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Intercontinental Injuries

Hotels are the location of many different accidents every year. Because they have numerous different facilities in them, the amount of varying injuries is astounding. Victims who have been hurt at Intercontinental hotels have approached us with queries about how to initiate a claim for damages. The truth is, many hotels do not give their customers the care they need and do not do a good enough job maintaining the hotels. Therefore, if an accident happens because of another individual’s negligence, a lawsuit can be filed and compensation can be sought. Our expert Intercontinental hotel accident lawyers en el Downtown LA Law Group can work to win your lawsuit and ensure that you are fully covered for each and every one of your expenses and damages.

Types of Intercontinental Hotel Accidents and Injuries

Intercontinental injuriesHotel staff and management often have to deal with hundred of guests per day. The cleaning staff must make sure that rooms are presentable and free from any dirtiness, while other maintenance workers have to ensure that everything is in working order. There are many times when hazards slip through the cracks or go unnoticed by other workers; this is dangerous, though, as it still can lead to accidents. Some of the accidents we see at Intercontinental hotels include:

These different accidents can result in a large array of injuries. A few of the potential damages can be found below:

  • Huesos rotos
  • Fracturas
  • Conmociones cerebrales
  • Lesiones craneales cerradas
  • Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
  • Lesiones medulares y discales
  • Lesiones cervicales
  • Lesiones de rodilla y cadera
  • Esguinces
  • Fracturas
  • Músculos desgarrados
  • Daño nervioso
  • Parálisis
  • Muerte
Abogado de ahogamiento en piscina

Although the majority of hotel accidents are minor, there are situations in which tragedies can unfold. Children have crowned in swimming pool accidents and elderly individuals have slipped and fallen in rooms, only to not be discovered until later, after they had already passed away. For more information and how to move forward with a claim after you suffered an Intercontinental hotel injury, call our lawyers today.

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes

$1,96 millones

Accidente de peatón

$1.4 MIllón

Mordedura de perro


Lesión de hombro


Lesiones por resbalones y caídas


Responsabilidad civil


Lesión de espalda


Lesión de espalda


Traumatismo craneal

What To Do After An Intercontinental Hotel Accident

It is important that you follow a set procedure after an accident at an Intercontinental hotel to prevent further damages and to ensure that you have a solid foundation for your lawsuit. If you fail to gather appropriate evidence or if you risk further injuries, you will have a harder time with your lawsuit. We recommend you follow these steps to have the best chance of success possible:

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Firstly, you should g to the doctor to get medical treatment, or call the paramedics and potentially go to the emergency room. If you do go to the hospital, you should make sure to keep copies of all he medical reports, notes from the doctor, X-rays, receipts, and anything else. The reason it is important to get medical help is simple – failure to do so will be a red flag on your insurance claim and it can place your body and health at further risk if there are injuries that went untreated or unnoticed. Next, you should take photographs of the scene of the accident, the injuries you suffered, any parties involved, and anything else that can be used to prove your points. If you do not have photos and proof, your claim will be flimsy. You should then go to any eyewitnesses, guests, or bystanders who may have seen the event or who experienced a similar situation and ask them for their testimonies or statements. The more people you have supporting your case and stating that they were similarly affected or did in fact see what transpired, the more likely it is that you will succeed.

Responsabilidad civil de propietarios y explotadores de hoteles

If possible, you can request surveillance videos and footage from the hotel to support your claim. However, it may hard to get this footage. You should not alert the hotel to the incident until you have gathered as much evidence as you can, as they will likely try to prevent you from getting anything to use against them. They’ll bar you from the room, offer you compensation packages and free stays, quarantine the area, and more. You should file an incident report with the hotel to alert them to the accident and keep a copy with your records. You can also make sure to print out anything that shows that you were a guest at the hotel, like credit card statements, receipts, and more. Lastly, it is important that you reach out to a skilled lawyer with experience filing lawsuits against Intercontinental hotels for accidents. If you have no background in law or if you have never filed an insurance claim, you will be at a severe disadvantage. Our attorneys can work around the clock to secure you what you deserve; too often, people will try to go at claims alone and end up being denied everything.

Habitación de Hotel Abogado de Lesiones Personales | Baño Resbalón Caída Accidente

Deadline for an Intercontinental Lawsuit

According to California State Law, there is a 2 year time limit to file a personal injury claim against the responsible party. This means that any premises liability claim or intentional tort claim must be filed against an Intercontinental hotel in the relatively small time period of 2 years. If you fail to file a claim in this time, you will not be allowed to get paid in the future, and the case will be thrown out. You should be aware that there are some exceptions to this statute, though. Examples include:

  • Minors involved in accidents (statutes don’t start until legal age is reached)
  • Mentally or physically incapacitated individuals (statute begins once healthy mind and body have returned)
  • Vacant defendants (statute is suspended while defendant is not in the state and will resume once he returns)
Accidentes en casinos

Don’t let your case go to waste because you don’t know when your statute of limitations finished. Contact our firm for more help and we will connect you with a skilled lawyer who can make sure that all your documents are filed on time and that no deadlines are missed. We will gladly help you sue Intercontinental hotel for your injuries.

Earnings from a Lawsuit against Intercontinental

An accident at an Intercontinental hotel should not be taken lightly, especially not if it resulted in certain types or levels of damage to your body. Physical harm can cause you to go to the hospital to undergo numerous treatments, but you should not be held responsible for paying for these treatments if you hurt yourself at an Intercontinental and the accident was not your fault. By filing a lawsuit, you can receive the following:

  • Coverage for medical expenses (hospitalization, surgery, medication, physical therapy, future treatments)
  • Reimbursement of lost income from past missed work and future days of missed work
  • Damages for broken or lost property (cell phone, jewelry, electronics, and more)
  • Payment for pain and suffering (PTSD, anxiety, fear, mental anguish)
Responsabilidad de los hoteles por accidentes y lesiones

The amount of compensation you can receive will depend on the severity of your injuries and how much of an impact they had on your life and career. Minor damages from an accident at an Intercontinental Hotel will not likely result in too high of a settlement offer, but you should always pursue the maximum compensation possible.

Permítanos ayudarle

En Downtown LA Law Group has a history of winning cases against Intercontinental hotels and other chains. We have the experience to win what you deserve and we have no doubt that we will succeed. Our lawyers are aggressive and qualified, and we have won hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients throughout the years. We also always plan to take the responsible party to court if we do not get a worthwhile settlement offer. You can reach out to our firm 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for a free legal consultation. We encourage you to ask us questions about the case and what you are uneasy about, and we will answer the queries honestly and with the knowledge you need to move forward. We will also tell you how much money we believe we can win for you if you choose us to represent you.

Preguntas sobre demandas por resbalones y caídas

You will also be given our zero fee guarantee if you sign up with us. This is a promise that we won’t get paid until and unless we win; if we lose, you don’t owe us anything at all.

Obtenga más información sobre sus opciones legales: Llame a (855) 339-8879 para hablar ahora con un representante.

For more assistance, call the DTLA Law Group at (855) 339-8879 today. Our Intercontinental hotel accident injury lawyers can take your call.

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.
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