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Impactantes lesiones cerebrales por accidente de tráfico

Shocking Brain Injuries from Car AccidentsEn accidente de tráfico is perhaps one of the most deadly instruments out there, and even people who survive the initial crash can come away with lesiones and damages that may cripple or kill them later. One of the most common, and scariest, injuries that a person can come away with is traumatic brain injuries. Let’s say that you get into a head on collision. Your head rockets forward and smashes into the windshield or the steering wheel. You’re seeing stars and you might even lose consciousness, but the real problem is that the brain case of your skull is nowhere near as durable as we might wish. The most horrific injury here is what’s called an open head wound, where the skin has been peeled back and the skull cracked or broken open. It looks grotesque and it can lead to horrendous consequences if emergency personnel aren’t on the scene in time. Direct damage to the brain by having the skull cracked can lead to a loss of memory, changes in personality, disfiguring scars and loss of control of parts of the body. However, closed head wounds can have results just as horrific. While a concussion is common in car accidents, it’s also possible that a closed head wound can lead to internal bleeding in the skull and a swelling brain. This can lead to impaired decision making and cognitive behavior, as well as wrongful death later on if the person suffering from the injury isn’t properly diagnosed and steps aren’t taken to help heal the swelling brain and get it back to normal. Whenever there’s a situation involving an accident and you or someone you love wasn’t properly treated you should contact a personal injury attorney. The law is very clear on the standards of care that people should expect to receive, and when those standards result in grievous injury or harm that could have been prevented, it’s important that something is done to try and right that wrong.

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Guía definitiva sobre lesiones cerebrales

Daño cerebral traumático
Demandas por lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
Amnesia postraumática
Lesión axonal difusa
Cefalea postraumática
Daño cerebral adquirido
Lesión cerebral por accidente de resbalón y caída
Demandas de víctimas de lesiones cerebrales
Síntomas de las lesiones cerebrales
Qué hacer tras una lesión cerebral
Traumatismo cerebral Faq
Estadísticas sobre lesiones cerebrales
Leyes sobre lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
Tipos de lesiones cerebrales
Dolores de cabeza constantes tras una LCT
Traumatismo craneal por lesión deportiva
Hemorragia cerebral intracraneal
Lesión por parálisis
Lesiones por acúfenos debidas a lesiones cerebrales
Daño cerebral infantil
Impacto cerebral traumático
Abogado de lesiones cerebrales del Condado de Orange
Demandas por daños cerebrales
Comprender las lesiones cerebrales
Lesión cerebral al nacer
Coma por lesión cerebral traumática
Síndrome del niño zarandeado
Fracturas de cráneo por traumatismo craneoencefálico
Abogado de Lesiones de Nacimiento Los Angeles
Lesión craneal repetitiva

Opinión de un cliente de DTLA

"¡Farid fue genial! Mi novio y yo lo contratamos en abril de 2017, ya que fuimos golpeados por detrás en la I101 . Nuestro coche fue total y estábamos gravemente heridos. Por recomendación de un familiar, nos arriesgamos y nos pusimos en contacto con Farid para que nos ayudara con el proceso. Después de todo el calvario, lo último que queríamos hacer era lidiar con las compañías de seguros."
- Alicia McIntosh
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