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Lawsuits for Ergotron TV Wall Mount Injuries – Recall Lawsuit Info

Lawsuits for Ergotron TV Wall Mount Injuries – Recall Lawsuit InfoWe have all seen large TV’s mounted on aluminum or steel arms hanging ten to twenty feet above our heads. These devices have become a staple at nightclubs, bars and in our homes. They have become a premier way to secure or flat screen TV’s, but what happens if they fail to work properly? This is the case with the Ergotron wall mount products, which were recently recalled. According to reports these items were recalled for fall hazards. A failure of this device can cause not only significant property damage, but also serious bodily injury. What makes the product defective: A product can be defective for a number of reasons. In this particular case the product failed to work in the manner it was designed. As a result the monitor plate separated from the base board, which resulted in the TV unit detaching entirely. In certain cases a detached TV mount can cause devastating injuries. Particularly if the product is hanging overhead it can cause significant injuries. If you consider that these devices suspend flat screen TV’s in excess of 50 pounds a sudden and unexpected collapse can cause devastating injuries. If your product is in fact defective and causes injuries, make sure you seek medical attention. Products are considered defective when they fail in use. Products can be defective in design, in manufacturing or in the warning phase. Failure to warn or labeling defects occur when the manufacturer fails to warn of a particular defect. Design defects are those found in the prototype that carry over to the product and manufacturing defects occur during the actual manufacturing process.

What To Do If You Were Hurt by a TV Wall Mount

Here are three things you should do if you were injured. First, get medical attention for your injuries. Second, make sure that if you are in control of the product that you do not dispose of it. This is critical and a very important element of your case. DO NOT throw away or return the product always keep the product so that it can be examined. Finally, speak with a lawyer. Make sure you do not sign any release or claims info until you have had it reviewed by an attorney. Remember all of our cases are on a contingency fee basis, NO RECOVERY NO FEE! Further Information: Filing Deadling for Defective Product Cases

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