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Chula Vista Car Accident Lawyers

Chula Vista car accident lawyers There are over 100,000 car crashes each year in California alone. As a result, there are many expenses that need to be covered. Since each accident is different, there will be varying types of compensation that can be paid out and numerous ways to get it. However, many individuals may not know how to effectively secure the restitution they need tras un accidente de tráfico. For this reason, we at the Downtown LA Law Group advocate hiring one of our Chula Vista car accident attorneys to help you with your case. We will work around the clock to win your claim for you.

¿Cuáles son las causas de los accidentes de tráfico?

There are millions of cars on the road and millions of drivers of all ages. Some are very experienced and others are inexperienced, and some are very careful while others are reckless. However, that doesn’t mean you only have to worry about inexperienced or reckless drivers. Even the safest individuals can get into accidents. Some of the primary causes of car accidents can be attributed to simple negligence. A driver may not pay attention for a split second and miss the chance to react to a car turning into his lane, for example. An accident may also be caused because two individuals did not see each other as they were merging onto a free way. There are many possibilities, and we have outlined a few below.

  • Fatiga del conductor
  • Drinking and driving
  • Vehicle defect
  • Conducción temeraria o negligente
  • Failure to signal when turning
  • Ignoring right of way
  • Saltarse semáforos en rojo y señales de stop
  • Girar a la izquierda en dirección contraria
  • Enviar mensajes de texto al conducir
  • Failure to properly merge onto a freeway

If you were in a car accident that was not your fault, you should reach out to our Chula Vista car accident attorneys for more assistance. You may be confused and unsure of where to turn after a car accident, especially if the insurance company has not been responsive.

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes


Accidente de tráfico


Lesión de hombro

$1,5 Millones

Accidente de tráfico

$5,5 Millones

Accidente de moto


Lesión de espalda

$1 Millón

Accidente de carretilla elevadora


Accidente de camión

$3 Millones

Accidente de camión

¿Cuáles son las lesiones más comunes en los accidentes de tráfico?

Car accidents can be as harmless as fender benders or they could be as devastating as multi-vehicle pileups. There are numerous ways to get injured, even with the safety precautions of seatbelts and airbags. Many victims of car accidents wind up with bodily injuries that take a while to heal; in some cases, these damages are permanent. There are over 5,000,000 people injured per year in car accidents, which is no small number. Common injuries include:

  • Huesos rotos
  • Dislocaciones
  • Fracturas
  • Esguinces
  • Conmociones cerebrales
  • Lesiones craneales cerradas
  • Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
  • Daños en órganos internos
  • Daño nervioso
  • Músculos desgarrados
  • Abrasiones y laceraciones
  • Cicatrización
  • Quemaduras
  • Lesiones por aplastamiento
  • Miembros y dedos amputados
  • Paraplejia y tetraplejia
  • Coma
  • Muerte

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No matter what kind of injuries you suffered in the car accident, you should look to take legal action against the responsible party. Medical bills and treatments are not inexpensive, and you may need a slew of tests and procedures done to return to full health – if you return at all. Don’t let your injuries control you and force you into a debt that you shouldn’t have to pay. Call our Chula Vista car accident lawyers para obtener más ayuda.

What Should I Do If I Got Into A Car Accident?

In the wake of a car accident, many victims panic and do not know what to do. They may forget crucial steps to take, which could negatively impact their potential insurance claims. Here are the steps you should take if you were involved in a car crash:

    • Immediately seek medical attention or call the paramedics for assistance. If you do not get medical treatment right away and try to file a claim later, the insurance agent can view that gap as a red flag. We know that some injuries may take time or may not be apparent at first, but you should still get treated quickly.

Take photos of all the damage sustained

    • , including your injuries, the damage to your car and the other vehicle, any damage to the scene of the accident, and more. “

Take down the contact information and insurance details

    of the driver who hit you so you can file a claim with his insurance company.
  • If there were any eyewitnesses, passengers, or bystanders who saw the accident, you can ask them for their testimony to back up your claim.
  • The police will likely come to conduct an investigation. You can solicitar una copia del informe policial once it’s been finalized.
  • Lastly, you should contact a car accident lawyer in Chula Vista to help you handle your case. You may not have the experience needed to take legal action, and you could be lost when it comes to negotiating a settlement with the insurance agent. Our lawyers have years of experience with car accidents and we will sufficiently represent you for your case.

If you’re planning on filing a claim, you must be able to show that the driver was negligent in his action. The four points of negligence must be met to file a personal injury claim against the responsible entity. This means that you must prove that you were owed a duty of care that was breached, and that the breach of duty led to an accident that caused physical harm. If you weren’t physically hurt, you won’t be able to receive compensation for medical expenses or similar damages.

What Is The Statute Of Limitations To File A Car Accident Claim In California?

You only have two years from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit against the responsible party if you were hurt in a car accident. The reason for this statute is simple: if claims had no time limit, they would become much harder to prove. Evidence would get lost, memories would fade, and many of the damages would no longer be relevant. It is in your favor to file a claim quickly so you can have the best chance of success. You may be able to have the statute of limitations extended by a certain amount of time, though. This can occur if you were underage at the time of the accident, as minors cannot file lawsuits; the statute would thus be put on hold until you turn 18 years old. Further, you may have been seriously hurt in the accident and unable to physically or mentally sue, which could extend the statute as well. In some cases, the defendant may have left the state for a certain period of time, which would put your deadline on hold until he returned. It can be confusing to remember the exact dates and deadlines for your lawsuit. For this reason, we recommend reaching out to a abogado de accidente de coche in Chula Vista who can file your claim for you and make sure everything is on time.

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What’s The Value Of My Car Accident Case?

There is generally no way to know for sure what a car accident claim is worth until the insurance agent weighs all of the factors and provides you with an offer. This offer will consist of the level of negligence you had in the accident, how severe and extensive your injuries were, how much of an impact your injuries had on your career and life, your age, your career type, and more. Once this offer has been made, we can negotiate a fairer deal. You may be able to earn a few different types of compensation for your damages, though. These damages can range in amount and type, and some may be harder to win than others. They include:

  • Gastos médicos de cirugía, hospitalización, fisioterapia, medicación, etc.
  • Future medical treatments from lasting damages or follow-ups
  • Lost wages from the past and future if you missed days of work and need time to recover
  • Property damage to cover the repair costs to your car or replace any items you had that were lost or damaged in the incident
  • Pain and suffering damages to cover emotional traumas like PTSD, fear, anxiety, psychological scarring, and more

In the event a family member dies in the car accident, you could collect wrongful death expenses that would compensate you for burial and funeral costs, pre-death medical bills and pain and suffering, loss of consortium, loss of expected savings and inheritance, and more.

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Punitive damages may also be collected, but only if the defendant was guilty of gross negligence or if he intended to cause harm. These damages are usually viewed as excessive, though, as they are purely monetary and are meant to punish the defendant. Because they are not easy to win, only a skilled attorney will be able to secure them for your case. If you need legal help after a car crash, call our law firm at (855) 339-8879 today for more assistance. Our Chula Vista car accident attorneys will be glad to help you.

Representation From Skilled Lawyers

At the Downtown LA Law Group, we will provide you with the most skilled lawyers available to handle your case. You will not have to worry about anything from start to finish. Your focus should be on recovering from your injuries, not stressing over legal details and negotiations. Our attorneys will aggressively strive to get you every penny you deserve and you’re entitled to, and if we need to go to court to win your case, we are willing to do so. If you’re in need of legal advice or want to discuss your case, Contacto for a free consultation. We are available around the clock and will always be happy to talk over your case with you. If you wish to hire us to represent you, we will also give you our zero fee guarantee, which promises that you won’t have to pay a single dime out of pocket for our services. We will only get paid if we are victorious with your case; if we do not win, we take no payment at all. Contact the highly rated Downtown LA Law Group to speak with our Chula Vista car accident attorneys. Check also: Chula Vista is 3rd-Safest City in State, Among 40 Safest in U.S: Report

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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