Yucaipa California: A deadly
tour bus crash on a narrow mountain in Yucaipa California has resulted in the death of at least 8 passengers and has injured more than 30. According to investigators and the United States Department of Transportation the bus tour operator has been linked to Scapedas Magicas located in National City, California. Official and News Teams from around Southern California have reported that the bus was traveling down a mountain road (Highway 38) when its struck a vehicle, flipped and plowed head on into a pickup truck.
Legal Ramifications in the Deadly Bus Accidents:
Filing of a Wrongful Death Lawsuit: In the State of California relatives of those who perished due to the negligent or intentional actions of another are entitled to monetary compensation. CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION 377.60-377.62 of the State of California provides a basis as to who can file a claim in court… “A cause of action for the death of a person caused by the wrongful act or neglect of another may be asserted by any of the following persons or by the decedent’s personal representative on their behalf: (a) The decedent’s surviving spouse, domestic partner, children, and issue of deceased children, or, if there is no surviving issue of the decedent, the persons, including the surviving spouse or domestic partner, who would be entitled to the property of the decedent by intestate succession.”
Personal Injury Lawsuit Who can be Sued: As the investigation into to cause of the accident is still undergoing it may be difficult to assess all the at fault parties. Below is a list of possible cause of action against at fault parties associated with the deadly bur accident.
Tour Bus Operator: Possible cause of action for negligent driving of the bus operator, failure to properly maintain the bus, or failure to properly train bus driver.
Manufacturers of the Bus: If a defect in the design or manufacturing process of the vehicle was a cause of the accident. Common defects posing a hazard to bus passengers and other motorists include defective breaks, defective tires and suspension.
Cal-trans or other public entity in charge of safe roadways: Defective and hazardous roadways can result in severe fatal traffic accidents. If investigators found that a defect in the roadway was a cause of the accident then a claim against public entities charged with the safety of the roadway would be a possibility.
Compensation for those injured:
Persons injured in bus accidents are entitled to money damage compensation from al at fault parties. Ina personal injury lawsuit a victim can receive compensation for
- Al medical costs associated with the accident including emergency room costs. costs of medication and rehabilitation
- Los Wages and future loss of income due to a disability
- Pain and suffering including emotional trauma and PTSD
Contacting and Attorney: If you would like to speak to an attorney regarding the filing of a lawsuit for recovery your losses in the recent tour bus accident in San Bernardino County contact our Law Firm. All consultations are free of charge
(855) 339-8879