legal consultation, call our law firm today. All consultations are confidential and your private details and info will not be shared elsewhere. You can ask us any questions you want and we’ll give you the answers you need. We will also tell you all about our zero fee guarantee. This states that you will not pay any out of pocket expenses for our services. We will cover the costs of the case ourselves, and if we win, the settlement will provide us with our fees. If we lose, we take nothing at all. If you suffered carpal tunnel syndrome after a motorcycle accident, call the Downtown LA Law Group at (855) 339-8879.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

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Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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