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Deadly Crash in Malibu

Deadly Crash in MalibuA crash in Malibu resulted in two people dead and two people injured. The accident happened early Friday afternoon, on August 3rd, on the Pacific Coast Highway. A minivan and a pickup truck crashed into one another, likely in a head-on collision, while an individual on a bicycle was also involved. It has not yet been made clear which individuals in which cars were pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. One other person was minimally hurt, and another was taken to a hospital via helicopter. The pickup truck did have one of the victims stuck inside it, and firefighters could be seen attempting to extricate the victim. The entire eastbound section of the Pacific Coast Highway had been closed to clean up the accident and square away the victims, as well as one single lane of the westbound side. There has been no information on how the crash happened.

Negligent Actions of Other Drivers

While on the road, you should be careful and aware of the dangers that are present every day. Although you may drive defensively and try your best to avoid any accidents, other drivers may not be as attentive. As a driver, you are owed a duty of care by everyone else on the road, and you likewise owe that same duty of care to them. This duty of care prevents you from placing anyone else in harm’s way. There are many ways that duty of care can be breached, whether by speeding, tailgating, recklessly changing lanes, driving while intoxicated or inebriated, ignoring right of way laws, and much more. A breach of this duty can easily result in an accident of some kind, whether a rear-end crash, head-on collision, side swipe, or pedestrian accident. Accidents can happen to anyone, ranging from drivers to bicyclists. If an accident results in physical harm, you could sue for compensation for your damages. This detail is crucial; if you were not injured, you won’t be able to file a claim for bodily harm and pursue liability for medical bills. You would only be able to acquire coverage for lost wages and property damage. A skilled lawyer can help you show these four points of negligence as true and begin the process for filing a lawsuit against the responsible driver.

Wrongful Death Damages from a Car Accident

Generally, personal injury lawsuits result in various types of compensation related to coverage of medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering damages, and more. If a family member or loved one is killed in an accident, you could pursue a wrongful death claim against the liable party. This wrongful death claim can net you additional types of compensation, including:
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of expected savings and inheritance
  • Loss of sexual activity and romance
  • Pre-death medical bills
  • Pre-death pain and suffering
  • Funeral and burial expenses
Our skilled attorneys at the Downtown LA Law Group can assist you if a family member passed away. You should not be expected to cover the expenses related to a wrongful death if another party were responsible for the tragedy.

Let Us Help

Our team of experienced attorneys at the Downtown LA Law Group in Los Angeles is available to help you if you were involved in a car accident. We promise to do all we can to bring you the settlement you deserve, and our attorneys will aggressively pursue the fairest restitution possible. We will take your case to court if necessary and we will dedicate ourselves to ensuring that you are treated fairly after the incident. Call us at (855) 339-8879 for a free legal consultation. All of our consultations are completely confidential; none of your private details will be shared anywhere. You’re encouraged to ask us anything you wish and we’ll give you necessary information about the law. If you select us, we’ll also give you our zero fee guarantee, which promises you won’t have to pay us any expenses at all. We will only get paid if we win; the fees will come out of the settlement we bring you, and if we lose, we eat the costs of the case with no cost to you. For more details, reach out to the Downtown LA Law Group attorneys today.

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