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Accident on 5 Freeway Sylmar 8-9-2017

Multiple Vehicles Strike Man on 5 Freeway A man was found dead on the 5 Freeway on Wednesday, August 9, 2017, in the middle of rush hour traffic. According to the Los Angeles Fire Department, the man left his vehicle while traveling on the freeway. There has been no information released as to why he chose to do so. Upon exiting his vehicle, he was hit by several cars in succession, leaving body parts scattered across the freeway. The man’s body was reported and found in the sixth lane on the southbound side, near the Roxford Street exit. The incident caused blocked lanes and a high amount of traffic in Sylmar. Half of the freeway was blocked off until around 9 in the evening while the scene was analyzed. Officials from both the Los Angeles Fire Department and California Highway Patrol were quick to respond to the call, but unfortunately, the man was pronounced dead at the scene. According to California Highway Patrol Officer Brandt, the CHP will further investigate the incident. We Are Here For You If you have been injured in a car accident due to the negligence of another party, contact the Downtown LA Law Firm today to receive assistance in acquiring a fair settlement for your damages. We will help you get the compensation you deserve to counteract the expenses and suffering you experienced from the accident. As a victim of a car crash, you are entitled to monetary restitution for the following damages:
  • Medical costs: You can be compensated for hospitalization fees, any surgeries that are performed on you, the cost of medication and painkillers, future medical treatment, and physical rehabilitation expenses. Healthcare is not cheap, and you should not be held responsible for your own coverage if you were the victim of an accident.
  • Lost Income: If an auto accident has resulted in you being unable to work or earn income because of a loss of a vehicle or because of bodily harm, you can be compensated for your lost or missed wages. In the event that the accident left you permanently disabled, you may be entitled to further compensation to make up for future displaced earnings.
  • Economic Damages: Property damage is compensable in an accident. You may have to pay high fees for repairs to your vehicle or, if the crash were particularly severe, purchase an entirely different car. Further, any belongings that you had in the car or on your person at the time of the accident may be recovered if they have sustained damages. These items may include cell phones, laptops, and electronic equipment.
  • Non-economic Damages: Car crashes can be extremely mentally taxing and can cause ongoing mood and psychological issues. The aftermath of an accident is when mental conditions generally appear; these conditions include emotional stress, fear, anxiety, PTSD, trauma, and pain and suffering.
  • Punitive Damages: Seeking punitive damages is difficult in car crash cases, but the right attorney will be able to successfully plead for some form of them. Gross negligence, recklessness, or an intent to cause harm are grounds for punitive damages to be doled out. This compensation is generally given out as added punishment for wrongdoing.
Downtown LA Law Firm can help you recover a maximum settlement if you have sustained injuries from a car crash. Our team of attorneys is an aggressive group who will pursue all routes to win your case, including fighting insurance companies and taking your claim to court. We believe that victims have the right to fair compensation for accidents and injuries caused as a result of the negligence of others, and we do everything in our power to bring you the restitution you deserve. If you have been injured in a car crash, contact our firm today to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney in a free legal consultation. You will be given all the necessary information about filing a claim and the size of the settlement we will strive to bring you. We also provide you with a zero fee guarantee – if we fail to bring you the compensation you deserve and do not win your case, you do not owe us any fees. We only receive payment after we resolve your case and net you just compensation. Contact Us For further information detailing personal injury claims and car crashes, call or email us today.

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