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Detached Trailer Hitch Accident Attorney | Product Liability Lawsuit

Detached trailer accidents often result in catastrophic and fatal injuries. In some instance defects in the hitch or failure to properly install hitches results in trailers becoming loose crossing the center lain of a highway or street and colliding with oncoming traffic. Our Law Firm is dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals who suffered serious injuries in motor vehicle traffic collision involved detached runaway trailers from camiones, big rigs, rental trucks, flatbeds, and pickup trucks ans sports utility vehicles. Our office provide free no cost legal consultations regarding your claim.

Common causes of detached trailers:

  • Defect in the design or manufacturing of the hitch or other defects present in the vehicle or the trailer – flaw in the locking mechanism of the hitch
  • Failure to properly maintain or inspect a trailer and the hitch
  • Failure in the locking mechanism – often due to failure to correctly place
  • Failure in the safety chains – chains not properly attached to the vehicle
  • Trailer was equipped with undersized safety chains
  • Trailers carrying heavier lead that the ball and hitch was rated to pull
  • Emergency trailer brake cable improperly attached

At fault parties in accidents caused by the detaching of trailers often include, truck drivers include persons responsible for placing the hitch, employers of drive drivers and operators, manufacturers for defective hitches, maintenance crew, rental truck companies including Budget and U-haul, and owners of the truck carrying the trailer. Defective Vehicles Parts Resulting in Detached Trailer Accidents: Defective equipment and parts is a common cause of detached trailer accidents. Generally there are three distinct causes of action in product liability lawsuits.

  • Defecto en el diseño del producto: A design defect cause of action can be established in a court of law if the manufacturer of the hitch had knowledge of a  less dangerous design but failed to implement it.
  • Defect in the manufacturing of the product: If the final manufactured and distributed  hitch was markedly different and as a result more prone to failure when compared to the original intended design.
  • Labeling defect: also referred to as failure to war o dangers associated with the common use of the product

Lesiones comunes:

  1. Lesiones cerebrales
  2. Facial fractures, lacerations and scarring
  3. Pedestrian fatalities – run over by detached trailers
  4. Huesos rotos y fracturas
  5. Lesión medular

Indemnización por sus lesiones: Victims of personal injury in motor vehicle accidents are entitled to monetary compensation for all their losses including.

  • Recovery for all out of pocket health and medication costs
  • Cost of rehabilitation and future medical costs
  • Recovery for lost wages due to inability to work and loss or reduction of future income
  • Dolor y sufrimiento, incluida la angustia emocional
  • Punitive damage – where the defendant displayed a reckless disregard for the health and safety of the injured party

Fatality Caused by Runaway Trailer Accidents

  In the State of California relatives of the deceased have a right to file a wrongful death cause of action against all at fault individuals. California Wrongful Death Code of Civil Procedure state that a claim for wrongful death can be filed in the court of law by “El cónyuge supérstite, la pareja de hecho, los hijos y los descendientes del difunto o, si no hay descendientes del difunto, las personas, incluido el cónyuge supérstite o la pareja de hecho, que tendrían derecho a los bienes del difunto por sucesión intestada.."

Contactar con un abogado – If you have any further legal questions regarding your injuries call toll free (855)385-2529. All consultations are free of charge.

Further Information: Avoiding Trailer Hitch Accidents

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Guía definitiva sobre accidentes de camión

- Accidente de camión
- Preguntas sobre accidentes de camión: FAQ
- Causas comunes de los accidentes de camión
- Abogado de accidentes de camiones en movimiento
- Fedex Abogado de Accidente de Camión
- Quién tiene la culpa de un accidente de camión
- Accidente de un barrendero
- Accidente de camión blindado

- Accidente de un camión hormigonera y un camión hormigonera
- Accidente con el enganche del remolque
- Lesiones causadas por accidentes con puertas levadizas
- Accidente de carretilla elevadora
- Herido en accidente de camión
- Accidente de camión maderero
- Accidente de camión de la basura
- Accidente de camión de servicio de alimentos
- Fui pasajero en un accidente de camión
- Leyes de California sobre accidentes de camión
- Accidente de grúa
- Involucrado en un accidente de camión: ¿Qué debo hacer?
- Accidente de camión postal
- Accidente de camión sobrecargado
- Santa Monica Abogado de Accidente de Camión
- Accidente de transporte de animales en camión

Interesting & Helpful Legal Infographics

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