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Pipe Bomb Discovered in routine traffic stop in Canoga Park

Pipe Bomb Discovered in routine traffic stop in Canoga ParkAccording to reports a pipe bomb was discovered during a routine traffic stop in Canoga Park. The SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) was stopped by police at the corner of Sherman Way and Owensmouth Avenue at 1:00 AM in the morning Monday. The occupants of the SUV have been detained by the Los Angeles Police Department.  The LAPD bomb squad was brought it to defuse the bomb and remove it from the vehicle. Pipe Bombs: Are improvised explosives that can be made using household items that can be purchased in hardware stores, usually requiring explosive materials that are tightly packed into a metal pipe and sealed off at both ends. Pipe bombs have been used by terrorist and anarchist since at least the late 19th century but have become increasingly popular since the late 1990’s.

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