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Instant Soup Cup Class Action Lawsuit – Burn Injury Claim

Instant Soup Cup Class Action Lawsuit – Burn Injury ClaimOur law firm is currently investigating possible class action and single party claims against manufacturers of instant soup cup for faulty design and manufacturing processes resulting in an unwarranted increased risk of spillage resulting in severe burn injuries. The containers of Instant Cup Noodle and Soups posses a flaw in their design resulting in an increased probability of spillage and consequently severe burn injuries. What Needs to Be Proven – Wining A Product Liability Lawsuit in the Court of Law: There are three different ways to proved the existence of a defect in a consumer product. 1. Defect in the original design of the product. 2. Defect in the manufacturing process of the consumer good – Often companies will implement less expenses material or manufacturing processed in order to save money resulting in a product that is more dangerous than the original design. 3. Defect in labeling – failure to warn the public of the dangers associated with its use. Compensation Available for Victims: Victims of defective consumer products including defective food containers resulting in injury are entitled to financial recovery for all damages sustained. A determination of the settlement or compensation amount available is based on a calculation of an victims economic and non-economic damages.
  • Example of Economic Damages: Medical and health related expenses, future medical and rehabilitation care, lost wages, and loss of future income.
  • Example of Non-Economic Damages: Pain and suffering, emotional and mental anguish, and punitive damages.
Availability of Punitive Damage Recovery: Punitive damages have the purpose of placing a financial punishment on an individual or corporation that acted with either an intent to cause harm or reckless indifference for the life and health of others. In many instance manufacturers of consumer product know or have reason to know of the dangers associated with the use of their product but make the decision to release the item into the general public or refuse to voluntarily recall their product for want maintaining their profit margins. Legal Assistance: If you have any further legal questions feel free to contact our law offices toll free. All confidential legal consultations are conducted by our attorneys free of charge. Futher Information: NPR – Why Doctors Hate Instant Soup NIH Study – Desing Flaws Increase Risk of Burns

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