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Lesionado mientras trabajaba como voluntario para una organización benéfica Abogado Lawsuit

Injured while Volunteering for a Charity Lawsuit Attorney sue attorney lawsuit liability compensation lawyer attorney sue

Working for a charity is a fulfilling activity for many people who wish to help others in need. There are many activities that fall under the category of volunteer work, from clean up events by environmental organizations and fundraisers for schools and law enforcement agencies. If you’re religious, you may want to work with a church charity or Jewish community center.

Non-profit organizations have hired employees, but volunteers make up a large portion of their workforce. These people donate their time and energy, which allows the charity to focus most of their money on the people and causes they care about. Those who volunteer are called on to perform a wide variety of tasks, like taking care of animals, setting up soup kitchens, and building homes after a natural disaster. Unfortunately, poor planning, inexperience, and lack of supervision can result in an accident during a charity event.

As someone that suffered an accident injury while volunteering, you may be wondering about your right to sue while working for a charity or non-profit for free.

The definition of “work” takes on a different meaning when you are volunteering, as you are not receiving a salary or hourly wage. As a result, you may not qualify for medical expenses and lost wages though a workers’ compensation claim. In that case, how can you seek payment if you were injured due to negligence by an organization you were volunteering for?

Our law firm is available 24/7 if you need a lawyer that can help you file an accident claim against a non-profit organization. Simply give us a call at your earliest convenience to schedule a free case evaluation.

Requirements to be Classified as a Charity

A lot of groups call themselves a “charity,” but these organizations have to meet certain guidelines in order to be classified as a charity under federal and California laws. It’s important to understand these rules, as there are specific steps you must take when you are seeking monetary damages from a non-profit.

To give you a general sense of the eligibility requirements, here are the key factors that define what it means to be a charity:

  • The purpose of the organization must fall within a non-profit category, such as collecting donations, conducting important research, or providing educational opportunities.   
  • A non-profit cannot serve private interests, like an individual’s political or financial interests.
  • The organization cannot engage in lobbying or other political activities in order to influence lawmakers.
  • Funding for the charity must come from public funds, like donations and grants.
  • The organization must have bylaws that comply with state and federal policies for the governance of non-profit entities.

Another key factor with charities is that they are tax-exempt and registered as such with the IRS (Internal Revenue Service). As a result, they should have annual reports and financial statements that are filed with the IRS in order to retain their tax-exempt status. They must also be organized as a trust, association, or some other type of “entity.”

Can I Sue a Non-Profit for being Injured while Volunteering?

Yes, you can file a lawsuit for injuries while volunteering if the cause of injury is due to negligence or misconduct by the charitable organization. For example, if the charity failed to provide you with adequate tools or protective equipment, that may be grounds for a negligence-based injury claim. But there are many other examples of negligent behaviors that can lead to an accident, so it’s important to discuss your incident with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

Though we use the word “lawsuit” for simplicity, most of these cases are settled through accident claims, which are filed with the non-profit’s insurance company. Of course, if the charity does not have coverage through an insurance provider, filing a lawsuit may be the only option.

Compensation from a charity volunteer injury case is largely based on your physical injuries. However, you may also be entitled to the following payments:

  • Damage to your personal belongings
  • Mental anguish / emotional distress
  • Damage to your professional and/or personal reputation
Are Volunteers Allowed to File for Workers’ Compensation?

It all depends on the charity you are working for, as each organization has the option to provide or not provide workers’ compensation coverage. Thus, you will need to check in with the administrators at the organization to see if you can file for workers’ comp benefits. Even without workers’ compensation, most non-profits have some form of insurance coverage that compensates volunteers in the event of an injury.

If none of these options are available, you can file a lawsuit against the organization through the appropriate court system. An accident injury lawyer can help you explore your rights and legal options if you were injured while volunteering for a non-profit organization.

Steps to Take if You are Injured as a Volunteer

Staying quiet and not making a fuss may seem like the right thing to do after an accident. However, not reporting your injuries can invalidate your right to an accident claim. Even if the organization offers workers’ compensation, you cannot receive these benefits unless you report the incident right away.

To protect your right to monetary damages, stop whatever you are doing and get yourself to a safe place if you are in a dangerous area, like a construction site. Next, talk to whoever is in charge to ensure that the incident is documented. Ideally, there should be an incident report that is filled out and sent over to the insurance company, which you should ask for a copy of before leaving the scene.

Aside from reporting the accident, make sure to seek medical attention within 24 hours. We know how inconvenient this may be, but it’s the best way to document your injuries and ensure that you have proof of the harm you’ve suffered. This is required for any type of insurance claims or lawsuit, so please see a doctor right away. In the event of a severe or life-threatening injury, go to the ER (or call for an ambulance) first, then contact the charity to tell them about your accident.

Along with your medical records, there are many other forms of evidence you’ll need for a volunteering accident injury claim. If at all possible, take photos of your injuries, obtain contact information from witnesses, and set aside any paperwork that shows how the accident has impacted your life. Pay stubs, for example, are helpful in showing missed work days and wages as a result of your recovery needs.

Finally, contact a lawyer with experience in personal injury lawsuits against charities and non-profits. Our attorneys will provide you with a free case review and help you determine the best way to move forward.

Póngase en contacto con DTLA Law Group

Some accidents are unavoidable, but others are caused by another party’s careless or reckless conduct. As a victim of negligence, you have the right to monetary compensation under California law. But lawsuits against charities are very complicated, especially if you are suing as someone that readily volunteered your services.

Our lawyers are here to fight for you and the compensation you deserve. We can help you initiate an accident claim if you were recently injured. If, on the other hand, you need a second opinion on an existing claim, we can help you with that as well. If you choose our law firm to handle your case, you will never pay out of pocket under the Zero Fee Guarantee. We work on contingency and wait to recover payment at the end of your case. Winning your case is the only way we get paid, so there is no risk to your finances if you don’t receive compensation from a personal injury claim.

For a free consultation or free second opinion from an accident injury attorney, contact us as soon as possible.

Injured while Volunteering for a Charity Lawsuit Attorney awsuits compensation incident sue
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Mordedura de perro


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Lesiones por resbalones y caídas


Responsabilidad civil


Lesión de espalda


Lesión de espalda


Traumatismo craneal
Lesiones causadas por sillas de piscina inseguras

La mayoría de las sillas de piscina tienen un diseño muy sencillo, ya que suelen estar hechas de lona y un armazón ligero de metal o madera. Por eso, los fabricantes tienen que invertir más tiempo y atención en la fabricación de estos artículos. La falta de precaución puede provocar accidentes si la silla se rompe o se desploma mientras alguien está en el asiento. Las personas también pueden sufrir lesiones si hay algún problema con las articulaciones que permiten plegar y desplegar la silla. Este problema es más frecuente en las sillas de playa portátiles, pero incluso las sillas de cabaña fijas pueden derrumbarse si hay problemas con el material, los herrajes u otros aspectos del producto.

A continuación encontrará una lista de las lesiones más comunes que puede sufrir al desplomarse una cabaña o una silla de piscina:

  • Cortes, magulladuras y arañazos
  • Rotura de huesos faciales
  • Daños dentales, como dientes rotos o perdidos
  • Fractura de coxis
  • Dislocación articular
  • Lesiones de cuello y espalda
  • Conmoción cerebral y otras formas de traumatismo craneal
  • Desgarro de tejidos blandos - ligamentos, músculos y tendones
  • Cicatrices permanentes
  • Fractura de cadera o pelvis
  • Daño nervioso
  • Dolor crónico en brazos y piernas
Retirada del mercado de sillas de playa Family Dollar

El 26 de enero de 2022, Family Dollar retiró del mercado alrededor de 38.300 tumbonas de playa que se vendieron entre enero de 2019 y septiembre de 2021. El producto puede identificarse por una etiqueta cosida en la que se lee "Distribuido por Midwoods Brands LLC" en una cara y "Outdoors by Design" en la otra.

Estas sillas están fabricadas con tela tejida de color azul o rojo y barras metálicas con articulaciones que permiten plegarlas y transportarlas. Desgraciadamente, las sillas no son estructuralmente sólidas, lo que puede provocar su hundimiento. Aparte de los accidentes de colapso de las sillas cabaña, la gente puede pillarse los dedos en las articulaciones plegables de metal.

Si usted ha sido lesionado por una de estas sillas, póngase en contacto con nosotros inmediatamente para conocer sus derechos. Family Dollar está ofreciendo un reembolso del precio de compra de la silla, pero esto no es suficiente remedio si usted está lidiando con las facturas médicas, salarios perdidos, y otras pérdidas monetarias. Podemos ayudarle a explorar sus opciones legales disponibles, incluyendo una demanda por responsabilidad de producto contra Family Dollar.

Valor medio de una reclamación por lesiones en una silla de cabina defectuosa

Las preguntas sobre el valor del caso surgen en casi todas las consultas aquí en nuestro bufete de abogados, y nos identificamos con la necesidad de tener una idea de lo que vale su demanda. Pero llegar a un valor medio del caso es imposible, ya que cada víctima se queda con diferentes pérdidas después de un incidente con un producto defectuoso. La gravedad de las lesiones es el factor más importante, y las demandas por lesiones graves pueden rondar entre $250.000 y $3.000.000 o más. Si los daños sufridos por el accidente de una silla de playa que se hunde son relativamente leves, puede que acabe recibiendo 1.650.000 PTT o menos.

Injured while Volunteering for a Charity Lawsuit Attorney sue attorney lawsuit liability compensation lawyer attorney sue
¿Cuál es el tiempo estimado de espera para resolver mi caso?

Es difícil responder a esta pregunta, ya que hay muchos factores que influyen en el tiempo total necesario para resolver una demanda por lesiones causadas por un accidente de producto. Nuestro objetivo es llegar a un acuerdo en nombre de los clientes en un plazo de 6 meses, pero los casos de negligencia por parte de un fabricante de productos son bastante difíciles de probar. Como resultado, estos casos suelen tardar entre 6 y 18 meses de principio a fin. El proceso puede ser más largo si tenemos que llevar su caso a juicio, aunque esto es poco frecuente, ya que la mayoría de los fabricantes de productos quieren evitar las vistas judiciales, que son caras y llevan mucho tiempo.

Prescripción de la responsabilidad por productos defectuosos

Salvo en raras circunstancias, las demandas por un producto defectuoso deben presentarse en un plazo de 2 años a partir de la fecha del accidente. Si no cumples este plazo, es poco probable que los tribunales te permitan seguir adelante con un caso de lesiones por rotura de silla de piscina. También debe tener en cuenta que puede llevar bastante tiempo preparar una demanda, especialmente si tiene lesiones graves con complicaciones a largo plazo. Para asegurarse de que puede recibir justicia lo antes posible, llámenos para iniciar una reclamación con un abogado especializado en lesiones por defecto de producto.

Póngase en contacto con DTLA Law Group

Si usted está en necesidad de asesoramiento jurídico para una demanda por lesiones producto defectuoso, nuestros abogados están aquí para usted 7 días a la semana, 24 horas al día. Nuestro bufete de abogados se dedica a los derechos de las víctimas de accidentes, incluyendo aquellos con demandas pendientes de accidente contra un fabricante de productos. Junto con las evaluaciones gratuitas de casos, ofrecemos segundas opiniones a cualquier persona que tenga preguntas o inquietudes acerca de su caso.

No se le cobrará por adelantado si decide contratarnos después de una consulta inicial gratuita o una segunda opinión gratuita. Nuestras demandas de conciliación incluyen el coste de representarle, por lo que cobramos al mismo tiempo que usted recibe la indemnización de una demanda por lesiones en una silla de descanso para piscinas defectuosas. Y si no ganamos su caso, nuestra Garantía de Cero Honorarios significa que usted nunca será responsable de ningún honorario legal.

Nuestros abogados de accidentes de productos defectuosos están esperando para hablar con usted, así que póngase en contacto con nosotros de inmediato para discutir sus derechos y opciones legales.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.