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Accidents caused by Highway Construction Zones

Accidents caused by Highway Construction ZonesAs our national highway system ages, California and national highway agencies are spending billions of dollars on roadway construction projects. Dealing with road construction is a invariable part of motoring in Lo Angels and surrounding highways in Southern California. Roads containing construction zones are many times more dangerous; according to data from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration nearly 88,000 auto accidents took place in construction zones in 2010. Such accident often result in catastrophic injuries and fatalities. California ranks as one of the top three states with the most auto accident fatalities in constriction zones. Common accidents in roadway construction zones include, rear end collisions, sideswipe accidents, single vehicles collisions with fixed objects on the road, SUV / light truck rollover accidents, and truck accidents.  Victims of accidents in highway and roadway construction zones are entitled recovery for their losses. Our car accident law firm is dedicated to protecting the right of the injured.  

Injury to Workers on Road Construction Projects:  Roadway construction zones pose a serious hazard for motorists and construction crew alike.  Every year thousands of workers are injured in roadway construction projects while an estimated 100 are killed from such accidents.

Injuries from Highway Accidents:  Common injuries from highway collisions are as follows,

  • Back injury – herniated disc fracture and spinal contusion
  • Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) – often resulting in paralysis and paraplegia
  • Traumatic Brain Injury – from blunt force trauma to the head
  • Facial Injuries -including lacerations, broken noses and trauma sustained to the eyes and ears
  • Broken bones – fractures hip, knees, and torn ligament
  • Aggravation of a prior injury
What is the value of a Car accident Injury Cases – Compensation for your loss:  Victims of serious injuries due to the negligent or wrongful acts of others are entitled to full restitution for their losses. The value of a personal injury cause of action is predicated on numerous factors including,
  • Medical bills including a need for future health and rehabilitation costs
  •  Pain and suffering
  •  Lost time at work – lost wages and future reduction of income due to disability
  • Amount recoverable from at fault parties – the presence of commercial policies or government backed insurance for accident and serious injury coverage

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