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Una niña de Moreno Valley resulta gravemente herida al ser atropellada por un autobús escolar fuera de control

Moreno Valley Girl Hit Severely Injured by Runaway School BusMoreno Valley – A five year old Moreno Valley Girl has suffered serious injuries after she was struck by a driver less runaway school bus. According to local law enforcement officials and news reports the accident took place a after the end of the school day Tuesday at Box Spring Middle School. A California Highway Patrol ( the agency that oversees school bus accidents in the State of California) Officer state that the girl was waiting in the side walk after school to be picked up by her parents when the bus struck her. According to hospital officials the five year old has suffered a crushed pelvis, lacerated liver and a collapsed lung. California School Bus Safety Laws – Under California V C Section 12517.1 a School Bus accident must be investigated by the Department of California Highway Patrol.  Who’s can be held Liable for Runaway Bus:  According to CHP officials the cause of the runaway school bus has yet to be determined. Liability (or who may he held at fault / responsible) for such accidents will be determined by the cause of the accident. Some possible parties that may be held liable include.
  • Responsabilidad escolar – A school district can be held liable  if the cause of the accident was error on the part of the driver employed by the school.
  • School Bus Manufacturer Liability – For the manufacturing of defective school bus resulting in a runaway.
  • School Bus Maintenance Crew – In many instances 3rd parties are given the task of maintaining school buses. Liability against 3rd party maintenance companies cab be established if the cause of the runaway was the improper maintenance and upkeep of the mechanical crew.

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