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Abogado del fallo del cinturón de hombro

Car crashes are extremely common; each year, there are 6 million or more accidents. The different crashes can range from extremely devastating with various fatalities to minor with no injuries at all. One of the most prevalent and noticeable safety features that helps reduce the amount of injuries in car crashes is the shoulder belt. This device goes across the waist and upper body to keep all individuals in a vehicle from being launched in the event of an impact. Basic vehicles that seat five individuals are usually outfitted with five seatbelts. Of course, there are instances when such shoulder belts fail to work. In fact, there could be defects present that cause extensive injuries even in minor crashes. If you have been injured by a defective shoulder beltpóngase en contacto con Downtown LA Law Group for assistance. We can provide you with a shoulder belt failure attorney who can litigate your claim and ensure that you get every penny you deserve.

Types of Shoulder Belt Defects

Shoulder belt failure attorney There are various ways that a shoulder belt can be defective. Many vehicles have adhered to a basic design and do not have a lot of differences from car to car. Almost every vehicle has a shoulder belt that goes across the chest and across the waist. In some cars, such as racing vehicles, there are harnesses; in others, there are belts that are affixed to the doors. Common examples of shoulder belt defects include:
  • Unlatching: The shoulder belt may become unlatched during an impact. This can happen due to force, tugging on the belt, a small depression on the button, and more. It is not common for a belt to unlatch during an accident but there have been reports in some rare cases.
  • False latching: The belt may slip into the buckle but it may not fully latch. It can hold a person in place for a while, but any impact will instantly cause the belt to release.
  • Defective belt webbing: The material that a belt is made out of is designed to be extremely strong and to withstand impact with a lot of force from both a body and a vehicle. If this material rips or tears, it can be extremely dangerous for the rider.
  • Passive restraints: A belt that automatically stretches across your shoulder may have a lap belt that needs to be manually connected. There may not be any notifications or warnings in the car to alert riders and if one part of the system is not employed, the rider can be severely injured.
  • Failure to retract: If a belt retractor doesn’t lock, it can cause great damage. The retractor should lock the belt in place.

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Excess spooling or slack: A common issue with shoulder belts is an excess of slack or spool outside of the belt holder. This means that there is no tension at all and the belt would not function in a safe manner. – Defective Seatbelt LawyersHerido en accidente por no llevar puesto el cinturón de seguridadNot Wearing a Seat Belt as a PassengerPor qué son tan peligrosos los casos de cinturones de seguridadDefectos del cinturón de seguridad¿Cuál es el valor de mi demanda por defecto del cinturón de seguridad?Abogado de fallo del cinturón de seguridad The rate of injuries tends to increase with a defective shoulder belt. If you were hurt because the belt stopped working or broke in some manner during a car crash, you could take appropriate legal action against the manufacturer. Our shoulder belt failure attorneys will be able to file your claim for you and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.

Lesiones por cinturones de seguridad defectuosos

Si estuvieras en un accidente de tráfico, you could have sustained numerous kinds of injuries. Unfortunately, your injuries could be potentially worse if your seat belt were defective or broken in some way. This lack of protection would not help you much in the event of a crash. Some of the injuries you could suffer from a car accident with a broken shoulder belt include:
  • Huesos rotos
  • Conmociones cerebrales
  • Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
  • Daños en órganos internos
  • Laceraciones
  • Abrasiones
  • Lesiones craneales cerradas
  • Miembros y dedos amputados
  • Lesiones cervicales
  • Latigazo cervical
  • Daños en la médula espinal
  • Slipped and herniated discs
  • Lesiones de rodilla y cadera
  • Parálisis
  • Coma
  • Muerte
These injuries could be worsened if you are not protected with an adequate shoulder belt. There are some situations, though, in which the belt will actually contribute to injuries; some people have reported burns, cuts, and broken ribs when a shoulder belt is too tight and does not allow a small amount of give. Being kept in place means that you will not be able to absorb as much impact. Let our defective shoulder belt lawyers assist you if you were injured in an accident. We can sue the necessary party and ensure that you are appropriately covered for your damages.

How to Sue the Auto Manufacturer

In order to sue the auto manufacturer for compensation after a defective shoulder belt accident, you must be able to show that the company made an error. This can be done by showing that there was a manufacturing error, which would likely mean that other vehicles suffered the same issue and a recall may be warranted; a design error, which could indicate that there was a problem from the beginning with the creation of the product; or an error by a mechanic who inspected your car or fixed an issue. Damages from a Crash with a Defective Seat BeltYou should make sure to not bring your car in for repairs after an accident. If you do, the mechanic could remove any proof of the defect, and you would not have anything to show for your injuries. The company could claim that you made the defect up in an attempt to get compensation. You should take photos of the broken shoulder belt to illustrate the damage; videos can also be useful for showing how latches do not work or how the belt does not properly fasten or retract. Other pieces of evidence you could collect include photos of your injuries and the scene of the accident, pictures of the damage to your car, eyewitness testimonies, police report, recall statements, supplemental complaints from other owners, and more. You should also have a copy of the sale, your bank statement, or credit card statement to show that you owned the vehicle. Once you have as much evidence as you can gather, you should reach out to one of our shoulder belt failure attorneys in Los Angeles for more help. We’ll be able to send the demand package to the auto company and will negotiate a worthwhile deal from their insurance agency. We will not stop fighting for your rightful compensation. You may not have the ability to take legal action – it is in your best interest to heal up and focus on returning to your regular life while we save you from the stresses of the case.

Earnings From A Lawsuit

If you were injured in a car crash due to a defective shoulder belt, you should seek worthwhile restitution. The automobile manufacturer could be held liable for your injuries. We will be sure to fight for your earnings if you were hurt because of a problem you could not avoid. Our lawyers will strive to bring you compensation for various debts and expenses, including:
  • Facturas médicas
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Daños materiales
  • Pérdida de ingresos
Because a defective shoulder belt can cause victims of car accidents to not be completely safe, it can also result in deaths. This means that you can collect wrongful death expenses if a family member or loved one died as a result of a broken shoulder belt. Our attorneys will work to bring you coverage for any medical and hospital bills that racked up prior to the death, any pain and suffering costs, reimbursement for the loss of expected savings and inheritance, and coverage for the funeral and burial. You may also receive loss of consortium and relations. You should not be expected to cover these costs if you were hurt because of a manufacturing error or because of a company’s oversight. Reach out to our shoulder belt failure attorneys today for help filing a lawsuit against the responsible entity.

Statute of Limitations to Sue for a Defective Shoulder Belt

If you plan on filing a claim for injuries suffered in a car crash that could have been prevented with a working shoulder belt, you must take action within 2 years of the date of the injury. If you wait too long, you will not be able to pursue compensation. You should file a claim as quickly as possible to ensure that your evidence is not corrupted or lost.

Más información sobre sus opciones jurídicas: llame al (855) 339-8879 para hablar ahora con un representante.

How To File Lawsuit After CarAccidentThere are some exceptions to this statute of limitations, though. You may have been under the age of 18 at the time of the incident, which could extend your statute until you turn legal age. You also may have been left mentally or physically incapacitated afterwards; you could follow the statute once you return to your functioning health. If you do not how much time you have left to sue, you can contact our attorneys for shoulder belt failure lawsuits. We will be sure to file your claim on time; you will not be in danger of exceeding the time limit for your lawsuit if you let us represent you.

El bufete para usted

Nuestro bufete, el Downtown LA Law Group, has ample experience with shoulder belt failure lawsuits and claims involving defective cars. Our aggressive lawyers know the best tactics to winning your case and will be sure to do all that is necessary to secure you rightful restitution. We have decades of combined practice and there is no better choice in town. Contacte con nuestro bufete for a free legal consultation with one of our attorneys. We will gladly walk you through the legal process and help you understand how the claim works. We will also tell you what we believe your lawsuit is worth and what we can win for you. If you hire us to represent you, we will give you our zero fee guarantee. This will allow you to spend no money at all on legal fees. We won’t get paid unless and until we win, and if we lose, we won’t get paid a cent. Your financial standing will not change. Our firm will eat the losses if we can’t succeed with your claim. Acércate a la Downtown LA Law Group at once if you are in search of a qualified shoulder belt failure lawyer.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

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Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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