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Obstetric Malpractice Attorney | Obstetrician Negligence Lawsuit

What is Ob-gyn Medical malpractice?

Obstetric malpractice lawsuits involve medical malpractice claims that occur any time between the inception of a fetus through the birth of the baby.  Medical malpractice claims against obstetricians surface after the medical professional fails to perform his or her duty at the minimum accepted standard of care.  Furthermore, this failure must have been a direct cause of the injury to the baby.  In other words, if the doctor had acted the way a normal physician would have, the baby would never have suffered any harm.  Due to the fact that obstetricians are specialists within the field of medicine, they are held to a higher standard of care than other medical professionals.  This standard is especially heightened due to the delicate nature of dealing with babies and the potential risks posed during the birthing process. If a mother or child has been injured as a result of their malpractice, they will be found liable.  Many jurisdictions, including California, limit the amount of non-economic damages that can be recovered in medical malpractice claims.  However, our attorneys will procure the maximum amount of compensation for your claim.  This includes recovering for pain and suffering, as well as other economic damages such as:

  • Gastos médicos
  • Futuros gastos médicos for the remainder of the child’s life
  • The potential loss of income by the baby as a result of the malpractice
  • The additional parental costs that will be incurred by the parents as a result of the child’s injury
Contact Downtown L.A. Law Group to speak to an attorney regarding your obstetric malpractice lawsuit.

Injuries from Obstetric Malpractice

The delicate nature of a child leaves a baby incredibly vulnerable to injuries during birth.  Therefore, there are any number of injuries that can occur due to malpractice by an obstetrician.  Still, we find that some injuries are more common than other.  Some of the most common damages are:

  • Erb’s palsy
  • Parálisis cerebral
  • Klumpke palsy
  • Shoulder Dystocia
  • Huesos rotos
  • Nacimiento prematuro
  • Lesiones cerebrales
  • Birth complications leading to uterine rupture or perforation, preeclampsia or infection
  • Failure to perform or untimely performance of a cesarean section (C-Section) – sometimes a child must be delivered via a c-section.  This can be because of the baby’s size, placement or because of fetal distress.
  • Uterine rupture – your doctor should notice ruptures quickly, through either the baby’s heart rate, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding or through other signs.  Failure to do so can prove to be dire for not only the baby, but also the mother.  A uterine rupture is a tearing of the uterus as far deep as the abdominal cavity.
  • Wrongful birth – parents should be advised about any potential birthing defects that become apparent throughout the birthing process.
  • Muerte por negligencia

Más información sobre sus opciones jurídicas: llame al (855) 339-8879 para hablar ahora con un representante.

How Obstetric Malpractice Occurs

Delivering babies and assisting woman through pregnancies requires a heightened level of skill, responsibility and care.  Obstetric malpractice can occur anytime a medical professional fails to meet an acceptable level of care.  Malpractice can happen in any number of ways, including:

  • Failure to quickly identify and react to fetal distress, seizures by the baby, preeclampsia or other labor induced risks
  • Improper use or failure to use a C-section
  • Mistakes in vaginal delivery such as forceps or vacuum errors
  • Errores quirúrgicos
  • Failure to respond to warning signals in an ultrasound
  • Miscommunication
  • Errores de medicación
  • Falta de supervisión

How Our Obstetric Malpractice Lawyers Can Help

Medical malpractice in general, but especially obstetric malpractice can be one of the most difficult practice areas to litigate.  It requires a complex understanding of legal, factual and health related issues.  Not only will we fight for your injuries, but we utilize some of the best experts and medical professionals in order to maximize your claim.

Infórmese sobre sus opciones de indemnización llamando al (855) 339-8879.

Llámanos al (855) 339-8879 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation to speak directly to an attorney regarding your medical malpractice lawsuit.  All of our cases are handled on a contingency fee basis.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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