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Avon Eyelash Curler Injury Lawsuit – Recall Attorney Investigates

Avon Eyelash Curler Injury Lawsuit – Recall Attorney InvestigatesThe DTLA Law Group is investigating possible defective product based personal injury lawsuits against Avon, the manufactures of the Ergonomic Eyelash Curler, for eye injuries resulting from their use by consumers. If you or a loved one have suffered severe eye injuries due to the use of this product contact our law offices to learn more about your legal options.

Eyelash Curler Recall Information

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission  the eyelash curler produced by Avon can break, exposing a metal pin thus posing an eye injury hazard to consumers. According to investigators there have been at least 24 incidents of the metal pin being exposed resulting in 13 eye injuries. In total more than 500,000 of these items have been recalled in the United States and Canada.

What Should I Do if I have Been Injured By a Defective Aye Curler

Below are several important steps you should take if you or a loved one have suffered harm due to the use of a defective consumer product. 1. If injured seek medical attention as soon as possible: Your health is the most important thing. Also a visit to a medical practitioner or a hospital allows for a detailed documentation of the injuries your suffered which can be of great importance in your case. 2. Preserve the Product: Do not throw away, tamper with or try to fix the defective product. Do not send the product back to the manufacturers of return the product to the store you purchased it from. 3. Preserve Other Evidence: This include keeping hold of the purchased receipt. The date of the purchase, the date of the injury as so forth. Also take detailed pictures of your injuries and the product itself. 4. Seek Legal Help: Get in touch with an experienced defective product attorney.

Compensation Available For Victims of Defective Consumer Products

Persons who have suffered harm due to  a dangerous or recalled product may be entitled to compensation for all harms suffered from all at fault parties. The specific value of a defective product liability case is dependent in several significant factors. A detailed list of some of the most important factors in determining the value of your case are as follows…
  • The severity and magnitude of the harm suffered.
  • Requirement for medical and future rehabilitation costs due to an accident cause by a the dangerous product.
  • Calculation of loss of wages and loss of future income due to injuries suffered.
  • Calculation of Non-Economic Damages – including pain and suffering mental anguish and PTSD.
Attorney Consultation: If you have any further legal questions concerning the filing of an injury lawsuit against the manufacturers and distributors of the ergonomic eyelash curler feel free to contact our law offices. All confidential legal consultations are provided by our attorneys free of charge. Further Information: Recall Information for the Eylash Curlers Statute of Limitations Product Liability Lawsuits

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