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Toyota Steering Pump Defect Recall | Auto Defect Lawsuits

Toyota Steering Pump Defect Recall | Auto Defect LawsuitsThe embattled auto maker has been involved in some serious bad press in the past few years. With the recent announcement of steering pump defects, we ask whether Toyota can ever recover its once respected and loyal brand image. In the recent announcement Toyota has voluntarily recalled over 1.5 million vehicles for a defective steering pump. Of the recalled units almost half were vehicles sold in the U.S. While there have been no reports of accidents, Toyota seems to be taking serious initiatives to maintain there reputation, says senior partner Farid Yaghoubtil. Companies such as Toyota spend years and billions of dollars developing a following and brand presence. These companies will do anything and everything necessary to maintain their brand dominance. It is unlikely for there to be serious backlash, but if injuries or accidents start occurring, then it can negatively impact Toyotas image. When a company produces or manufacturers a defective product, there can be long term issues. Particularly when it is an auto manufacturer. Auto makers must be precise in their manufacturing process. Any mistake can put the lives of thousands of people in jeopardy. If the steering pump or mechanism fails on a vehicle, serious injuries can result. Manufacturers can be held liable under a defective product theory of liability. When a manufacturer produces and puts into distribution a defective product, they will be held liable for any injuries which are sustained. If any Toyota vehicle owner suffers any injury from the result of a defective steering pump, they will be entitled to recovery from the manufacturer. Form more information visit our defective products injury claim main page.

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