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Tongue Amputation Injury after a Car Accident

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We’ve all had the experience on biting down on our tongues accidentally and wincing at the pain, which can be quite intense. Some of these accidents happen when we bump our head on something – a common reflex due to your jaw’s tendency to clench during these events. That same principle can be applies to a car accident, where the head may be hit with a tremendous amount of force.

Unfortunately, it’s possible for someone to bite down hard enough on the tongue to cause a total or partial amputation. A tongue amputation injury after a car accident is typically associated with rear-end collisions in cars and trucks. You also find cases of tongue damage among those who are injured in motorcycle accidents. In most of these incidents, the victim is also diagnosed with whiplash, a neck injury caused by the head jerking back and forth as a result of a vehicle suddenly accelerating or decelerating.

Amputated Tongue after a Car Accident

A tongue amputation is a severe injury where a portion of the tongue is completely severed due to forceful impact in accidents like car crashes. This is a medical emergency because of the potential for excessive bleeding and obstruction of the airway, which can cause death via suffocation or choking. Other complications include impairments in your ability to speak or consume food or drinks.

Remember that your tongue is a vital part of your body that’ used every time you speak, eat, drink, or sing. When you have a significant tongue injury, it compromises the quality of your life in ways that you normally don’t think about. For some people, losing a part of their tongue makes it impossible to perform their job duties. Others have depression and other psychological issues from what the injury has taken away from their life. They may also develop insomnia, panic attacks, phobias, and other mental health conditions related to the trauma of the accident.

Tongue Amputation Injury after a Car Accident compensation incident sue liability
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Treating Damage to the Tongue

If you have a minor laceration to the tongue, it’s likely to heal on its own without intervention from a doctor. However, serious injuries usually require stitches, which can take up to 8 weeks to heal. Your doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics as well to prevent any infections during the healing process.

A tongue amputation, however, requires more invasive treatments, like surgical reattachment of the severed portion. The key is to reattach the piece before there is significant loss of the muscle, which will permanently affect your voice and ability to speak. If there is excessive bleeding from the injury site, a medical device may be needed on a temporary basis to prevent blockage of the airways. If it turns out that the severed tongue cannot be reattached, surgical reconstruction may be required, which may include skin grafts or rebuilding an entirely new tongue.

Recovering from a Tongue Amputation Injury

Your recovery from a tongue injury depends on many factors, including the level of damage and the required treatments. Healing from a tongue amputation is a long and painful process, and it can take 3 or more months before you are able to drink or eat regularly. For some people, it can take over a year to regain the level of function they had before the accident. During that time, you may need speech therapy and dietary restrictions, like not eating hot, spicy, or acidic foods. A medical professional, such as an otolaryngologist, can help you achieve the best possible recovery if you have a serious tongue injury after a car accident.

Who is Liable for an Accident that Causes Tongue Amputation?

Car accidents have many causes aside from careless or reckless driving. Accidents can happen from dangerous conditions on the road that were not taken care of by Caltrans or another governing agency. Or, you or another driver may have lost control of the car because of a defect with the wheel, tire, or some other part of the vehicle. As a result, you may have grounds to sue the part manufacturer, dealership, or mechanic shop that made repairs or performed maintenance on your car.

At the end of the day, going after the right individual or entity in a tongue injury after a car accident lawsuit is a complex matter. To ensure that you are taking the right steps, make sure to consult a lawyer that’s experience in accident–related tongue injuries.

Tongue Amputation Injury after a Car Accident lawyer attorney compensation
Statute of Limitations to File a Car Accident Lawsuit

Please note that as a general rule, auto accident injury claims have a deadline of 2 years from when you were harmed in the accident. Normally, this is the same date as when the accident occurred, so the clock starts ticking on the statute of limitations from the moment you are injured. Contacting a tongue injury lawsuit lawyer is critical to ensuring that your lawsuit is filed before the deadline of 2 years.

If the party that’s responsible for the accident is a government entity, you only have 6 months from the incident date to file a compensation claim. The process of suing the government involves multiple stages with its own set of procedures and deadlines. It’s easy for accident victims to take a wrong turn and have their claim invalidated, thereby losing out on the right to medical expenses and other essential payments. A government claims attorney at our office is here to help, 24/7, so please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Pay $0 Upfront with the Zero Fee Guarantee

We have always operated on the principle that legal services should be freely available to anyone that’s eligible for a personal injury claim. That’s why we are happy to offer you the Zero Fee Guarantee, where clients pay nothing to hire a lawyer that can sue for a tongue injury after a car accident. Our fees are deferred until the recovery of your settlement, so in other words, we make $0 unless we win your case.

The Zero Fee Guarantee applies to any and all car accident claims, even if you are transferring your case to us from another law firm. We also provide free second opinion consultations for those with questions or concerns that they would like to discuss with another legal expert.

To take advantage of this offer, simply contact out law firm and schedule a free case evaluation.

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