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I-80 Pileup Accident – Winnemucca Nevada

I-80 Pileup Accident – Winnemucca NevadaA 27 car pileup left many injured and at least one dead, with others seriously injured. These types of accidents are common on that stretch highway, particularly when you have zero to no visibility. In such cases it is difficult to assess who the responsible parties will be. While insurance companies will surely look to pay property damage bills, what will happen with those who were injured? If you were involved in a pileup accident that resulted in injuries read the following article for more information.

Who is at fault?

Determining fault is difficult in these types of cases for two reasons, first, it will be almost impossible to show which vehicle caused the accident. Second, insurance policies for the most part only have a limited amount of money available to pay for damages, therefore each party will need to be paid a portion of the policy amount. For example if the vehicle responsible for causing all the accidents only has a minimum policy i.e. $15,000 that will be divided between all 27 parties. However, it is unlikely for this to occur since the accident could not have been caused by a single driver. Rather it likely occurred from weather conditions, which made visible almost zero. Additionally, the initial reports indicate that certain accidents were caused by commercial vehicles i.e. trucks. It is important to mention that trucks carry different types of vehicle policies. This means they will generally have a larger policy to pursue, which is important in making sure you get proper compensation for your injuries. Trucks have coverage for trailers and trucks, this will allow you to attach multiple policies for your recovery.

What if I was a passenger?

Being a passenger does not mean you cannot recover. Passengers are permitted recovery for their injuries regardless of fault. As a passenger you are generally considered a negligent free passenger. Negligent free passengers are those that do not have liability for the injuries they have received or sustained. A negligent free passenger is considered at fault and will be permitted to pursue a claim for their damages. If you were a passenger in a vehicle involved in this pile up, make sure you seek proper medical care and attention for your injuries. Remember, you are permitted to recovery for your injuries regardless of the fault of the driver. Make sure you fully understand your rights and do not make any statements to the insurance company regarding your case. It is important that you first get medical treatment before speaking to any insurance adjuster regarding the accident or your injuries.

Cost for Representation

What does it cost to hire an attorney to handle your claim? Our firm handles cases on a contingency fee basis. This means you are not required to pay any fees unless there is a successful recover in your case. Only upon recovery for your damages will you be required to pay for attorney fees. If you have been injured in a car or truck accident contact the Downtown L.A. Law Group for a free consultation for your injuries. You are entitled to know your rights. Make sure you speak with an attorney before accepting any settlement for your bodily injury claim. More Information: Highway Pileup Accidents Who is At Fault in Multi Vehicle Accidents

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