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Do You Want To Get A DUI? I Dont…

Getting charged with DUI offenses is one thing, but when it’s about dealing with DUI accidents, only the finest Los Angeles DUI defense attorney can handle the situation. According to hundreds of surveys concerning motor accidents in Los Angeles, “negligence” plays a very vital part. To avoid DUI accidents, always make sure that:
  • You are not talking to fellow passengers.
  • If you are feeling sleeping, don’t drive. Let someone else take over the steering wheel.
  • Never engage in cellphone conversations or sending text messages to your loved ones while driving.
  • Disobedience to traffic signals and signs is definitely a no-go.
The above precautions were stated as a general guideline for all drivers who are interested in avoiding DUI accidents litigations.  However, what is a person supposed to do if he has encountered a DUI accident, despite of being careful? The LA DUI Defense lawyers have reportedly found out that prosecutors, police officers, evidence and insurance companies are not always accurate. Every individual, who is directly or indirectly involved in the DUI accident proceedings, carries a different version of the story. What to Do After DUI Accidents In DUI accidents, a previous clean slate record maintenance matters a lot. If a DUI offender is caught up in a serious situation, his charge can be reduced to nothingness if an impeccable driving record is available. However, most cases of DUI accidents usually end up with a fine of $20,000, incarceration and driver’s license suspension. Factors That Aggravate DUI Accidents
  • The type of vehicle being driven at the time of the incident.
  • Activities of the driver when the accident occurred.
  • Drinking
  • Chit chatting
  • Sending SMS
  • Talking over cellphone
  • Not paying attention to traffic signal posts
Both California and Los Angeles have a “3 Strike Rule” against DUI offenders who are arrested for accidents. The 3 strike rule is sentenced as:
  • Loss of license
  • Indefinite time of imprisonment
  • Loss of rights and property
Sometimes fate plays an unfair role in DUI accidents. You may have been driving carefully and paying attention to all the traffic laws. But when an accident occurs and the person whom you just collided with is at fault, the police may not believe your statements. What Are Your DUI Accident Resolutions for 2012? Have you retreated to following a number of resolutions for preventing possible DUI accidents? If not, now may be the right time to plan something while you have the time and resources for it:
  1. Take active part in California DUI awareness campaigns. These activities will act as an alibi for you.
  2. Opt in for pilot programs.
  3. Pay your fines on time.
The defense attorneys at Downtown LA Law are always working to help their clients. During this time of the year, DUI conviction rates in Los Angeles are higher than ever. It’ll save you a lifetime of trouble to contact our law firm as an assurance of safety against all possible road disasters in your future.

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