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Chantix Heart Attack Attorney | Champix Drug Side Effects Lawsuits

Chantix Claim Legal RepresentationChantix (Verenicline tartrate) also marketed as Champix has been linked to heart attacks, heart failure as well as other serious medical complications. According to the FDA those who have had a previous history of cardiovascular disease are at an increased risk of serious heart related medical complications including heart attacks and stroke.  Chantix is an oral smoking cessation prescription medicine marketed to individuals above the age of 18.  Chantix works by blocking nicotine, the main ingredient in cigarettes, from stimulating the human brain.  The drug furthermore releases small quantities of dopamine which works to minimize the craving for nicotine. If you or a loved one have experienced a heart attack while on the anti-smoking medication Chantix you may be entitled to recovery for your injuries.

Chantix FDA Warning for Heart Attack and Heart Failure:  In 2011 the FDA issues a warning concerning an increased rate or cardiovascular disease resulting from the taking of Chantix for the cessation of smoking cigarettes and other nicotine related products. The publicly issues warning states, “Chantix (varenicline) may be associated with a small, increased risk of certain cardiovascular adverse events in patients who have cardiovascular disease.”

Further Studies Showing the Danger of Chantix:  The have been numerous studies which have shown Pfizer’s completed an improper assessment as to the general safety associated with Chantix including life threatening cardiovascular disease.  One such Study on the “Risk of serious adverse cardiovascular events associated with Verenicline: a systematic review and meta-analysis” stated, that “Our meta-analysis raises safety concerns about the potential for an increased risk of serious adverse cardiovascular events associated with the use of varenicline among tobacco users. The meta-analysis showed a significantly increased risk of serious adverse cardiovascular events associated with varenicline compared with placebo.

Common sign and Symptoms of Heart Attacks caused by Chantix A heart attack or (myocardial infarction) is a serious medical condition requiring immediate medical attention. If you are experiencing any symptoms associated with a heart attack contact an emergency medical response unit as soon as possible.  Some of the most common symptoms of heart attack are as follows. Chest pain felt like a tight band around the waist

  • Feeling of a bad ingestion
  • Heavy pressure on the chest
  • Excessive sweating without physical exercise
  • Braking out in a cold sweat
  • Light headedness
  • General feeling of nausea including vomiting
  • Shortness of breath

Filing a defective drug lawsuits – how to win Chantix heart failure and cardiovascular Disease Lawsuits Against Pfizer in the Court of Law: Prescribing drug defect litigation for heart attacks due to Chantix has witnesses a dramatic rise over the past few years, due to new evidence concerning Pfizer’s knowledge of the known risks of heart attacks.  However, Litigation against major drug manufacturers for injuries cause by their prescription drugs can be a difficult and challenging process. Generally, a plaintiff’s attorney representing victims of drug injuries can prove the existence of a dangerous by showing one of three defects.

  • Pharmaceutical Drug Design Defect: Generally proven by showing of a failure to conduct proper testing of a drug before its distribution to the general public. Or by showing that drug manufactures knew or should have known of the dangerous side effects of the drug before its distribution to the general public. In this instant an trial attorney representing victims of Champix (Chantix) will have to show that Pfizer failed to conduct the appropriate testing required to properly identify the potential dangerous side effects caused by their product. This can also be proven by showing Pfizer disregarded concurrent studies by other organization which displayed dangerous side effects associated with their product.
  • Pharmaceutical Drug Manufacturing Defect: Generally proven by showing that the final manufactures drug is markedly different and as a result more dangerous the intended design of the drug.
  • Failure to Warn Defect: Also referred to as labeling defect. Usually this type of defective product litigation takes place when drug manufacturers fail to place proper warnings and labeling providing information as to the known dangers associated with the dangerous drug.

Compensation for Your Injuries: What Type of Recovery Am I Entailed to for the Injuries Caused by a Dangerous Drugs

  • All medical expenses and hospitalization costs associated dangerous side effects of Chantix
  • Future medical and rehabilitation costs
  • Loss of current income due to inability to work
  • Loss of earning capacity Future loss or reduction on income
  • Pain and Suffering including mental anguish, post traumatic stress, depression and anxiety disorders associated with taking Chantix
  • Loss of consortium

Compensation for death of a loved one due to Chantix heart attack, stroke or heart failure. If a close relative or a loved one have die due to a heart attack, heart failure or stroke cause by the Taking of Chantix you may be entitled to compensation based on certain jurisdictional limitation on who may be able to recover.  Example California Wrongful Death Statutes: Under California Wrongful fatalities laws “A cause of action for the death of a person caused by the wrongful act or neglect of another may be asserted by any of the following persons or by the decedent’s personal representative on their behalf: (a) The decedent’s surviving spouse, domestic partner, children, and issue of deceased children, or, if there is no surviving issue of the decedent, the persons, including the surviving spouse or domestic partner, who would be entitled to the property of the decedent by intestate succession.

Contact Our Law Firm if You have Any Further Questions: If you have any further questions and would like to speak with a defective prescription drug injury attorney regarding your claim call us toll free at (855) 339-8879, we are available 24 hours per day and seven days out of the week for your convenience. Downtown LA Law Group is a Nationwide California based Personal Injury Law Firm dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals who have suffered harm due to that taking of defective and dangerous prescription drug medication.

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