Assault and Battery at Nob Hill Foods Lawsuit Attorney
Nob Hill Foods is a small chain of grocery stores in California that is owned by Raley’s Foods. Raley’s has many supermarket brands under their name, and they all share the common theme of being a neighborhood grocer that caters to the needs and tastes of their community. Many people enjoy shopping at stores with fewer locations, as there is a greater focus on customer service and family-oriented values.
However, that feeling of security can be shattered if one is attacked in a physical or sexual manner at a Nob Hill Foods grocery store location. There are many factors that can cause someone to be assaulted at a store. In most of these events, a security lapse on the property is the reason for the incident, and this is the basis of a personal injury lawsuit against a business owner.
If you sustained injuries from being physically attacked or sexually assaulted at Nob Hill Foods, please take some time to learn about your rights from a Nob Hill Foods assault and battery lawyer. Our law firm is ready to answer all your questions during a free case review, so don’t hesitate to give us a call.

$1.93 Million
$54 Million
$22 Million
Security, or lack thereof, is the primary cause of assault and battery at supermarkets like Nob Hill Foods. No one should have to worry about being assaulted while they are shopping at a grocery store. But physical and sexual attacks are not uncommon at retail settings, even during the daylight hours.
There are many effective security measures that are used to keep people safe, like bright lights in back areas of the store and throughout the parking lot. Security cameras are a must, but they’re not effective if they’re broken or they are not placed at the right angles. Bathrooms must be secured as well, particularly the stalls, where you often find busted or ill-fitted locks.
Another consideration is the need to change and add security measures if there is an incident on the property. Business owners must enhance the level of security and exercise due diligence in preventing another person from being assaulted.
Loss Prevention / Security Guard Assault and Battery IncidentsNot all cases of assault and battery are caused by another customer or a criminal lurking around the store. Staff members at a Nob Hill Foods location can also cause injury by overreacting or intentionally engaging in violence when there is no need to do so.
Most of these cases involve security guards and member of loss prevention. These people are on site to catch shoplifters, deal with unruly customers, and prevent incidents of crime on the premises. However, some individuals have an inflated sense of whom and what they are, or they have a hair trigger temper that is unsuitable for this type of employment. Sadly, this is why some people end up being punched, slapped, kicked, or hurt in some other way by employees at a supermarket. In the worst case scenario, the victim may be placed in a chokehold or have a weapon used against them. Death is not uncommon in these scenarios, but even if the victim survives, they are likely to have permanent injuries like brain damage and paralysis.
The legal principle of vicarious liability may allow you to sue Nob Hill Foods for injuries that were inflicted on you by one of their employees. An immediate investigation by a skilled legal team is essential to proving you case and holding an employer responsible for negligent conduct by one of their workers.
Cases of Sexual Assault at Nob Hill FoodsPeople have every right to expect a safe and pleasant shopping experience at their local supermarket, and for the average person, the idea of being sexually assaulted at a grocery store is hard to imagine. But here at DTLA Law Group, we know that these are not rare or isolated incidents. Shoppers coming in and out of a supermarket may be grabbed, dragged behind a bush, forced into a car with a firearm, or terrorized in some other way by a sexual predator. Or, someone in a bathroom stall with a broken lock may be sexually assaulted by someone that was staking out the area for such an opportunity.
There are perfectly reasonable measures businesses can take to minimize the possibility of sexual assault on the premises. Not only should there be security cameras all throughout the property, but they should be checked regularly to make sure they are working properly. Parking lots and areas in the back of the store should be lit with bright lights at night, and any overgrown shrubbery that criminals can hide behind should be trimmed. All locks on bathroom doors should be sturdy and free of defects that can allow the door to be opened by someone on the outside.
Amount of Compensation from an Assault and Battery ClaimThese lawsuits generally have high case values, so even settlements on the lower end are likely to exceed $100,000. The majority of victims we represent receive between $250,000 and $1,000,000 for assault and battery. Sexual assault victims are likely to end up with $1,500,000 to $3,000,000, but a lower payment does not mean that the victim was cheated out of what they are entitled to. At the end of the day, each case has its own set of circumstances, meaning that settlement values are decided on a case by case basis. If you’d like to discuss the potential amount you can receive from a Nob Hill Foods assault and battery case, please schedule a free consultation with a member of our legal team.
Reaching a Settlement – How Long Does It Take?The settlement process for assault and battery cases often take 12 to 24 months due to a variety of factors that are specific to incidents of physical and sexual violence. Generally, injury claims are resolved by the plaintiff’s attorney submitting a demand letter to the negligent party’s insurance company. In most cases, a settlement amount is offered and the two sides engage in back and forth negotiations. Eventually, both sides agree on the numbers and a payment is issued by the insurer.
This sounds simple in theory, but the process of getting the other party to accept their role in the incident and make a fair offer can be quite challenging. In some cases, you get lucky and a settlement is reached in under 6 months. However, this is highly unlikely when you are the victim of assault and battery due to negligence by a major retailer. A skilled and experienced personal injury lawyer is crucial to obtaining the settlement you deserve, and for the most part, this is achieved without both sides ending up in court. In the rare event that going to trial is required, you are generally looking at a timeframe of 3 or more years to get paid from an assault and battery lawsuit against Nob Hill Foods.
The strength of evidence is not the only thing matters when you are seeking damages for assault and battery at Nob Hill Foods You must also file your claim by the statute of limitations for a premises liability claim, which is 2 years for acts of physical assault. If you were sexually assaulted on store property, you have 10 years to file a lawsuit, starting from the incident date. This is the time limit for adults, by the way. If the assault occurred while you were a minor, California’s child sexual abuse laws allow you 22 years from turning 18 years old to sue Nob Hill Foods and other liable entities.
Figuring out the deadline for a lawsuit is not a straightforward matter depending on the circumstances. To ensure that you get this right, contact our law firm and talk to an assault and battery lawsuit attorney.
Zero Fee Guarantee for Injury VictimsAssault and battery is one of the most traumatic events that can happen to anyone, whether you are a victim of sexual assault or physical violence. When these incidents happen on someone else’s property due to the owner’s negligence, you have the right to demand compensation for your physical and emotional injuries.
Obtaining legal advice is easy here at DTLA Law Group. Simply reach out to us at your earliest convenience and schedule a free case evaluation. If you decide to file a claim and have us represent you, there is nothing for you pay, since our attorneys work on contingency. As a result, the only way we get paid is by winning your case. So, if we fail to secure your settlement, you are charged $0 under the terms of the Zero Fee Guarantee.
We are here to talk to you 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Contact our office to schedule a free, confidential case review.
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