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Los Angeles Bird Scooter Abogados de Lesiones

If you have visited Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, or Culver City lately, you might have noticed something different. Throughout these cities, it is now common to see electric scooters parked in public places waiting to be rented. If you stayed in the area long enough, you might have even seen someone in the process of riding the electric scooter. With the increase in rental electric scooter popularity, there have been many questions directed towards legal experts. Our law firm, Downtown L.A. Law Group, has heard many of the following questions:

  • What happens if a defective scooter causes an injury?
  • Can injured victims sue the rental scooter company?
  • Can injured victims sue the rental scooter manufacturer?
  • Can victims be compensated?

Can You Sue the Manufacturer for Bird ScootersIf you have asked yourself any of the questions above, you must seek legal assistance as soon as possible. Were you harmed after renting a Bird scooter? If so, you must contact the experienced attorneys at Downtown L.A. Law Group immediately. Our experienced attorneys are available to answer all your questions, address all your concerns, and provide you with all the information necessary to ensure that you can file a successful claim and be compensated. Do not wait around contemplating the possibility of taking legal action- contact our law firm today to speak with our lawyers.

Infórmese sobre sus opciones de indemnización llamando al (855) 339-8879.

What is Bird?

Bird is a scooter-share company that was founded in the summer of 2017 by Travis VanderZanden, who once was a high-ranking executive at both Lyft and Uber. Bird is based in Santa Monica, California and now provides a convenient transportation option to residents of the following major cities: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and Culver City. How do the Bird e-scooters work? Similar to ridesharing services Uber and Lyft, Bird is available to riders through a mobile application. Riders are required to download the Bird app and create an account. After creating an account, users can view a map with real-time locations of the Bird electric scooters. The rider simply needs to make his or her way to the nearest electric scooter to begin riding. The scooter can be unlocked with the app and locked once again after the ride is over. The ride is automatically charged at rates of $1 and $0.15 per minute at the end of the ride. Bird provides users with a short 8-step instruction guide to get them up to speed with using the electric scooters. However, the short 8-step manual seems to be lacking. Even though riders have access to a manual that explains-rather vaguely-how to use the Bird service, they continue suffering injuries and causing an accident. If you were injured as a result of a Bird electric scooter, you might have grounds to file a lawsuit.

Bird Safety Information

Can You Sue the Manufacturer for Bird Scooters if a Defective Bird Scooter Causes You an Injury?Bird scooter users are subject to follow specific rules. For example, riders must always wear a helmet while using the scooters. Therefore, they must carry their own helmet. Since helmets are required, the company offers free helmets to all riders that request them. Riders must always follow all traffic rules (they must always ride on the street and never on sidewalks). Riders must also always ride as single-riders-especially considering the weight limit on the scooters. Riders are also required to be at least 18-years-old with a valid driver’s license. As you can see, Bird is concerned for rider safety. Considering the company’s concern with safety, it is not surprising to learn that Bird is known to deactivate user accounts when riders are found to be in violation of any safety rules. However, Bird cannot control every aspect of a rider’s e-scooter experience. Because of that, many safety rules can go ignored, and riders could suffer accidents which could lead to a series of injuries.

Can You Sue the Manufacturer for Bird Scooters if a Defective Bird Scooter Causes You an Injury?

Yes, you can sue the manufacturer for Bird scooters if a defect caused you to suffer an injury. If you believe that a defect in the Bird scooter that you rented resulted in your injuries, you might have grounds to file a product liability lawsuit. If a defective product caused your injuries, you have the right to sue and receive compensation. Who manufactures the electric scooters used by Bird? According to reports, a Chinese electronics company called Xiaomi is manufacturing Bird’s scooters under a “Mi” brand. If a defective Bird scooter causes an injury, you could file a product liability claim against Xiaomi under the following circumstances:

  • There is a defect in the scooter’s design.
  • There is a defect in the scooter’s manufacturing.
  • There is a defect in the scooter’s labeling.

What are some defects that could lead to a product liability lawsuit? To start the Bird scooter, riders are required to push the scooter two or three times before pressing the throttle button. When the throttle button is pressed, the scooter suddenly reaches its maximum speed of 15 miles per hour. Although the process seems simple and problem-free, unsuspecting riders could suffer injuries. Without a doubt, the scooter’s sudden start can pose a danger for all of the following people: first-time users, older users, users without a strong core, and users with poor balance, for example. Defects could also exist in with the braking system, the tires, or even the battery. What should you do if you believe you have been harmed by a defective Bird scooter? If your injuries are visible, you should photograph your injuries. You should also photograph the Bird scooter, making sure to capture the defect and identification information (such as the scooter serial number). You should also take a screenshot of your mobile application for the details of your ride. Even if you believe that your injuries are not severe, you should seek medical care as soon as possible. You should also report the injury to the company and seek legal assistance as soon as possible.

Más información sobre sus opciones jurídicas: llame al (855) 339-8879 con un representante ahora.

For more information about filing a defective product claim against the manufacturer of Bird scooters, you must contact the attorneys at Downtown L.A. Law Group as soon as possible.

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$1,96 millones

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Can You Sue the Bird Scooter Company for an Injury?

Yes, you can sue the Bird Scooter company for an injury. Was Bird negligent in any way? Did Bird’s negligence lead to your injury? If so, you must speak with an injury lawyer for e-scooter accidents as soon as possible. Unfortunately, some victims of scooter accidents think that their accidents were silly and not grounds for filing a lawsuit. However, victims of scooter accidents could have grounds to sue-regardless of how silly or harmless the accident might have seemed. Any type of injury suffered, whether it be a sprain, a fracture, a laceration, for example, could make you eligible to receive compensation. For specific information about whether you could file a lawsuit against Bird Scooter Company after suffering injuries, you must contact the injury attorneys for Bird scooter accident lawsuits at Downtown L.A. Law Group lo antes posible.

Bird Scooter Brakes Automatically Locked

An issue that can reflect either on the scooter manufacturer or the scooter company is the brakes – more specifically, the brakes automatically locking. Do I have a case if the scooter brakes automatically locked on me resulting in an accident? Can I sue? Yes – you could have a valid case, and you could sue for the injuries that you suffered in the incident. Although issues with the brakes can definitely be traced back to the product manufacturer, these issues can also be traced back to the scooter company. Companies like Bird, Lime, Spin, Skip, Lyft, etc., all have to ensure that their scooters are safe for their users, so they have to routinely inspect their scooters and repair them as needed. If you are unsure of whether you have the right to sue the scooter manufacturer or Bird, don’t hesitate to contact our scooter accident lawyers. Our Bird scooter injury attorneys are ready to evaluate your injury claim and help you understand your right to sue.

Other Possible Causes of Injuries

Whenever you are riding some sort of vehicle along with traffic, you run the risk of being injured. As discussed in the sections above, you could file a lawsuit if you are injured as a result of a defect in the scooters. However, not only product defects could cause your accidents. Besides the obvious hazard being cars and other motorized vehicles, scooter accidents could also be caused by a crack in the sidewalk or a broken road, for example. If you suffer a Bird scooter fall from a defective sidewalk, you could have grounds to sue the party liable for the sidewalk. No matter the cause of your accident, you must seek legal assistance as soon as possible. Our experienced attorneys at DTLA Law Group will guide you through the process of suing whoever is liable for your accident and your injuries.

La indemnización disponible para la recuperación

If you file a lawsuit after suffering an accident on a Bird scooter, you might be eligible to be compensated. Since the specific type and amount of compensation that you could be eligible to receive depends on the details of your claim, you must seek legal assistance as soon as possible. Speaking with an experienced scooter accident attorney should help you get a better understanding of the compensation that you could receive. Although every claim is different, you could be eligible to recover some of the following categories of compensation:

  • Facturas médicas
  • Salarios perdidos
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Pérdida de consorcio
  • Gastos de sepelio y entierro
  • Daños punitivos

Although there are many categories of compensation available for recovery, there is no guarantee that you will receive all of the compensation listed above. Rather, the compensation available for recovery depends on the details of your claim. For more information about the type and amount of compensation that you could receive, you must contact our law firm as soon as possible. Upon evaluating your claim, our experienced DTLA Law Group lawyers will provide you with all the information you need to reach a successful claim outcome and be compensated. When you allow our experienced scooter injury lawyers to handle your claim, you can be certain that our lawyers will always aggressively fight for your right to receive the highest amount of compensation available for your injury claim. Do not hesitate-contact us today.

Los Angeles Bird Scooter Injury Attorneys attorney sue compensation personal injury accident incident lawsuit

The Statute of Limitations to File a Claim

Debe buscar asistencia jurídica lo antes posible. Si no actúa con urgencia, podría perder su derecho a demandar y recibir una indemnización. Dado que toda demanda está sujeta a un plazo de prescripción, los posibles demandantes deben presentar sus demandas dentro de los plazos correspondientes. Un plazo de prescripción es una línea de tiempo o fecha límite para demandar que establece cuánto tiempo tiene una víctima de cualquier tipo de accidente para presentar su reclamación. Usted podría estar sujeto a un plazo de prescripción de dos años. Dado que podría haber excepciones que peaje o extender el tiempo que tiene para presentar su demanda, usted debe hablar con nuestros abogados de inmediato para su aclaración.

Downtown L.A. Law Group

Si ha sufrido lesiones en un accidente de scooter, puede presentar una demanda y ser indemnizado por sus lesiones. Usted puede confiar en que nuestros abogados pueden manejar su reclamo de manera eficiente. Para asegurarnos de que podemos ayudar a tantas víctimas de accidentes de scooter, independientemente de su situación financiera, nuestro bufete de abogados ofrece consultas gratuitas y segundas opiniones gratuitas a todas las partes interesadas en hablar con nuestros abogados. Durante nuestras consultas gratuitas y segundas opiniones gratuitas, nuestros experimentados abogados DTLA Law Group le proporcionará toda la información que necesita para emprender acciones legales-usted puede estar seguro de que todas sus preguntas serán contestadas y todas sus preocupaciones serán abordadas. No importa si usted nunca ha hablado con un abogado o si usted ya ha hablado con un abogado que le ha engañado debido a su incompetencia; usted puede estar seguro de que nuestros abogados expertos están aquí para ayudarle a luchar por la compensación que usted merece. Nuestras consultas gratuitas y segundas opiniones gratuitas están disponibles como parte de nuestra garantía de cero honorarios. Nuestro Garantía de cero comisiones que nuestros clientes nunca tienen que preocuparse de pagar honorarios legales por adelantado por ninguno de nuestros servicios legales. En Downtown LA Law GroupSiempre puede hablar con nuestros expertos legales sin tener que preocuparse por los honorarios legales por adelantado. Nuestra firma también se basa estrictamente en contingencia; por lo tanto, nuestros clientes no tendrán que pagar ningún honorario legal hasta después de que nuestros abogados ganen sus demandas. Si usted no gana, no tendrá que pagar honorarios legales. No siga dudando en buscar asistencia legal; contacte con nuestros abogados lo antes posible.

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