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2 muertos y 1 herido en un accidente entre un todoterreno y un camión en Irvine

2 Dead, 1 Injured After Crash Involving SUV and Box Truck in Irvine A crash in Irvine resulted in two individuals dying and a third being rushed to the hospital treatment. The accident happened on Thursday, September 13, in the morning, just before 11 a.m. The crash was between an SUV and a box truck. Witnesses said that the box truck was traveling down a road that had no stop sign, while the SUV was paused at an intersection with a stop sign. The SUV pulled out; its driver was likely under the impression that the box truck had a stop sign and would be required to stop. Two of the occupants of the SUV were pronounced dead at the scene. The individuals were all described by local Irvine police as elderly women. The driver of the box truck was not injured and has been cooperating with police.

Wrongful Death in Car Crashes

Accidentes de tráfico are among the leading causes of fatalities in the country. All too often, individuals will recklessly operate their vehicles or fail to pay attention to the road in front of them. It is simply too dangerous to not be on alert all of the time while driving. A muerte por negligencia occurs when there were reasonable chances for an individual to be protected and remain alive. The deceased person could have been unable to stop the occurrence or may even have been partially responsible. The judgment will be concerning the degree of responsibility. If a loved one passed away due to the negligent actions of another driver, you could receive compensation for the expenses relating to the death. For example, you may be able to receive:
  • Cobertura de gastos médicos that racked up prior to the death
  • Coverage of the individual’s pain and suffering that was felt
  • Daños materiales
  • Pérdida de consorcio
  • Loss of expected savings and inheritance, as well as loss of income
  • Loss of sexuality
  • Gastos de sepelio y entierro, such as the casket costs, plot costs, and more
    • It is in your best interests to consult with an attorney who can help secure you the settlement you deserve. You should not worry about handling legal needs in the wake of the death of a loved one. Your focus should be on spending time with your family and celebrating the life of the deceased. We will take care of the legal legwork for you.

      Proving Negligence of a Responsible Driver

      If another driver contributed to an accident and brought about the death of a loved one, you must be able to show that the individual negligent. To do this, you must prove these four points: that the individual was owed a duty of care what was breached, and that the breach resulted in physical injuries. All four must be proven if a negligence-based personal injury lawsuit is to be filed. If you attempt to handle such claims by yourself, it might prove difficult or impossible to convince an insurance agent that your family member was not at fault at all. You may also not be able to negotiate a fair deal. For this reason, it is important that you reach out to an experienced attorney who can bring you the restitution you deserve.

      Get More with DTLA

      The Downtown LA Law Group in Los Angeles is available to help all victims win the compensation they deserve. You will not have to worry about fighting for your family member’s rights by yourself – we are here to help. We have decades of combined experience on our side, and our empathetic lawyers will always take care of you throughout the case. If you have questions or concerns, we’ll answer them immediately, and we will always keep you updated. Our lawyers will also aggressively negotiate a fair deal from the insurance agency, and we will work around the clock to make sure that your claim stays at the top of the pile. Call us at (855) 339-8879 for a free legal consultation. We encourage you to ask questions, and we will tell you what we believe we can win for you with your lawsuit. We’ll also tell you more about our zero fee guarantee, which states that you won’t touch your own personal savings for our services. We’ll get paid only if we win and the money will come out of the settlement that is won for you. Further, if we lose, we will not get paid anything at all and you can walk away scot free. Don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our expert lawyers at the Downtown LA Law Group to file your reclamación por muerte injusta.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


Guía definitiva sobre accidentes de camión

- Accidente de camión
- Preguntas sobre accidentes de camión: FAQ
- Causas comunes de los accidentes de camión
- Abogado de accidentes de camiones en movimiento
- Fedex Abogado de Accidente de Camión
- Quién tiene la culpa de un accidente de camión
- Accidente de un barrendero
- Accidente de camión blindado

- Accidente de un camión hormigonera y un camión hormigonera
- Accidente con el enganche del remolque
- Lesiones causadas por accidentes con puertas levadizas
- Accidente de carretilla elevadora
- Herido en accidente de camión
- Accidente de camión maderero
- Accidente de camión de la basura
- Accidente de camión de servicio de alimentos
- Fui pasajero en un accidente de camión
- Leyes de California sobre accidentes de camión
- Accidente de grúa
- Involucrado en un accidente de camión: ¿Qué debo hacer?
- Accidente de camión postal
- Accidente de camión sobrecargado
- Santa Monica Abogado de Accidente de Camión
- Accidente de transporte de animales en camión

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"Le doy a este bufete de abogados 5 estrellas. ¡Son los mejores! Responden a todas mis preguntas y devolver todos mis 855.936.0097s. Así que si usted necesita un buen abogado de accidentes por favor llámelos. Son muy amables y muy serviciales. Yo recomendaría este bufete de abogados a cualquiera que quiera que sus asuntos legales manejados con prontitud y profesionalmente. - Pregúntele a Farid, él es el mejor abogado de accidentes en Los Ángeles".
- Carolina López
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