Youth Authority Department Lawsuit Lawyer
Are you a former juvenile inmate who was sexually abused while you were under the care of the California Division of Juvenile Justice, also known as the California Youth Authority Department? Do you have a child who was sexually assaulted or harassed by a staff member of a youth detention program that’s operated by the Youth Authority Department? If so, please reach out to us and learn about your rights and legal options as a victim of child sexual abuse.
Institutional abuse at juvenile halls, camps, schools, and rehab programs is an on-going problem that we have known about for many years. But the laws did not always give victims the opportunity to seek justice, especially for those who were unable to talk about the abuse until they were much older. Thankfully, legal advancements like California’s Assembly Bill-218 have greatly enhanced the rights of those who were sexually assaulted by a California Division of Juvenile Justice staff member.
Our attorneys are here for you every step of the way, so please contact our office to receive a free consultation from a Youth Authority Department sexual abuse attorney. We have decades of experience in lawsuits for the sexual abuse of a minor, and we are more than ready to fight for the compensation you deserve.

$1.93 Million
$54 Million
$22 Million
Assaulted By Employee
A juvenile detention center is a place of structure and rehabilitation for troubled youths. Those managed by the Youth Authority Department are for the most serious offenders, but no matter what they did to arrive at these facilities, all minors deserve humane and compassionate care from the adults that are in charge of them. Sadly, we know that physical and sexual abuse is very common at these locations, and as a result, many of these inmates have contacted us over the years to ask, “Can I sue the California Youth Authority Department?”
Yes, you can sue the Youth Authority Department for the harm you suffered if negligence and/or misconduct at the facility caused you to be sexually abused. Realistically, these places have and will always attract those who seek to abuse children, which is why administrators and staff members have to be vigilant for signs of sexual misconduct. If there are complaints from the inmates, the proper authorities must be contacted immediately so that an investigation can take place. These are just some of the requirements that juvenile hall programs have to follow in order to protect the inmate from further abuse.
However, we know for a fact that inmates are often ignored when they speak out against a predatory employee. They may even be threatened or bribed into silence, or manipulated into thinking that what happened was their fault. If there is clear and irrefutable evidence of abuse, the officials in charge will simply transfer the employee to another facility or allow them to retire without a blemish on their record. Thus, they are enabled and rewarded for their crimes against children, while the victim is left to suffer.
These are just a few examples of negligence that we have come across in our quest to bring justice to those who were mistreated at a juvenile detention facility. For more information on filing a lawsuit against the California Division of Juvenile Justice, contact a juvenile hall child sexual assault lawyer.
Joining a Youth Authority Department Class Action LawsuitAre you interested in filing a lawsuit with other inmates that were abused at a Youth Authority Department detention facility? This is an option that many adult survivors of child sexual abuse look into, especially those who were detained at a juvenile hall or mental health / rehabilitation center. We can help you join an existing Youth Authority Department sexual abuse class action claim or initiate a lawsuit for monetary damages.
However, we want you to be sure that this is the right course of action based on your own circumstances. With that in mind, give us a call and schedule a free case evaluation with a Youth Authority Department class action lawyer.
What is the Average Value of a Youth Authority Department Sex Abuse Lawsuit?A child sexual abuse lawsuit against the Youth Authority Department can be worth between $1,500,000 and $10,000,000, though the amount of compensation is generally higher for sexual assault cases. On average, a juvenile hall sexual abuse lawsuit may be settled for $2,500,000 to $5,000,000, whereas the amount of compensation for a sexual harassment lawsuit can be under $1,000,000. But it’s important to recognize that settlement values are based on many factors, including the acts of abuse that were inflicted on you, the severity of physical and emotional trauma, and negligence by the defendant.
How Long will My Case Take to Settle?We anticipate that it will take anywhere from 1 to 3 years before your lawsuit is settled, though some cases are resolved within 6 to 12 months. But these lawsuits take considerable time and effort, due to additional legal requirements that are specific to government agencies. You also have to factor in the court requirements that pertain to class action lawsuits which can extend the case timeline by another year or two. Please note that less than 5% of sexual abuse claims are taken to trial, so reaching a settlement with the other party is more than likely. But how long it takes to negotiate a fair settlement can range from just a few months to 3 or more years.
What is the Statute of Limitations for a Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit?Lawsuits for the sexual abuse of a child (under 18 years old) must be filed within 22 years from the victim’s 18th birthday. To put it another way, you have until the age of 40 to sue the California Youth Authority Department for sexual abuse of a juvenile inmate. If you are older than 40, you may be eligible for a lawsuit under the 5-year discovery rule. This is a legal exception where a victim can file a lawsuit within 5 years from realizing a physical or psychological injury resulting from sexual abuse during childhood.
The discovery rule is a complicated concept that merits further discussion, which is why it can be challenging to determine how long you have to sue the Youth Authority Department for sexual abuse. A child abuse lawsuit attorney is here to help, so call us anytime if you have questions about the deadline for a juvenile hall sexual assault lawsuit.
Are you in the middle of a Youth Authority Department sexual abuse lawsuit? Do you have questions or concerns that you would like to discuss with someone other than your attorney? If so, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free second opinion consultation. Some people that reach out to us want to verify that their case is on the right track, while others are unhappy with their lawyer and want to ask about the process of finding a new law firm. We are happy to provide you with an evaluation of your case and help you decide on the best way to move forward.
Contact Our Law FirmSexual abuse of juvenile inmates has received a lot of media attention lately, but those of us that represent these victims have known about the problem for many years. Thankfully, there have been significant advancements in the protection of minors, and as a result, former inmates are able to seek justice for their harm and suffering.
Our goal is to fight for the settlement you deserve, while ensuring that you do not have to worry about the cost of legal fees. That’s why we work on contingency and wait to get paid from the party you are suing. And with the Zero Fee Guarantee, you owe us absolutely nothing in the event we fail to recover your payment.
Simply contact us at your earliest convenience and learn how we can help if you or your loved one was sexually abused at a California Youth Authority detention center.
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