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Construcción Abogado de Accidente de California

  La construcción suele tener lugar en muchas zonas de las ciudades, especialmente en las áreas urbanas que cuentan con una elevada población, una economía en crecimiento y una serie de proyectos de ley que permiten a las empresas construir nuevos edificios. Sin embargo, las empresas constructoras no siempre cumplen las mejores normas de salud y seguridad, lo que puede ser un gran problema si la construcción se realiza en lugares por los que pasa mucha gente. También es potencialmente peligroso para muchos trabajadores, y los trabajadores de la construcción tienen una tasa de lesiones extremadamente alta y un gran número de víctimas mortales cada año. Si se ha visto implicado en un accidente de construcción de cualquier tipo, debe considerar sus opciones legales. Es posible que se haya lesionado a causa de una negligencia extrema de la empresa constructora o de un trabajador empleado en ella o en la obra. Los diferentes escenarios y circunstancias de su accidente pueden desempeñar un papel importante en el tipo de demanda que presente, a qué tipo de indemnización tendría derecho y mucho más. Si usted tiene preguntas específicas sobre la presentación de una demanda por accidente de construcción o si desea saber más acerca de las leyes que rodean lo que las empresas de construcción y contratistas pueden hacer legalmente, póngase en contacto con nuestro bufete de abogados, el Downtown LA Law Group. Nuestros abogados tienen años de experiencia manejando reclamos de accidentes de construcción y conocemos los mejores métodos para asegurarle una victoria con su demanda. Estamos muy bien versado en la ley y conocer el contenido y legalidades de atrás hacia adelante.

Información sobre accidentes en la construcción

La construcción se considera un trabajo peligroso y siempre que hay una obra en construcción en una zona, se suelen colocar amplios carteles y los trabajadores, cuyas tareas son específicamente giran en torno a mantener las lesiones al mínimo. Por ejemplo, cuando hay obras en una carretera, un obrero suele dirigir el tráfico con señales y obligar a los conductores a circular por carriles más pequeños bloqueados y guiados por conos, o detiene el tráfico por completo para que los camiones puedan cruzar la carretera o salir sin peligro de ser atropellados por los coches que pasan. Compensation from a Construction Accident LawsuitPara evitar daños causados por otras personas, los trabajadores de la construcción suelen llevar chalecos de trabajo de color naranja brillante y camisas reflectantes para que se les reconozca fácilmente. Por la noche, estos trabajadores destacan sobremanera, y a menudo se producen accidentes por falta de atención. También se colocan señales naranjas en la carretera para indicar la próxima construcción. Las señales pueden decir "Carretera en obras", "Entrando en zona en obras", "Cuidado con la caída de objetos".y mucho más. Por supuesto, si usted no está en un vehículo, es mucho más difícil navegar por una obra. No sólo no estará protegido por un vehículo, sino que tendrá menos tiempo para evitar algo si se produce un incidente. La construcción también puede ocurrir en edificios de oficinas, hospitales, escuelas, almacenes y tiendas al por menor durante las horas normales de trabajo y de visita, por lo que es factible que pueda sufrir accidentes en cualquier momento.

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Estas son algunas de las formas en que se producen los accidentes en la construcción:

Problemas de andamiaje y otros fallos de apoyo

Los andamios se colocan junto a los edificios para ayudar a los trabajadores a subir más rápido y llegar a trabajar a pisos más altos. A menudo, los andamios no se mantienen unidos de forma extremadamente robusta; están pensados para ser montados y desmontados rápidamente. Si hay problemas con la integridad del andamio, toda la estructura puede ceder, provocando caídas. Además de los andamios, los puentes pueden derrumbarse repentinamente.

Errores de maquinaria

Los trabajadores de la construcción pueden resultar heridos si su maquinaria deja de funcionar o funciona mal. No es infrecuente que las motosierras, los taladros eléctricos y otros productos fallen de repente, lo que puede provocar circunstancias problemáticas repentinas. La maquinaria puede romperse como resultado del uso excesivo y el desgaste normal, o porque ya tenía un defecto presente al ser fabricada.

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Caídas desde escaleras

Las escaleras son objetos clave utilizados en la construcción. Van desde escaleras de mano cortas hasta escaleras grandes de más de 6 metros de longitud. Pueden ser manejadas por varias personas a la vez; en algunos casos, son controladas por vehículos. Las escaleras deben colocarse siempre en lugares resistentes y no en terrenos irregulares y, si es posible, fijarse al edificio o estructura. Esto evitará que la escalera se caiga o vuelque repentinamente, especialmente cuando alguien esté ascendiendo o descendiendo por ella.

Tropiezos en zanjas

Muchas obras de construcción presentan largas zanjas y agujeros para instalar cableado, fontanería, cimientos y mucho más. Los trabajadores no suelen prestar mucha atención a estas zanjas. Sin embargo, a veces no se encuentran en zonas valladas o acordonadas, y las personas normales pueden caminar cerca de ellas. Las personas normales pueden resbalar y caer fácilmente en las zanjas, lo que provoca muchas lesiones.

Suelos resbaladizos

Los resbalones y las caídas pueden ocurrir en suelos y superficies resbaladizos, lisos, cubiertos de materiales húmedos, cubiertos de papeles o serrín, y más. Es posible que se estén realizando obras en el interior de un edificio, como cuando se está añadiendo una nueva ala o cuando se están ampliando las oficinas, y los clientes y empleados deben tener cuidado para no caerse. Sin embargo, es posible que los trabajadores de la construcción no siempre coloquen las señales de advertencia adecuadas.

Accidentes de tráfico

Grúas, camiones volquete, excavadoras, camionetas, camiones de remolque, y otros vehículos pueden causar accidentes en virtud de su tamaño y debido a los materiales que transportan Los vehículos pueden estar sobrecargados o no ser mantenidos adecuadamente, lo que puede causar que los neumáticos se revienten, las piezas se caigan, los tornillos se aflojen, y mucho más. Un accidente con un vehículo de construcción puede ser devastador para los implicados.

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Amianto y otros gases o materiales peligrosos

Muchos edificios contienen amianto, moho y otras sustancias tóxicas. Los edificios pueden estar en plena construcción, condenados o en reparación. Si el amianto empeora o se expone a un mayor número de personas, las enfermedades y dolencias pueden aumentar.

Caída de objetos

El elemento de seguridad por excelencia que llevan los trabajadores de la construcción es el casco, ya que evita muchas lesiones por la caída de objetos. Sin embargo, los transeúntes y las personas normales no disponen de este equipo y son más susceptibles de sufrir daños por la caída de objetos. Pueden caer materiales como madera, metal, envoltorios, paquetes, etc., y a los trabajadores se les pueden caer martillos, destornilladores y otras herramientas.

Incendios y explosiones

Los gases comprimidos, la madera seca, los materiales inflamables mal manipulados, los aceites, la gasolina derramada y otros problemas pueden provocar incendios y explosiones. Éstas pueden ser desastrosas, especialmente en las obras de construcción que están dentro de edificios o complejos normales. Un incendio puede propagarse rápidamente, atrapando a los ocupantes del edificio en su interior.

Estructuras colapsadas

Por lo general, las obras de construcción se hacen para que sean resistentes de inmediato gracias a los trabajos de cimentación y otros tipos de apoyo, pero las vigas mal colocadas o los terrenos movedizos pueden hacer que las estructuras sean inseguras. Los suelos pueden derrumbarse, los tejados hundirse, los toldos caerse del exterior, y mucho más.

Material de seguridad defectuoso

Electrical Accidents Los trabajadores de la construcción tienen que llevar cascos, arneses, chalecos protectores, gafas de seguridad y mucho más durante su trabajo. Un defecto en cualquiera de estos elementos puede tener graves repercusiones. Un trabajador de la construcción que tiene que subir a un piso más alto puede hacerlo utilizando un arnés y una polea, pero si el arnés se rompe, podría caerse y sufrir lesiones extremas, si no morir por el impacto.

Accidentes eléctricos

Durante el cableado y la instalación eléctrica, es importante que los trabajadores de la construcción y los electricistas estén atentos a los cables expuestos, los cables sin conexión a tierra, etc. Si un trabajador de la construcción o una persona normal completa el circuito o toca un cable expuesto, podría recibir una descarga eléctrica grave.

Formación insuficiente o inadecuada

Los trabajadores de la construcción deben disponer de tiempo suficiente para formarse para el trabajo, y si no conocen todas las precauciones de seguridad o cómo actuar en caso de emergencia, no se les debe permitir trabajar en zonas peligrosas. Por supuesto, en algunas empresas la formación es una mera formalidad, lo que puede crear atmósferas y entornos de trabajo peligrosos. Un trabajador puede no saber cómo manejar correctamente una grúa o cómo conducir una grúa, por ejemplo, y podría destruir por error una propiedad o dañar a otra persona en el lugar.

Estructuras inacabadas

Existe la posibilidad de que partes de una obra estén inacabadas o sin asegurar. Por ejemplo, es posible que no se hayan instalado barandillas cerca de escalones y escaleras, lo que podría facilitar que la gente se cayera por los lados o los bordes. Puede haber aberturas de ventanas que no tengan rejas, y asomarse puede hacer que alguien pierda pie y caiga al vacío. Los ascensores también pueden no ser totalmente operativos y funcionar mal o dejar de funcionar a mitad del trayecto.

Demandas por accidentes de ascensor

Las innumerables formas en que pueden producirse lesiones y accidentes en las obras de construcción demuestran que hay que estar siempre atento y alerta cuando se pasa por allí o se trabaja. Nunca debe tomarse a la ligera una obra de construcción; en cualquier momento y lugar hay materiales y situaciones extremadamente peligrosos. Objetos metálicos afilados, maderas pesadas, superficies resbaladizas y otros problemas están siempre presentes.

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Lesiones por accidentes de la construcción

Injuries from Construction AccidentsDebido a los elevados riesgos en las obras de construcción, no es de extrañar que los tipos de accidentes y sean variados, y que las lesiones consiguientes también sean numerosas. Aunque los trabajadores hacen todo lo posible por protegerse llevando equipos de seguridad y protección, los civiles normales no pueden permitirse ese lujo. Pueden sufrir lesiones aún más graves que los trabajadores de la construcción. A continuación le ofrecemos una lista de lesiones que se han producido en accidentes de la construcción. Algunos son menores y sólo puede tomar unos días para sanar, lo que resulta en ningún daño a largo plazo o problemas, mientras que otros pueden ser permanentes y requieren toda una vida de apoyo para funcionar.

  • Brazos rotos
  • Piernas rotas
  • Hombros dislocados
  • Wrist and finger damages
  • Lesiones de clavícula
  • Lesiones cervicales
  • Daños faciales
  • Conmociones cerebrales
  • Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
  • Lesiones craneales cerradas
  • Cicatrización
  • Esguinces
  • Cepas
  • Laceraciones
  • Quemaduras
  • Electric shocks
  • Daño nervioso
  • Músculos desgarrados
  • CRPS
  • Rotura de ligamentos
  • Lesiones medulares
  • Herniated, slipped, or bulging discs
  • Daños en órganos internos
  • Piercing or puncture wounds
  • Lesiones por aplastamiento
  • Desfiguración
  • Pérdida de audición
  • Pérdida de visión
  • Illness and sickness
  • Respiratory and lung damage
  • Artritis
  • Abrasiones
  • Contusiones y cortes
  • Infecciones
  • Miembros amputados o cortados
  • Paralyzed body parts
  • Paraplejía
  • Tetraplejia
  • Coma
  • Muerte

If your injuries are extremely damaging and you cannot resume your normal life, you may be able to pursue a lawsuit for a large settlement. A construction accident is a serious matter and the injuries can profoundly impact your health. It is important that you take precautions when near construction sites to avoid as many accidents as possible.

Información jurídica: Indemnización por accidente laboral

Construction workers who are injured on the job may be eligible to collect worker’s compensation. Worker’s compensation is paid out by the employer at a certain rate based on the injuries and disabilities of the injured party. In California, worker’s compensation can be claimed if a worker is simply injured at his job, and not necessarily while acting in the scope of his employment. The worker can collect a portion of his wages and may even be eligible for disability, whether partial or total and temporary or permanent. A doctor will measure the worker’s health, and upon reaching maximum medical improvement, will potentially be able to return to ork or will not be able to work again. The individual may be able to work with certain accommodations or restrictions; as long as these are reasonable and do not cause a hardship on the company or other coworkers, the employer must allow the worker to continue holding his job. However, in a job field like construction, a compromised ability to work may require the individual to take up a whole new gig. Damage to the bones and a sudden loss of strength and control can be extremely risky and may cause additional accidents and injuries. Employers are also not required to keep employees on if their statuses and work abilities can impede the progress of the company or may potentially case damages.

Información Legal: Responsabilidad de los locales

Construction accidents that happen to normal individuals, such as those who are hurt by falling objects while at a warehouse being built or who are struck by shrapnel during welding at an exposed construction site on the street, can be foundations for lawsuits. These incidents will be fodder for personal injury claims. A personal injury claim is a type of lawsuit that is based on negligence. Negligence is the action or inaction that is taken by a party and allows another individual to get hurt. In order to file a personal injury lawsuit, you must be able to prove these four points of negligence:

  • You were owed a duty of care by the party
  • El deber de diligencia se ha incumplido o violado de alguna manera
  • The breach of duty led to an incident or accident of some kind
  • El accidente provocó lesiones físicas

All four pints must be shown to be true or your claim will be thrown out. It can be difficult to prove all four of these points, especially if you have no legal experience at all. A premises liability claim is a more specific personal injury lawsuit that is specially geared toward property owners and managers. All individuals who are on private property fit one of three categories. Invitees are those who are on the property for a mutual benefit , such as customers who intend to make purchases. They are afforded the highest duty of care by the property owner. Licensees are those who are present as social guests and do not have to be buying anything or are present for a mutual benefit. They are afforded slightly less care than invitees. Finally, trespassers are those who are not legally on the property at all, such as robbers, those who are cutting across the site to take a shortcut, or those who are loitering in the area. Although they are forbidden to be on the property, they are still given certain rights, such as not being able to have traps set for them, especially if the construction site is a commonly used shortcut with no malicious intent by the trespassers. A premises liability claim requires that you only prove one of the following situations as true. A construction site owner must either:

  • Have known about the hazard or issue at the site and took no action to fix it or provide any warnings
  • Have caused the hazard or trouble in the first place
  • Have been unaware of the issue but reasonably should have known if he were more careful and attentive in his investigating and work

In the majority of premises liability claims, the third situation is the most commonly cited. Property managers routinely claim that they were unaware of the troubles and that they were not able to identify it because it just so happened or because it was not dangerous beforehand.

Información jurídica: Reclamaciones de terceros

Construction accidents that occur because of defective items can result in product liability claims against the manufacturer. These malfunctioning products may be exceedingly more dangerous than others are because of their usage, high speeds, sharpness, and more. If any of these items break and lead to an accident, the manufacturer can be held accountable. Additionally, contractors, architects, and building owners can all be held responsible if they contribute to an accident, whether by negligently hiring workers, poorly designing plans, poorly implementing plans, and more.

Qué hacer tras un accidente en la construcción

It is important that you follow a set procedure after a construction accident so that you do not run the risk of further damaging your health and so that your claim does not suffer. The sooner you get through all of the steps, the better off you will be. You may not feel as though each step is necessary, but as long as you adhere to the guideline, you will be safe. You should make sure to do the following after a construction accident:

  • Firstly, you should go to the hospital as quickly as possible to assess any damages. You may need to call the paramedics to the scene of the construction accident to be treated there, especially if you have no reliable way of making it to the emergency room yourself. The paramedics can administer treatment and find out if you have any other problems. Many people will actually forego treatment, not realizing that adrenaline is masking a lot of heir injuries and preventing them from feeling or recognizing key pain. When you get to the hospital, your treatment may range from a simple application to lengthy surgery and weeks of recovery. It is important that you do not delay, put off, or refuse treatment if you feel you were not injured. For one, this can impact your health and cause you to suffer worse damages, and two, your insurance claim will be negatively affected by a lengthy gap between the injuries and the treatment.
  • You should make sure to keep all records of the medical treatment, as well as receipts from the hospital and the insurance claims you filed out to pay for the treatment. Proof of the payment and treatment, as well as notes from the doctor or nurse, will add more weight to your claim.
  • You can take photographs of your injuries to show the extent of your damages. You should not wait until weeks after you have recovered to take any pictures. You will also find it beneficial to take photographs of the scene of the construction site and the hazard, if one were present. You may also record videos of the construction site if real-time illustrates the problem more clearly.
  • There may be eyewitnesses and bystanders who saw the accident happen or who were aware of the issue, such as fellow construction workers or employees in the building or nearby businesses. You can request statements and testimonies from these individuals to further bolster your claim, as it will only be more impactful if there are numerous perspectives and individuals who support you.
  • If possible, you can take down the insurance information, contact details, third-party details, name, phone number, business location, and anything else that may help you identify the proper party who was responsible for the incident.
  • If there were an OSHA violation that you noticed at the construction site, you could alert the organization. They can investigate and determine if the safety procedures at the site are worthwhile or if there are issues that need to be corrected. A safety violation can result in construction being suspended until the hazards are fixed.
  • Finally, it is important that you consult with a construction accident lawyer who can handle your case for you. You may not have any legal experience at all, and if you wish to file a construction accident lawsuit, you may find yourself lost and unsure of how to proceed. Further, even if you do file a claim, the insurance agent is likely going ot throw it out or ignore it because he knows you do not pose a threat. Insurance agents wish to preserve the company’s profits and will not simply pay out any claim that is submitted to them. Therefore, it is crucial that you hire a skilled lawyer with experience in construction accidents. An attorney can relentlessly negotiate with the agent and work around the clock to ensure that your settlement is worthwhile.

Valor de su demanda por accidente de construcción

Your construction accident lawsuit will be handled be n insurance agent. He will receive your claim and evidence package, as well as demand letter, and he will look at all of the proof and what you want. This process will usually take a few weeks, as he must sift through a lot of paperwork. Once he has done so, he will either reject your claim entirely or he will make an offer. Initially, insurance agents tend to play games or use tactics to try and convince you to accept a lo settlement. They may purposely wait a long time and make it so that you are grateful to get anything and accept out of impatience, or they may make a tiny offer and say this is all they can see giving you. Fortunately, these offers can be negotiated with the help of an attorney. The value of your claim will be largely determined y the extent and severity of your injuries. If you were severely hurt and you could not return to your job for some weeks, and if you experienced a drastic change in lifestyle, you could expect a large settlement offer. On the other hand, if your injuries were not serious and you made a swift and speedy recovery, it is likely that your insurance offer will be low. In addition to your injuries, the insurance agent will look at level of negligence. If you were partially responsible for the construction accident, such as by not watching where you were going or deliberately messing with equipment at a site, you could be given a lower offer. This is known as comparative negligence. By trusting in a skilled construction accident lawyer, you may stand to gain much more than you thought possible from your lawsuit.

Sample Settlements and Verdicts for Construction Accident Lawsuits

We have summarized a few construction accident settlements below for you to consider. These accidents show how evidence may work in your favor and how juries may not always agree. Bear in mind that the exact same situation and injuries may result in two drastically different settlement aunts based on different factors. There is no set number that you can expect out of a construction accident claim, but you should still familiarize yourself with past results. They may be a good benchmark for you to understand how the insurance agent determined the offer or what similar claims have yielded.

Mario Jimenez v. McGillivray Construction, Inc.

In Jimenez v McGillivray Construction, a construction worker was performing his job duties when a streetlight fell and hit him. He was miraculously not killed in the incident, but he did sustain head injuries and hand damage. In the end, he was diagnosed with a mild TBI and he needed a finger amputated. He filed a worker’s compensation claim against the business. Jimenez underwent neurorehabilitation to deal with his brain injury. After weeks of treatment, he was found to excel in the tests, signaling marked improvement. However, many of his issues were unable to be resolved; in the aftermath of the incident, he was left stricken with a mood disorder and depression, as well as chronic pain. The counsel stated that the original injury to his brain was not treated as a priority and the lax manner in which it was addressed contributed to its degradation and lasting impact. The plaintiff received $200,000 up front in the settlement, with an additional $1,700,000 to be paid out over a period of time for the rest of his life.

Cruz A. Ardon-Lopez v. ASA Group Construction, Inc.

Ardon-Lopez was on a roof working for his business when he suddenly fell through due to a collapse. The collapse caused him to plummet nearly 20 feet ot he ground, where he suffered injuries to his head. He sustained a traumatic brain injury and a subdural hematoma. After neurorehabilitative treatment proved to not have a profound effect, he was pronounced permanently and totally disabled, and thus was unable and unfit to return to work. He did make progress thereafter, but not enough to be removed from the status. Through his worker’s compensation lawsuit against the construction company, Ardon-Lopez won a $2,000,000 settlement, with $200,000 being given to him up front and the remainder to be paid out over his life.

Theresa Worhach and John Jedic v. Antonio Banuelos dba Tony B. Electric and Construction

In Worhach and Jedic v. Tony B. Electric and Construction, a woman was injured while contractors were working on their home. A worker was completing electrical work and needed to open a trapdoor inside the house. He did not alert the woman to the trapdoor being open, and while she was walking in the hallway, she fell into the hole. They sued the company, stating that the lack of warnings, cones, and tape did not make the environment safe, and caused a dangerous condition for anyone walking nearby. The defense argued that the hazard was obvious and should have been avoided due to its known presence on the property of the couple. The defense stated that Worhach did not pay close enough attention to where she was walking, which was the key reason she was injured. Worhach suffered damage to her left shoulder and right wrist in the fall. She also suffered disc injuries. As a result of the damage, she required two shoulder surgeries and numerous surgeries on her spinal cord. She complained about movement restrictions to the abundance of hardware needed to repair her shoulder and back, and she could not return to work. She requires physical therapy every so often. The defense agreed that the shoulder injury was caused by the incident. The other injuries were claimed to be degenerative and unrelated. The judge did not fully agree with the defendant, and as a result, ruled that the company was 75% negligent for the incident. What was a $760,000 settlement became a $570,000 after the reduction from the comparative negligence.

Indemnización por accidente en la construcción

Victims of construction accidents can receive a fair amount of compensation for their injuries. The different types of restitution include the following:

  • Medical expenses from the past and future to cover surgery costs, hospitalization fees, ambulatory transportation, specialist costs, medication expenses, physical therapy or rehabilitation sessions, and more
  • Lost income from time spent away from work from the past and future for recovery time, treatments, inability to travel, and more
  • Property damage for any items that were broken, lost, or in need of repair after the incident occurred
  • Pain and suffering damages to cover emotional trauma, anxiety, fear, PTSD, mental anguish, and more
  • Wrongful death expenses if a family member or loved one passed away in the incident, which may include funeral expenses and burial fees, pre-death medical bill coverage and pain and suffering costs, loss of consortium and relations, loss of expected savings and inheritance, and more

A construction accident attorney can ensure that you are given the maximum settlement value available for your case. You should not try to pursue such damages by yourself with no assistance.

Prescripción de la acción judicial por accidente en la construcción

In California, you have two years from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit against the responsible party for a personal injury or premises liability claim. This two-year limit is meant to ensure that the claim is filed within an acceptable amount of time and does not drag on, even to the point that it will be filed years later. The earlier a claim is filed, the more likely it is that your evidence will be safe and not corrupted, and that the defendant will have the ability and means to pay for damages If you miss out on the two-year limit, you will not be able to pursue compensation in the future. There are a few exceptions to this statute, though. For one, if you were under the age of 18 years old at the time of the incident, you could have the statute wait until you turn legal age to sue. You also do not need to adhere to the statute if you were left physically or mentally incapacitated after the incident; you will be allowed to sue once you return to satisfactory health or awareness of mind. Additionally, the defendant must be present in the state if you wish to file a claim against him. If he is absent, the statute will be suspended until he returns to California. Many claims go without being filed because plaintiffs miss the statute of limitations and do not know when the time limit runs out. You should always pay close attention to the deadline and ensure that you are not in danger of missing it. By speaking with our attorneys and working with us, you can have the best representation available. We will make sure that your claim is filed on time and that every deadline is met.

Elegir la mejor empresa para usted

En Downtown LA Law Group has a team of expert construction accident attorneys who are highly rated and have been involved in such claims for years. We know the best techniques and strategies to win your case, and we will hire expert witnesses to speak on your behalf. Our goal is to bring you every penny you deserve, and we will not stop negotiating with the insurance agent until we are satisfied. If we have to go to court to win your restitution, we are willing to do so. Call our firm for a free legal consultation. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you can ask us anything you wish about your case. We will also tell you more about our zero fee guarantee, which states that you won’t have to pay a dime of out of pocket fees when you hire us. We will cover your case’s costs ourselves and if we win, the money for our fees will come out of the settlement we bring you. If we lose, we take no payment at all. If you were injured in a construction accident, póngase en contacto con Downtown LA Law Group de una vez.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.



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