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Abogado Síndrome Post-Laminectomía

Post-Laminectomy Syndrome Attorney lawyer sue compensation personal injury

Post-laminectomy syndrome or PLS is a cause of chronic back pain in people who have had an accident. In this case, PLS can cause a much lower quality of life, disability for the person suffering from it, and can lead to associated psychological disorders. A case of PLS can come after a failed lumbar laminectomy, which is a surgical procedure utilized to treat an intervertebral disk (IVD) protrusion. The IVD surgical procedure can result in a nerve root compression, which can be painful for the individual having to undergo this procedure. At that point, PLS is a failed back surgery, and is considered akin to a form of CRPS, or a failed back fusion surgery.

What Is a Failed Back Surgery?

A failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is the same as PLS, and it is characterized by back pain that can have radiating pain down the lower limbs. The origin of the pain is often unknown in origin, and it can begin right after a surgical procedure that is meant to treat a lumbar disc herniation. Many patients with PLS can have neuropathic pain at high levels, and will therefore have a reduced quality of life in the balance. These individuals are more prone to having a disability, where they may need other interventions to handle their condition, such as:

  • Pharmacological
  • Rehabilitación
  • Psychotherapeutic
  • Surgical procedures and treatments

People who experience chronic pain after a failed back surgical procedure can have serious emotional issues, where they are experiencing physical and emotional disabilities. These individuals can also have social, cultural and family performance issues for the person feeling the loss after this type of diagnosis following an accident.

Many people feel that their lives are over, and can suffer extreme mental illness with a diagnosis of PLS. These individuals only have to look forward to extreme pian, deterioration of the body, difficulties in walking and other problems with waiting for a cure for the PLS that they suffer. Many times, doctors are unable to find the root causes of the pain accompanying PLS, which is frustrating for the people suffering from this condition.

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Surgical Disc Surgeries Fail All the Time

Many times, when a person’s surgical disc surgery fails, the individual will be left with a diagnosis of PLS. there is a high prevalence of people who suffer pain after a scheduled lumbar surgical procedure. The general issues of PLS are that the person may also have and experience:

  • Foraminal stenosis
  • Internal disc extrusion
  • Pseudoarthrosis
  • Neuropathic pain

If you have had a failed back surgery and now have PLS, you need to give our law office a call today. We are here for you and can help you to get the recovery compensation that you need in this claim. We understand that this can be a confusing time for you, and that you need time to recover from your personal injuries. But we are here to get you the recovery compensation you need for your personal injuries, losses, lost wages and damages.

It is easy to call our law office, to be connected with a compassionate lawyer who understands what you need to pay your upcoming medical bills. It is not fair that you suffer in silence, and you don’t have to any longer. Just give us a call today and we will be able to help you get the recovery compensation you need for your PLS personal injury after a back surgical procedure that did not take properly as scheduled and performed.

Garantía de cero comisiones

Ofrecemos una garantía de cero honorarios, donde no le pedimos ningún dinero por adelantado. No requerimos que usted ponga ningún dinero abajo para que comencemos a trabajar en su caso. Estamos preparados para hacer de su caso un acuerdo ganador, y queremos que sepa que usted no tiene que pagarnos un centavo por adelantado para que comencemos ese proceso para usted.

Segunda opinión gratuita

We are able to offer to you a free second opinion. When you call us at the DTLA Law Group, you will be in connection with a lawyer with a high level of experience in this type of case law. We will be able to review your case, and you will talk with an attorney with expertise in your area of law, to win the full recovery that you need for compensation in this case. Our law firm has many attorneys who specialize in winning cases just like this one. We work with big insurance companies every day, and we know how to negotiate full settlements with them for our clients.

You need a lawyer with firm specialty in managing cases for personal injury related to PLS. For this reason, you need to call us at the DTLA Law Group, to talk to our lawyers who can help with your claim for damages and personal injuries for a failed back surgical procedure. You can trust calling our experienced attorneys in Los Angeles, who will work hard to bring this case to a successful conclusion, to pay your upcoming medical bills.

Can I Sue for Post-Laminectomy Syndrome?

Yes, we can sue for Post-Laminectomy Syndrome, especially when it is experienced after a failed back surgical procedure. When you give our law firm a call, you will be connected with our Los Angeles case lawyers, who will file a lawsuit on your behalf. We are here and ready to start your lawsuit.

We are prepared to win your lawsuit, and to get back the money as represented in recovery compensation, that you need in this case. Just give us a call at the DTLA Law Group, to talk to our case attorneys in Los Angeles. We are here for you, and can sue the people who are responsible for your personal injuries that resulted in PLS, pain and suffering as related to this loss.

Llame para una consulta gratuita

Give us a call today for a free consultation regarding your PLS case. We are able to talk to you regarding your case, and will review your claim with you. It is easy to pick up the phone and give us a call today. We are here and ready to talk to you whenever you give us a call.

Post-Laminectomy Syndrome Attorney lawsuit sue compensation injury

Ganancias por una demanda de responsabilidad por productos defectuosos contra Belkin

El valor de una demanda por responsabilidad civil por productos defectuosos dependerá en gran medida de las lesiones que haya sufrido y de la gravedad de las mismas. Si sufrió lesiones graves, recibirá potencialmente una oferta de acuerdo mayor que si sólo sufrió lesiones leves. El agente de seguros quiere preservar los beneficios y no pagar los acuerdos, y nuestro objetivo es ofrecerle el máximo acuerdo disponible bajo la ley. Nuestra meta es asegurarle compensación por lo siguiente:

  • Facturas y gastos médicos pasados y futuros en concepto de cirugía, hospitalización, medicación, fisioterapia, etc.
  • Salarios perdidos si no pudo trabajar o no pudo volver a hacerlo en el futuro.
  • Daños materiales para cubrir la pérdida de objetos y efectos personales
  • Indemnización por daños y perjuicios para compensar traumas emocionales, ansiedad, TEPT, miedo, etc.

No debe esperarse que usted pague la factura de todos estos gastos si, en primer lugar, no fue responsable del incidente. Una reclamación por producto defectuoso puede permitirle recibir la indemnización que necesita para pagar estos daños.

La promesa de nuestra empresa

Nuestro objetivo en el Downtown LA Law Group es asegurar que usted está totalmente cubierto por sus pérdidas si usted fue herido a causa de un producto defectuoso. Nuestros abogados de responsabilidad por productos defectuosos son conocidos como los mejores de la ciudad, y tenemos años de experiencia y numerosas críticas que nos respaldan. No nos detendremos ante nada para conseguirle hasta el último centavo que se merezca, incluso si eso significa acudir a los tribunales para defender sus derechos.

Para una consulta legal gratuita, llame a nuestras oficinas legales hoy. Todas las consultas son confidenciales y su información privada o los detalles de su caso no serán compartidos con nadie. También le daremos nuestra garantía de cero honorarios en su caso. No nos pagarán a menos que y hasta que ganemos. Si perdemos, no cobraremos nada. De cualquier manera, sus finanzas no se verán alteradas por buscar ayuda legal con nosotros.

No dude en ponerse en contacto con Downtown LA Law Group si desea demandar a Belkin por lesiones derivadas de un banco de carga defectuoso.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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