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Bank Robbers Dump Cash During Downtown LA High Speed Pursuit

Bank Robbers Dump Cash During Downtown LA High Speed PursuitAn hour long high speed police pursuit across Downtown LA and South LA of suspected bank robbers ends. According to police the incident began with the Robbing of a Bank of America in Santa Clarita. The armed robbers then got on board a Black Volvo Sport Utility Vehicle; the pursuit began in the Eastbound 210 freeway an into the Downtown Los Angeles area by way of the Pasadena 110 freeway. High speed pursuits are very common across southern California and the greater Los Angeles Region. What is fascinating about these suspects is that they continually dumped loads of the stole cash into the streets while being chased by the Police Department. Broadcast live on local Television citizens of the area where the pursuit and cash dumping took place rushed to the street to collect the cash that was thrown out. Two persons sustained injuries as a result of the high speed chase including a pedestrian who was hit by a police car.  

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