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Convenience Store Slip and Fall Accident Attorneys | Los Angeles Slip and Fall Liability Lawyer

Convenience stores are a mainstay in American culture providing efficient service and discount pricing on a number of products. Unfortunately many times customers suffer serious injuries due to slippery floors or other conditions on the property. Dangerous conditions include those inside and outside the property and are governed by the law of “notice”. Notice, is defined as being aware of the dangerous conditions either through prior accidents, failure to inspect or notice given by other customers or patrons. Proving notice is often the most difficult part of the case, requiring attention to detail. Our convenience store accident attorneys at Downtown LA Law can help. We can assist you in your free case evaluation.

Common injuries related to convenience store slip and falls include:

Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements


Premises Liability


Shoulder Injury


Slip and fall accident


Back Injury


Back Injury


Street Defect


Premises Liability


Auto Accident

Types of Damages Available for Recovery for Slip and Fall Accidents

  • Medical cost resulting from hospital and emergency room care, including physical therapy, ambulance cost and rehabilitation;
  • Future medical care;
  • Loss of income;
  • Los of future earnings;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Emotional and psychological damage;
  • Punitive damages, where the property owners conduct is reprehensible or where the property owner displays a wanton or reckless indifference for care.

Our Slip and Fall Attorney’s Can Help

California is home to a number of convenience stores including 7-11, AM PM, Gas Station Convenience Stores and others alike. Often times customers suffer serious slip and fall injuries related to failure to provide adequate notice of slippery conditions or other dangerous premise issues. Your rights may be in jeopardy The convenience store lawyers at Downtown LA Law are here to provide you with effective and efficient service. If you or someone you know has been hurt due to a slip and fall or convenience store injury contact the convenience store attorneys at Downtown LA Law at (855) 339-8879 for a free case evaluation. No recovery no fee Se Hablo Espanol!

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